

Weight Training and Strength Training

Weight and strength training is the process of conditioning your body, either it be with iron or your own weight. Whether you are looking to become a bodybuilder, training for a sport, or maybe you just want stay in shape, weight and strength training is great for you.

1,293 Questions

Are girls stronger than boys?

Oh, there are so many different ways to be strong, my friend. Girls and boys both have unique strengths and abilities that make them special. It's not about who is stronger, but about appreciating and celebrating the strength in everyone. Just like in a painting, each color adds its own beauty to create a masterpiece.

Who is the famous weight lifting personality?

No levantamento de peso, várias personalidades se destacaram ao longo dos anos. Algumas das mais famosas incluem:

Vasily Alekseyev: Um dos levantadores de peso mais icônicos da União Soviética, Alekseyev quebrou 80 recordes mundiais durante sua carreira e ganhou duas medalhas de ouro olímpicas em 1972 e 1976.

Naim Süleymanoğlu: Conhecido como "The Pocket Hercules", Süleymanoğlu foi um levantador de peso turco de origem búlgara. Ele ganhou três medalhas de ouro olímpicas consecutivas em 1988, 1992 e 1996, e quebrou 51 recordes mundiais.

Lasha Talakhadze: Um levantador de peso georgiano que detém vários recordes mundiais e olímpicos. Ele ganhou medalhas de ouro nas Olimpíadas de 2016 e 2020, sendo considerado um dos melhores levantadores de peso de todos os tempos na categoria superpesado.

Tatiana Kashirina: Uma levantadora de peso russa que é várias vezes campeã mundial e europeia. Ela também detém recordes mundiais na categoria de peso acima de 90 kg para mulheres.

Hafthor Bjornsson: Embora mais conhecido por seu papel como "The Mountain" em Game of Thrones, Bjornsson também é um famoso competidor de levantamento de peso e Strongman. Ele detém o recorde mundial de levantamento de peso (deadlift) com 501 kg, estabelecido em 2020.

Essas personalidades são reconhecidas não apenas por suas conquistas nas competições, mas também por suas contribuições para popularizar o levantamento de peso e inspirar novas gerações de atletas.

If Lamarck's hypothesis of species modification were true the child of a person who developed large muscles by lifting weights would be born with?

According to Lamarck's hypothesis, the child would inherit the acquired trait of large muscles from the parent who developed them. Therefore, the child would also have a tendency to develop large muscles.

How would weight lifting be different on the moon compared to earth?

Weight lifting on the moon would be easier due to the moon's lower gravity, about 1/6th of Earth's gravity. This means weights would feel lighter and easier to lift. However, the lack of atmosphere and different environment would present challenges in terms of equipment stability and body adaptation.

Extensive weight training causes the muscle cells to?

Hypertrophy, increasing in size and strength due to repeated stress and damage that triggers repair and growth processes, such as protein synthesis and cell proliferation.

Why do Caucasian athletes dominate in sports such as weight lifting and wrestling?

There is no genetic or racial superiority that leads to domination in specific sports. Geographic, cultural, and historical factors may contribute to the representation of athletes from certain regions in certain sports. Additionally, access to resources and training opportunities can play a role in the success of athletes.

What is the fastest way to gain muscle?

The fastest way to gain muscle is to engage in a structured weight training program that focuses on progressive overload, ensuring you are consistently challenging your muscles with increasing weights or repetitions. Additionally, consuming an adequate amount of protein and getting enough rest for recovery are crucial for muscle growth. Consistency and patience are key to seeing results over time.

Name three problems that are linked to overweight and and excessive fat?

Sure, here are three problems linked to being overweight and having excessive fat:

Cardiovascular Diseases: Excessive body fat, particularly around the abdomen, increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. This is due to factors like high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and the increased likelihood of developing atherosclerosis (the buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries).

Type 2 Diabetes: Being overweight can lead to insulin resistance, where the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin. This can result in elevated blood sugar levels and eventually lead to type 2 diabetes. Excessive fat, especially visceral fat around the organs, significantly increases this risk.

