

Cardio Exercise

Questions in this category focus on fitness regimes and tips to help your heart and vascular system.

937 Questions

How fast do you need go to walk a 5k in 40 minutes?

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Asked by Wiki User

For a top athlete it should take about an hour. A beginner prob an hour and a half

What are food proteins?

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Asked by Wiki User

Food proteins are essential nutrients found in foods that are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. They play a crucial role in the body for growth, repair, and maintaining overall health. Common sources of food proteins include meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains.

High repetition training at 55 percent to 65 percent of 1RM is the most conductive for muscular hypertrophy?

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Asked by Wiki User

High repetition training at lower intensities is generally not as effective for muscular hypertrophy compared to moderate to high intensity training. Hypertrophy is typically best achieved with a combination of moderate weight and moderate to high repetitions, with a focus on progressive overload over time. Training at 55 to 65 percent of 1RM may not provide enough stimulus to maximize muscle growth.

Why is Cardio-respiratory Endurance needed for swimming?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cardio-respiratory endurance is important for swimming because it helps improve your heart and lung function, allowing for more efficient oxygen delivery to the muscles. This is crucial for sustaining energy levels during long swim sessions and increasing overall endurance in the water. Good cardio-respiratory endurance also aids in recovery post-swim by enhancing the body's ability to process and remove waste products like lactic acid.

How are lemons bad for you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lemons are generally healthy when consumed in moderation as they are a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidants. However, excessive consumption may erode tooth enamel due to their acidic nature. It is best to enjoy lemons as part of a balanced diet to avoid any negative effects.

Why is water loss reduced in the lungs in hot weather yet it is the highest in long heavy exercise?

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Asked by Wiki User

In hot weather, the body may prioritize cooling mechanisms such as sweating over water loss through respiration in order to maintain core temperature. During long, heavy exercise, the increased breathing rate and depth leads to more water loss through respiration as the body works to meet the increased oxygen demand for energy production.

Why are protochordates not classified as true chordates?

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Asked by Wiki User

Protochordates lack some key characteristics of true chordates, such as a well-developed notochord, a dorsal hollow nerve cord, and pharyngeal slits throughout their life cycle. They are considered to be in a transitional stage between invertebrates and chordates.

Which athlete has the best condition?

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It is difficult to determine which athlete has the best condition as it varies between sports and individuals. Athletes like marathon runners, swimmers, and professional soccer players are often considered to have extremely high levels of conditioning due to the demands of their respective sports. Ultimately, the level of conditioning can be influenced by factors such as genetics, training regimen, and nutrition.

What can you drink if you suffer from high blood pressure?

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If you suffer from high blood pressure, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Limiting or avoiding alcohol and beverages high in caffeine can also be beneficial in managing high blood pressure. Adding herbal teas, low-sodium vegetable juices, and low-fat milk to your beverage choices can help support a heart-healthy diet.

How do you know when you're in shape?

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Asked by Wiki User

You may know you're in shape when you have good cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility, and overall physical fitness. Other signs include feeling energetic, maintaining a healthy weight, and being able to perform daily activities without feeling fatigued. A decrease in resting heart rate and improvements in muscle tone are also indicators of being in shape.

How should one warm up before push-ups?

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Asked by Wiki User

One way to warm up before doing push-ups is to start with some light cardio exercises like jumping jacks or jogging in place to get your blood flowing. Then, do some dynamic stretches for your shoulders, arms, and chest to loosen up the muscles. Finally, perform a few sets of push-ups with gradually increasing intensity to prepare your body for the workout.

Who is the best athlete in Purdue history?

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It's subjective and depends on personal opinion, but some notable athletes from Purdue include Drew Brees (football), Glenn Robinson (basketball), and Rod Woodson (football). Each of them had impressive careers and made significant impacts in their respective sports.

Treadmill turns on and then it stop running after ten seconds?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would search for any loose wires or broken wires and have the person you bought it from check it out.

How do you lose 30 or 35 lbs in 4 months?

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Lose 12 pounds in 2 months

That's a good goal, and it can be accomplished by improving how you eat and how you exercise.

It terms of eating better, the most important tactic is to eliminate (or strictly limit) all refined (processed carbohydrates). For a list of refined (processed) carbohydrates, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

Keep your daily consumption of carbohydrates below 60-80 grams (you decide how strict you need to be) and get your carbohydrates from natural sources such as fresh (preferably organic) vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, eat a protein rich (small) meal every three or four waking hours and (unless you are vegetarian) get most of your protein from natural sources such as grass fed beef and sockeye salmon.

