


Caribbean Islands

The Caribbean Islands are a large group of islands that separate the Caribbean Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico. The grouping is over 2,000 miles long, and is made up of over 1,000 islands. Due to the tropical scenery, warm waters, and rich culture, the area is a popular cruise ship and vacation destination.

1,665 Questions

How big is Grenada in square meters?

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Grenada covers an area of approximately 344 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 344,000,000 square meters.

What are the main landforms and bodies of water of Saint Lucia?

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Saint Lucia is known for its volcanic landscape, with the iconic twin Pitons being the most famous landforms. The island also features lush rainforests, beautiful beaches, and natural harbors such as Rodney Bay, Marigot Bay, and Soufrière Bay. The capital city, Castries, is situated around a natural harbor.

What is the volcano on Montenegro called?

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The volcano in Montenegro is called Mount Lovćen. It is not an active volcano, but rather a limestone mountain known for its stunning views and historical significance.

What difference is the time from London to Grenada?

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The U. K. is ahead of Grenada by...

  • 4 hrs. from the last Sun. of Oct. until the last Sun. of Mar.
  • 5 hrs. from the last Sun. of Mar. until the last Sun. of Oct.

What is the weather like in St Maarten?

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St. Maarten generally has a tropical climate with warm temperatures year-round. The island experiences a wet season from May to November, with the highest chances of rain in September and October. The dry season, from December to April, typically sees less rainfall and lower humidity.

Does Saint Lucia have plains?

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Yes, Saint Lucia does have some small coastal plains along its shoreline, particularly on the western side of the island. The majority of the island, however, is characterized by rugged, mountainous terrain.

What is the national flower of st maarten?

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The national flower of St. Maarten is the Ginger Thomas, which is a vibrant yellow flowering plant commonly found throughout the island. It is known for its bright color and ability to thrive in tropical climates.

What type of tectonic activity did the Caribbean islands were formed?

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The Caribbean islands were formed primarily due to the movement of tectonic plates, specifically the North American Plate and the Caribbean Plate. The collision and subduction of these plates led to the formation of volcanic arcs and uplifted coral reefs, contributing to the diverse geology of the region.

Which hurricane devastated Saint Lucia in 2010?

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Hurricane Tomas devastated Saint Lucia in 2010. It caused widespread damage, flash floods, landslides, and destruction to infrastructure on the island. The storm resulted in several casualties and significant economic losses for the country.

When was nevis last erupted?

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Nevis last erupted around 100,000 years ago during the Late Pleistocene period. Since then, there have been no recorded eruptions on the island.

How many hurricanes have hit Saint Lucia?

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Since the mid-19th century, Saint Lucia has been impacted by over 20 tropical cyclones, including hurricanes. The most recent hurricanes to directly affect Saint Lucia were Hurricane Tomas in 2010 and Hurricane Matthew in 2016.

On which continent is Saint Kitts and Nevis?

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Saint Kitts and Nevis is located in the Caribbean region, in North America.

Many of the Caribbean islands were formed by what type of tectonic activity?

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Many of the Caribbean islands were formed by volcanic activity along tectonic plate boundaries, particularly where the North American Plate and the Caribbean Plate interact. This activity has led to the creation of volcanic islands and underwater mountain chains in the region.

Has saint kitts and nevis ever had a hurricane?

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Yes, Saint Kitts and Nevis have experienced hurricanes in the past. The islands are in a hurricane-prone region and can be affected by storms during the Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June to November. It is important for residents and visitors to be prepared and follow safety guidelines during hurricane season.

How many miles from equator is st kitts?

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St. Kitts is located approximately 17 degrees north of the equator. Using the Earth's circumference (approximately 24,901 miles), you can estimate that St. Kitts is around 1,640 miles from the equator.

What is the record high temperature in Saint Lucia?

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The record high temperature in Saint Lucia is around 98.5°F (37°C). It was recorded in the capital city of Castries.

What countries in the Caribbean use proportional representation?

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Name a country in the Caribbean which uses the proportional representation (PR) electoral system. *

Does Saint Lucia get snow?

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No, Saint Lucia does not get snow. It has a tropical climate with warm temperatures year-round. Snowfall is extremely rare in tropical regions like Saint Lucia.

This volcano on the island of Martinique killed nearly 30000 people by a large gas cloud?

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The volcano you are referring to is Mount Pelée. In 1902, it erupted and created a pyroclastic flow that destroyed the town of Saint-Pierre, killing around 30,000 people in a matter of minutes. It is one of the deadliest volcanic eruptions in history.

What is the climate of Grenada?

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Grenada has a tropical climate, with warm temperatures year-round and a distinct rainy season from June to December. The island experiences occasional hurricanes and tropical storms due to its location in the Caribbean. The average temperature ranges from 75°F to 85°F.

How many people were injured in the 1902 eruption of Mount Pelee on the island of Martinique?

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The eruption of Mount Pelée in 1902 resulted in around 30,000 casualties, with the majority of them being fatalities. The exact number of injured individuals is not well-documented, but it is estimated to be in the thousands.

How much did the population in Grenada decreased after Hurricane Ivan?

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The population of Grenada did not decrease after Hurricane Ivan in 2004. However, many residents were displaced or left the country temporarily due to the widespread destruction caused by the hurricane.

Who responded to Grenada when hurricane Ivan hit in 2004?

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The United States was one of the countries that responded to Grenada when Hurricane Ivan hit in 2004. The US provided aid, assistance, and relief efforts to help the affected population and support the recovery process.

Are they any active volcanoes in grenada?

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No, there are no active volcanoes in Grenada. The last volcanic activity on the island occurred over 100,000 years ago, and Grenada is not known to have any currently active volcanic activity.

What are the geographical factors which would make it difficult for Caribbean people to develop a shared sense of identity?

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Some factors that could make it difficult for Caribbean people to develop a shared sense of identity include the region's historical legacy of colonialism leading to diverse cultural influences, language barriers due to the multiple languages spoken across the Caribbean islands, and the physical distance and isolation of many islands, which can hinder face-to-face interactions and connections.