



Exercise is fundamental to healthy living. Ask questions here about types of exercise and developing exercise habits in your life.

17,507 Questions

What are the best exercises for people who experience joint pain?

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For people who experience joint pain, low-impact exercises are the best options. Swimming and water aerobics provide a full-body workout without stressing the joints. Walking is a simple and effective way to stay active and improve joint flexibility. Cycling, either on a stationary bike or outdoors, offers cardiovascular benefits while being gentle on the joints. Yoga and tai chi enhance flexibility, strength, and balance, reducing joint pain and stiffness. Strength training with light weights or resistance bands helps build muscle, supporting and protecting the joints. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise regimen. With these activity you need to incorporate JointXL Plus joint supplement which is very effective for joint pain relive.

Does sex make your hips and butt bigger?

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there are 102 (approx) calories in 1 tablespoon of butter, the more calories contained within a food item the more of a chance that it may cause you to gain body fat. but we are unable to tell where the fat will go it could end up on your chest, bum or thighs, really anywhere.

How long does it take to walk 5 meters at a normal pace?

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it takes you 6 minutes to walk 5 meters at a normal pace

How an individual can exercise command and control?

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Responses that the individual controls

Why is high impact exercise not advisable for children?

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High impact exercise can put stress on still developing bones and joints in children, potentially leading to injuries or long-term joint issues. Children's bodies may not be fully equipped to handle the intensity of high impact exercise, and activities with repetitive stress can hinder proper growth and development. It's generally recommended that children engage in moderate or low-impact activities that are more suitable for their growing bodies.

How many miles do penguins walk to mate?

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Male emperor penguins can walk up to 50-120 miles to reach their breeding colonies during the mating season, while female emperor penguins can walk up to 70 miles to these colonies. Once there, they will engage in courtship rituals and eventually mate.

Which animal can lift 850 times its own weight?

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The leafcutter ant can lift up to 50 times its own body weight, which is one of the largest relative lifting capacities of any known animal. A more common comparison is the dung beetle, which can lift up to 1,141 times its own body weight.

What is a measure of the amount of oxygen used by body during physical activity?

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The measure of the amount of oxygen used by the body during physical activity is called VO2 max. VO2 max is the maximum volume of oxygen that a person can utilize during intense exercise. It is often used as an indicator of aerobic fitness.

How can trained animals benefit us?

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Trained animals can benefit us by assisting in various tasks, such as search and rescue, therapy, disability assistance, and even detection of illnesses or threats like drugs or explosives. They can also provide companionship and emotional support, improving our physical and mental well-being.

How long would it take to walk across the Universe?

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It is currently unknown if it is even possible to walk across the universe because the universe is constantly expanding and its size is beyond comprehension. Even if it were possible, the sheer vastness of the universe, with its estimated diameter of 93 billion light-years, would make it an impossible journey for any human being.

A bear walks south for 1km and it walks west for 1km and north 1km and ends up the same point from which it startedtell the color of the bear?

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The bear is white because it starts at the North Pole, walking south for 1km, then west for 1km (which brings it back to the North Pole, as all lines of longitude converge at the poles), and finally north for 1km, ending up at the point from which it started.

How many steps does it take to walk around the moon?

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The equatorial circumference of the moon is 10, 921 Km, or 10,921, 000 meters. 1 foot is equal to .3048 meters, so if you divide 10,921,000 meters by .3048 meters/foot, you arrive at 35,830,052 feet for the circumference of the moon at the equator. On average, a person makes a step of approximately 2 feet in length. Therefore, if you divide 35,830,052 feet by 2 feet/step, you arrive at an answer of 17,915,026 steps that you would have to take to circumnavigate the moon at the equator, adding a few thousand steps for increases and decreases in elevation (since the moon is not a smooth sphere).

Can you touch your toes on the moon?

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Yes, it would be easier to touch your toes on the moon due to the lower gravity compared to Earth. This would result in decreased weight on your body, making bending down to touch your toes less difficult.

What type of exercise do you need on the moon?

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Exercises that focus on maintaining muscle strength and bone density are important on the moon due to the lower gravitational pull. Weight-bearing exercises like squats, lunges, and resistance training can help combat muscle and bone loss in the reduced gravity environment. Balancing and coordination exercises can also be beneficial to help adapt to the different conditions on the moon.

How much exercise do astronauts need in space?

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Astronauts need at least 2 hours of exercise per day in space to counteract muscle and bone loss caused by the microgravity environment. This exercise typically includes resistance training and cardiovascular exercise to maintain their physical health during extended missions.

What is the relationship between activity and pluse rate?

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When we engage in physical activity, our muscles require more oxygen and nutrients, causing our heart to pump harder and faster to deliver these essential resources. This increased demand for oxygen results in an elevated heart rate during exercise. As we stop exercising, our heart rate gradually returns to its resting rate as the body no longer requires the same level of oxygen delivery.

How do Astrounauts exercise in space?

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Astronauts exercise in space to mitigate muscle and bone loss. They use special exercise equipment like treadmills, stationary bikes, and resistance machines to stay healthy during long-duration missions. These workouts help simulate the effects of weight-bearing activities on Earth.

Does neem giloy helps to reduce body fat?

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Asked by Aarushi1996

Neem giloy may help in boosting the immune system and promoting overall health, but there is limited scientific evidence to suggest that it directly helps in reducing body fat. Weight management is best achieved through a combination of a balanced diet and regular exercise.

How do astronautes exercise in space?

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Astronauts exercise in space to combat the negative effects of long-term weightlessness on their muscles and bones. They use specialized equipment like treadmills, stationary bikes, and resistance machines to simulate gravity and keep their bodies healthy during their mission. Exercise sessions are carefully scheduled to maintain their physical fitness and overall well-being while in space.

Who is the first person to walk on uranus?

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No person has walked on Uranus or any other outer planet in our solar system. Uranus is a gaseous planet with extreme temperatures and no solid surface, making it impossible for humans to walk on it. All information we have about Uranus comes from spacecraft that have flown by the planet and collected data from a distance.

Why is daily exercise essential in space?

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Daily exercise is essential in space to prevent muscle and bone loss due to the effects of microgravity. Regular physical activity helps maintain muscle strength and bone density, which can deteriorate in a weightless environment. Exercise also helps to promote cardiovascular health and psychological well-being among astronauts during long-duration space missions.

Space Exploration Pros and Cons?

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Pros: Space exploration allows us to discover new worlds, advance technology, and inspire future generations. It also contributes to scientific knowledge and understanding of the universe.

Cons: Space exploration is expensive, potentially dangerous, and can divert resources from other important needs here on Earth. There are also ethical concerns about the commercialization and militarization of space.

How does the cardiovascular affect the skeletomuscular system?

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The cardiovascular system provides oxygen and nutrients to the skeletal muscles during physical activity, which helps the muscles function optimally. Additionally, the cardiovascular system helps remove waste products such as lactic acid produced by the muscles during exercise. Improved cardiovascular fitness can enhance the endurance and overall performance of the skeletal muscles.

What does exercise do for you?

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Have a look here on more benefits and questions answered

When are anaerobic and aerobic energy pathways used during extended exercises such as distance?

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During extended exercises such as distance running, both anaerobic and aerobic energy pathways are utilized. Anaerobic pathways are primarily used during the beginning of the exercise or during bursts of intense activity, while aerobic pathways become the predominant source of energy as the exercise continues and oxygen availability increases. The transition from anaerobic to aerobic energy production helps to sustain energy output over longer durations of exercise.