A protein rich meal will be at least 15 grams per feeding for an adult woman and 20 grams per feeding for an adult man. Get your fats from natural sources, too. Drink plenty of water. Just eating this way may, by itself, enable you to drop 12 pounds in eight weeks.

However, it's also important to exercise. It's best to do cardio as well as strength/weight training. The cardio will burn extra calories during and immediately after exercising and the strength training will increase your lean muscle mass, which will burn extra calories 24 hours a day and not just when you are exercising. This is the way that all natural bodybuilders and fitness models train.

For cardio, as soon as possible walk two miles in just under thirty minutes every morning before breakfast. For strength training, do an intense, whole body routine twice weekly. Concentrate on the basic exercises (squats, deadlifts, presses, rows, dips, and chins) and their variations.

Do not, however, change either your eating or exercise habits without the prior blessing of your physician or other health care professional. This program requires work. However, if you work this program hard and stick with it, you should be able to reach your goal and lose 12 pounds in 2 months. For more information, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How many times do you need to exercise weekly to build cardiovascular endurance?

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Asked by Wiki User

10 minuets of jump rope everyday will increase it very well. At first it will be very difficult but get easier. Try to increase the amount of time you can jump consistently.

How does mountain climbing help your health?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rock climbing requires very strong leg and arm muscles, good co-ordination, good balance and a good head for heights!

What is the importance of knowing your PMHR and THR?

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Asked by Wiki User

PMHR means, Predicted Maximum Heart Rate

and THR means Training Heart Rate

How can a 270 pound male lose weight?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is unhealthy for any person to try to lose 30 pounds in one month. They can try to lose weight by eating healthier foods, restricting their calorie intake, drinking more water and exercising more often.

Can bowling be a exercise?

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Asked by TimothyN007

bowling an be classed as an exersize because it involves swinging your arms and would be an OK warm up without the ball

Is it true that if you do ab exercises the wrong way your abs will be rounded instead of flat?

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Asked by Wiki User

you can often see a rounded belly on serious heavy weight body builders, this is just because they have so much muscle build up. if you mean the muscle changing in shape other than mass, no. I have never heard of such a thing.

some people have different shaped muscles. for example, the biceps,, some body builders develop round biceps that look like a baseball under the skin, others can develop longer muscle that look more like a half subway sandwich, but this is just genetics and not exercise routine.

Actually, the abdominal muscles can become rounded as they grow stronger if you are pushing them out during your exercises. The muscle will eventually take the shape it is in during your exercises, since that is the way you are training your muscle to go. To avoid this, and to correctly do ab work-outs, pull or 'suck' them in while you are working them. This will strengthen them to stay flat instead of bulge outward. !

My dance teacher totally agrees with this. He does not believe in doing stomach crunches for this very reason although he says it does help if you do them while sucking in your stomach muscles. He recommends instead doing isometric contractions in the stomach area to get a flat lean tummy with nice muscle definition. And it obviously has worked for him!

What exercises burn belly fat for obese kids?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is not any exercise that will specifically burn belly fat because if you have fat in the belly area, there is extra fat in other areas of the body. Burning calories will reduce fat all over the body. Some exercises that will strengthen the muscles in the abdomen and make you belly look smaller are using a hula hoop about 10 minutes a day, doing crunches, and simply tightening the muscles and holding for as long as possible. The will tighten the muscles and make you look slimmer.

What is recovery pulse rate?

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Asked by Wiki User

The ability of the heart to recover after strenuous exercise. There is not really a rate because it is the ability of the heart to go from a workout pulse rate that may be two to three times higher than the resting, to the resting rate. Hope this helps. <><

Why is cardiovascular endurance important for cross country running?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cardiovascular endurance is imperative for cross country running because you are putting your body to intense aerobic activity for more than one hour every day. When you train for cross country, you are most likely running approximately 50 miles a week (it varies among high schools, and is a lot more in college!). Therefore, you must have a strong heart to endure the long distance.

Moreover, it is imperative because cross country races are either 3 miles, 5000m, 8000m, 10000m. Clearly, this is a large distance to be running at a fast pace. Cardiovascular endurance will help you maintain your pace for that distance.