



A region of the Earth covered by water and inhabited by marine plant life and marine organisms.

1,964 Questions

What biom does a raccoon dog live in?

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Raccoons are very adaptable and are found in deciduous forests, pine forests, rain forests, swamps, grasslands, savannas and even in deserts. They are found in North, Central and South America and include two species.

Where are gills found on a periwinkle?

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Gills in periwinkles are located inside their shell, specifically on the mantle cavity, which is a chamber located next to the body where water enters and exits. The gills are responsible for extracting oxygen from the water and expelling carbon dioxide.

What happens if rainwater hits coral?

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When rainwater, which may be polluted with sediments, chemicals, or pollutants, hits coral reefs, it can cause stress to the corals by reducing water clarity, introducing excess nutrients, and altering the pH balance of the water. This can lead to coral bleaching, reduced growth rates, and increased susceptibility to diseases. Additionally, runoff can also carry physical debris that can damage the coral structure.

What is the difference between a marine biologist and a veterinarian?

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A marine biologist studies the life and behavior of marine organisms in their natural habitats, while a veterinarian is a medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses and injuries in animals, including marine animals. Marine biologists focus on the ecology and behavior of marine life, while veterinarians focus on the health and medical care of animals.

Why water need conservation even though large oceans are surrounded by land masses?

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While the Earth is indeed covered mostly by water, only about 1% of that water is readily available for human consumption as freshwater. This limited freshwater supply is unevenly distributed across the globe, making water conservation crucial to ensure sustainable access to this vital resource. Additionally, population growth, climate change, and pollution are putting pressure on freshwater sources, further underscoring the importance of conserving water.

What would happen if the whole royal family died?

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If the entire royal family of a country were to die, the government would follow established protocols to determine succession and possibly appoint a new monarch. This could involve tracing lineage, holding elections, or appointing a new ruling body, depending on the country's constitution and laws.

What best describes E soil horizon out of the following regolith zone erosion zone residual zone or leaching zone?

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E soil horizon best describes the leaching zone, where minerals and nutrients are typically removed by percolating water.

How is a star's life cycle determined?

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A star's life cycle is determined by its mass. Higher mass stars have shorter life spans due to the increased nuclear fusion reactions happening in their cores, leading to faster consumption of fuel. Lower mass stars, like our Sun, have longer life spans, gradually fusing hydrogen into helium over billions of years. The life cycle of a star involves stages such as nebula, main sequence, red giant or supergiant, and can end as a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole depending on its mass.

What was the research vessel that observed marine life at the bottom of challenger deep?

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The research vessel that observed marine life at the bottom of Challenger Deep is called the DSV Limiting Factor. It is a submersible that was used in a joint expedition by the Five Deeps Expedition and the BBC.

Do marine biologist help animals?

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Marine biologists study marine life, including animals, to understand their behaviors, habitats, and conservation needs. They help animals indirectly by conducting research that informs conservation efforts and policy decisions to protect and preserve marine ecosystems and the species within them.

What are the effects of DDT on marine mammals?

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DDT can bioaccumulate in the food chain, leading to high concentrations in marine mammals like seals and dolphins. This can cause reproductive issues, developmental abnormalities, and weaken their immune systems. DDT exposure is a concern for marine mammal populations due to its long-lasting effects on the environment.

What are the predators in a marine biome?

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Predators in a marine biome include sharks, killer whales, seals, sea lions, and large species of fish like tuna and swordfish. These predators play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the marine ecosystem by controlling prey populations.

Who are the people who study the marine life?

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Marine biologists are the scientists who study marine life, including organisms and ecosystems in oceans, seas, and other bodies of saltwater. Their research focuses on understanding the behavior, biology, and conservation of marine species.

How penguins work together?

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Penguins work together when they are back-to-back and huddled together during the harsh winters of Antarctica. Penguins stay close to each other to survive. The penguins are helping each other by sharing their body heat.

How does gambling affect to human life?

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Gambling can have negative impacts on individuals such as financial problems, addiction, and mental health issues. It can also strain relationships and lead to legal consequences. It is important for individuals to gamble responsibly and seek help if they experience problems related to gambling.

How does the penguin communicate?

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Penguins use a variety of vocalizations and body language to communicate with each other. They can make sounds such as calls, squawks, and brays to convey different messages like warnings, threats, or identification. They also use visual displays like head bobbing, flippers flapping, and bowing to express their intentions or establish dominance within their group.

How can you get the animals you earned in the scenarios in marine park empire?

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To access the animals you earned in scenarios in Marine Park Empire, go to the "Animal Trading" section in the game. Here, you can buy or select the animals you have unlocked during gameplay. Ensure you have enough funds to purchase the animals before adding them to your park.

Do you need a uniform for working as a marine biologist?

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It depends on the specific job requirements and workplace. Some marine biologists may need to wear a uniform, such as a wetsuit for fieldwork or a lab coat in a research facility, while others may not have a strict uniform policy.

Is being a marine biologist a dangerous job?

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Being a marine biologist is generally not a dangerous job. However, there are risks associated with working in the marine environment, such as rough weather conditions, potentially dangerous marine life, and boat accidents. It is important for marine biologists to follow safety protocols and precautions to minimize these risks.

What biomes do the emperor penguin live in?

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Emperor penguins primarily live and breed on the ice shelves and surrounding pack ice of Antarctica. They are adapted to survive in the harsh conditions of the Antarctic winter, where temperatures can drop below -40 degrees Celsius.

Do marine biologist study the animals they want to?

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Yes, marine biologists study the animals they want to understand their behavior, physiology, ecology, and interactions with their environment. By studying these animals, marine biologists can contribute to conservation efforts and better understand marine ecosystems.

What is the monthly salary of a marine biologist in Trinidad and tobago?

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The monthly salary of a marine biologist in Trinidad and Tobago can vary depending on factors such as experience, education, and the specific organization or institution they work for. On average, marine biologists in Trinidad and Tobago can earn between TTD 6,000 to TTD 12,000 per month.

About 90 percent of all marine organisms live in the upper 180 m of the ocean. Explain this fact in terms of temperature and light intensity.?

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The upper 180 m of the ocean is known as the photic zone where sunlight can penetrate. This zone has sufficient light for photosynthesis to occur, supporting a diverse range of marine organisms. Additionally, the temperature in this zone tends to be relatively stable and conducive to life, making it an ideal habitat for a wide variety of marine species.

Why is Jamaica's climate called tropical marine?

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Jamaica's climate is called tropical marine because it has consistently warm temperatures throughout the year due to its location near the equator. The island experiences high humidity and receives significant rainfall, typical of tropical climates. The influence of the surrounding ocean also shapes its climate, leading to relatively stable and mild temperatures.

When should a marine biologist retire?

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A marine biologist should retire when they are ready to step back from their career and pursue other interests or activities. Retirement timing can vary based on individual circumstances, such as financial readiness, health, and personal goals. It is important to plan for retirement well in advance to ensure a smooth transition.