



The largest of the primates, this ground-dwelling herbivore inhabits the forests of central west Africa. There are three subspecies. Gorilla gorilla gorilla lives in the western lowlands and Gorilla gorilla graueri resides in the eastern lowlands. The Mountain Gorilla, Gorilla beringei beringei, lives in the mountains of Central Africa.

3,841 Questions

Does Diane lane smoke?

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It is not publicly known whether Diane Lane smokes or not as she has not made any public statements about her smoking habits.

What is chest slapping by gorillas an example of?

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Chest slapping by gorillas is an example of a display of dominance and aggression. It is commonly seen in male gorillas to establish territory or intimidate rivals. The loud sound produced by chest slapping can also serve as a warning signal to other gorillas.

What problems could a homeowner face in a house powered entirely by photovoltaics?

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A homeowner in a house powered entirely by photovoltaics could face issues like inconsistent energy production due to weather conditions, high upfront costs for installation, and the need for battery storage to ensure power supply during nighttime or cloudy days. Additionally, maintenance and repairs of solar panels may be required over time.

Why are small populations more prone to genetic disease?

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Small populations are more prone to genetic diseases due to genetic drift, which can amplify the frequency of harmful gene variants in the population. With fewer individuals, there is less genetic diversity and a higher chance of inheriting gene mutations that can lead to genetic diseases. Additionally, inbreeding within small populations can increase the likelihood of passing on recessive genetic disorders.

What kind of symmetry does a gorilla have?

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Polar bears are mammals, and all mammals have bilateral symmetry. This means they have symmetry across one plane (known as the sagittal plane, and directly down the centre of their body), which means one side of their body approximately mirrors the other side.

An animal lays eggs with a tough leathery watertight shell what adaptation would be best suited for which environment?

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The adaptation of laying eggs with a tough leathery watertight shell would be well-suited for a terrestrial environment, such as a desert or forest. This type of egg shell helps protect the eggs from drying out in arid conditions and from external environmental threats in a terrestrial setting.

Why cells parts do plant cells have that animals cell do not have?

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Plant cells have cell walls, chloroplasts, and large central vacuoles, which animal cells do not have. The cell wall provides structural support, chloroplasts carry out photosynthesis, and the central vacuole stores nutrients and helps maintain cell turgidity.

Which part of the plant absorbs most of the water and minerals takeny up from the soil?

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The roots of a plant are responsible for absorbing water and minerals from the soil. The root hairs, located on the roots, have a large surface area that allows for efficient absorption of water and nutrients.

Does skunkcabbage plant benefit from the fly's actions?

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Yes, skunk cabbage benefits from flies as pollinators. The plant attracts flies by producing a foul odor that mimics decaying meat, which helps in pollination as the flies transfer pollen from one plant to another while searching for food. This unique adaptation allows skunk cabbage to reproduce successfully.

What do you like better tacos or burritos?

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Asked by ChexMalander

I prefer tacos because I like the variety of flavors and textures you can get from the different fillings and toppings.

What is a sliverback?

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A silverback is an adult male gorilla, typically the leader of a group known as a troop. They are called silverbacks due to the silver-colored hair on their backs. Silverbacks are responsible for protecting the troop and making decisions for the group.

One night a candle stick maker a butcher and a blacksmith walk into an abandoned biulding four people walk out who are those 4 people?

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The candle stick maker, the butcher, the blacksmith, and the one who narrated the scenario are the four people who walk out of the abandoned building.

Which gorillas are silver backs Just males The vain ones or Just females?

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Silverbacks are male gorillas that have a distinctive patch of silver hair on their backs. This term is not used to describe females or based on their behavior, but rather on their maturity and dominance within a group.

Which gorillas are silver backs?

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Silverbacks are mature male mountain gorillas, named for the silvery-white hair that develops on their back as they age. They are typically the dominant leader of a gorilla group and are responsible for protecting and leading the group.

Internal and external drivers of innovation?

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Internal drivers of innovation include factors such as a company culture that encourages creativity, investment in research and development, and the skills and motivation of employees. External drivers include market demand, competition, technological advancements, and changes in regulations or government policies. Successful innovation often requires a combination of both internal and external drivers working together.

What do otters do in there spair time?

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In their spare time, otters engage in activities like grooming, playing games, swimming, socializing with other otters, and hunting for food. They are also known for their playful nature and can often be seen sliding down mud or snow slopes just for fun.

What layer do spiders live in the rainforest?

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Spiders can be found living in various layers of the rainforest, depending on their species and habitat preferences. Some live in the forest floor, others in the understory, while some can be found in the canopy.

Do chickens mate internal or external?

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Chickens mate externally, where the male and female come together for mating. The male typically mounts the female to transfer sperm for fertilization.

Can a woman get pregnant from a gorilla?

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No, human and gorilla DNA is too different for cross-species reproduction to occur. Pregnancy can only occur between two individuals of the same species.

Do gorillas have any special qualities that help it keep safe what are they?

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Gorillas have several special qualities that help them stay safe in their natural habitat. These include their large size and strength, which deter most predators, their keen senses that help them detect danger early, and their complex social structure that facilitates communication and cooperation within their group to defend against threats. Additionally, gorillas are known to exhibit aggressive behaviors when necessary to protect themselves and their young.

Temperate and tropical regions that receive between 25 cm and 75 cm of precipitation a year and have climax communities of grasses?

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These regions are likely characterized by a semi-arid climate, with a limited amount of precipitation. The vegetation in these areas is likely dominated by grasses, which have adapted to thrive in these conditions. The semi-arid climate can support grasslands or savannas as the climax community.

Do all male gorillas become silver backs?

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No, not all male gorillas become silverbacks. Silverback gorillas are typically older adult males who have developed a patch of silver hair on their backs, hence the name. Younger males are usually not silverbacks.

You have four legs but cannot walk three eyes but cannot see twenty arms but cant grab what are you?

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This is a riddle. The answer is a chair. A chair has four legs but cannot walk, three eyelets (the holes where bolts go) but cannot see, and twenty arms (the armrests) but cannot grab.

What has four legs runs all day but goes nowhere?

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A washing machine.

What do you call an animal who eats human flesh?

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An animal that eats human flesh is typically referred to as a "carnivore" or "predator." However, if an animal specifically preys on humans, it may be called a "man-eater" or "human predator."