Joint and Mobility Issues: Carrying excess weight puts additional strain on the joints, particularly in the knees and hips. This can lead to conditions such as osteoarthritis, where the cartilage cushioning the joints wears down, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

These problems highlight the importance of maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Can i take L glutamine even if I'm already taking a pre workout supplement before my workout and protein after I workout?

That depends entirely on the contents of your pre-workout supplement. You should always check with your doctor or nutritionist before taking, changing, or combining supplements.

Why are there no muscle magazines for girls?

There is a shift towards more inclusive body-positive messaging in the fitness industry, focusing on overall health and well-being rather than just appearance. Many publications and online platforms now cater to a broader audience, including women, with a focus on strength training, empowerment, and self-care rather than traditional bodybuilding models.

What is Weight lifting world record?

The current world record for the heaviest deadlift is held by Hafthor Bjornsson at 501kg (1,104 lbs), set in May 2020. For the bench press, the record is held by Julius Maddox at 355kg (783.6 lbs), set in September 2020. Both records are subject to change as athletes continue to push their limits.

How do you make your calves smaller?

More than most muscle groups, the size of your calves is genetically determined. It is very difficult to increase the size of your calves; it can only be done with a lot of work. The only way to make them smaller would be not to use them, which is impossible unless you stay in bed. However, you can make them look smaller or more proportional by increase the size of your upper legs.


How do you gain 50 pounds in 6 months?

You could:

  • Stop all diets you currently are working on
  • Eat more fat (referring to food at the tip of the food pyramid)
  • Seek help from a doctor and ask professional advice
I ask you one question - "Are you really that serious in gaining weight?". If you feel so, then also keep in mind, it is not that easy to shed off the excess weight. If you are not physically fit (too thin), you can try having a good heavy breakfast. You can include butter and milk in your breakfast menu. Just make sure that you do not sleep soon after eating as this will result in accumulation of fat around your belly. (soon after = within 15 to 30 mins).

Why do i gain weight when i run?

If you gain weight during the course of a run, that weight is most likely a result of the water (or sports drink, etc) that you drank while running. Water weighs eight pounds per gallon, or two pounds per quart.

Reps what are they in weight training?

Reps are an abbreviation of repetitions. In weight training you do one exercise and repeat it a certain number of times, say 10. Then you relax a brief period of time. Then you do a second set of 10. Then you rest. Then you do 10 more reps.

How soon after you break a bone can you lift weights?

Depends.... One you get the cast off... A week... But like i said b4 it depnds on how bad the break is.. If its a break that you need to have surgury on then once the cast is off at least 3 weeks

Does lifting weights during puberty stunt your growth?

Yes! It is proven that any sport that needs much training, example, gymnastic, swimming, weightlifting, etc. affect the timing when the puberty will begin.

What are two exercises that can be done to improve strength?

Strength in the upper body can be improved by lifting weight or pushups.

Strength in the legs can be improved by running, weight training, or exercises such as squat thrusts.

Is it good to lift weights the night before you pitch?

Yes. However, your in-season training routine should not be like your off-season training routine. The reason is that your body has a limited recovery ability. Especially during the season, it is important to ensure that you are never over-trained. It also depends upon how many baseball practices you get weekly during the season, their intensity, and the number of games you are playing. It's possible that your manager has some relevant experience that could help you decide how best to combine the activities.

How can a 270 pound male lose weight?

It is unhealthy for any person to try to lose 30 pounds in one month. They can try to lose weight by eating healthier foods, restricting their calorie intake, drinking more water and exercising more often.

Should you put heat or ice on sore joints?

There are a thousand ways a knee could get sore and dozens of ways it may need to be treated. Consult a medical professional. If you put heat on it and its a particular condition, you might end up in an emergency room in extreme pain.

What is the best way for a skinny 17 year old male to gain muscle while not dieting or going to the gym?

You will absolutely not gain muscle if you don't use them. You also won't gain muscle if you don't eat more calories than you burn. I'm not saying go on some diet of salads and chicken breast, but make sure you're eating enough and make sure you get enough protein, that's all. And it's correct that you don't need to go to the gym to add weight, but it's the best way. There are activities that will add mass, like swimming, but you still need to do it enough and do it the right way. Ultimately, you just need to be challenging and overloading your muscles somehow so they adapt and grow.