


Trains and Railroads

Trains are rail vehicles that travel along a track to transport passengers or freight from one location to another. They are usually powered by diesel locomotives or by electricity, which is supplied by a third rail or overhead lines.

5,775 Questions

Who built the first train called the rocket?

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The first train called "The Rocket" was built by George Stephenson and his son Robert in 1829 for the Liverpool and Manchester Railway in England. It is considered one of the first successful steam locomotives.

What are the components of seismographic station?

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The main components of a seismographic station include a seismometer to measure ground movement, a recording device to capture seismic data, and a power source to keep the station running. Additionally, some stations may include a communication system to transmit data to a central monitoring station.

How many decibels of sound does a subway train generate?

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A subway train can generate around 90-100 decibels of sound while in motion. The noise level can vary depending on factors such as train speed, track conditions, and surrounding infrastructure.

Would you hear a change in pitch if you are on a moving train and the train whistle blows?

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Yes, you would hear a change in pitch. As the train approaches you, the pitch of the whistle would sound higher because the sound waves are compressed. As the train moves away from you, the pitch would sound lower as the sound waves are stretched out. This is known as the Doppler effect.

What is the largest locomotive in the world?

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The largest locomotive in the world is the Union Pacific Big Boy, specifically the Big Boy 4014. It is a steam-powered locomotive with a 4-8-8-4 wheel arrangement, making it one of the largest and most powerful steam locomotives ever built.

What will happen to steel railroad tracks on a hot day if they were laid out during a cold day without clearance or gap?

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The steel railroad tracks will expand when exposed to heat on a hot day if they were originally laid out on a cold day without any clearance or gap. This expansion may lead to buckling or bending of the tracks due to the thermal expansion, potentially causing safety hazards and disruptions to train operations. It is important to account for thermal expansion when installing railroad tracks to prevent such issues.

Is the old saying true that if you put your ear to a railroad track you can hear a train that is mile away?

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Asked by Skittlecricket

Yes, if there is no other force acting upon the railroad track then you would be able to hear the train about a mile away. Unfortunately this is dangerous because there is no way to tell exactly how far away the train is.

How did railroads create the four American time zones?

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Railroads introduced standard time in 1883 to improve scheduling and avoid accidents caused by inconsistent timekeeping. This system divided the country into four time zones (Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific) to streamline train schedules and coordinate operations along rail routes.

If you fall into a train track would you have to touch both the rails to be electrocuted?

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No, you do not need to touch both rails to be electrocuted. If there is an electric current running through the rails, any contact with them can result in electrocution. It is crucial to avoid touching the rails altogether and seek help immediately if you find yourself in such a situation.

What is the speed of a loaded freight train if it takes about one mile to make complete stop?

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The speed of a loaded freight train would be approximately 60 miles per hour if it takes about one mile to make a complete stop. The stopping distance of a train is typically about one mile when traveling at that speed.

Is there a limit to maglev trains speed?

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There is no inherent limit to the speed of maglev trains, but practical considerations such as track infrastructure, energy consumption, and safety can influence their maximum operating speeds. Currently, the fastest maglev trains have reached speeds around 375 mph (603 km/h) in commercial service.

An electric train is moving north at 100kph and a wind is blowing to the west at 10kph. Which way does the smoke blow?

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Electric trains do not emit smoke, so there would be no smoke blowing in any direction.

Why do train tracks sit on rocks?

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Train tracks sit on rocks, known as ballast, to provide stability and support to the tracks. The ballast allows for proper drainage and helps distribute the weight of the train evenly, preventing the tracks from shifting or sinking into the ground. Additionally, the ballast helps to reduce the impact of vibrations and noise produced by the passing trains.

Why bullet trains have streamlined body?

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Bullet trains have a streamlined body to reduce air resistance at high speeds, making them more energy efficient and faster. The shape of the train allows for smoother airflow around the train, reducing drag and increasing speed. Additionally, the streamlined design also helps to reduce noise levels and improve overall aerodynamics.

Where is their friction on a maglev train?

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Friction on a maglev train primarily occurs at the contact point between the train's magnetic levitation system and the track, as well as between moving parts such as wheels and bearings. Additionally, air resistance can also create some friction as the train moves through the air at high speeds.

Does weight affect the speed of a maglev train?

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Weight does not directly affect the speed of a maglev train since it relies on magnetic levitation for propulsion. However, a heavier train may require more energy to accelerate and maintain speed. Additionally, the infrastructure and track design may have weight restrictions that could indirectly impact the operational speed of the maglev train.

What makes my fuel gage work and not my speedometer it jumps around when I hit a bump or go over train tracks?

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Your fuel gauge is likely working because it relies on a simpler system of measuring liquid levels in the fuel tank, whereas the speedometer may be malfunctioning due to a loose connection or damaged sensor related to the vehicle's speed. The jumping of the speedometer when hitting bumps or train tracks suggests there may be an issue with the speed sensor or the wiring connected to the speedometer. It may be best to have a professional diagnose and repair the speedometer issue for accurate readings.

A locomotive has broken through the wall of a train station As it did what can be said about the force exerted by the locomotive on the wall Does the wall exert greater eqaul or less force than train?

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The force exerted by the locomotive on the wall would be equal and opposite to the force exerted by the wall on the locomotive, according to Newton's third law of motion. The wall exerts an equal force back on the train to cause it to come to a stop.

How does a maglev vehicle levitate?

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A maglev vehicle uses powerful magnets to create a magnetic field that repels against the metal track, causing the vehicle to levitate. This levitation eliminates the need for wheels, allowing the vehicle to glide smoothly and quietly along the track.

What is the purpose of making the train float above rails when it is moving forward?

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The purpose of magnetic levitation trains is to reduce friction, allowing them to move faster and more efficiently than traditional rail systems. By floating above the tracks, these trains experience less resistance, resulting in smoother and faster travel.

Why is a magnetic levitation train faster than a normal train?

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A magnetic levitation train is faster than a normal train because it does not have wheels. Instead, it uses powerful magnets to levitate above the tracks, reducing friction and allowing for higher speeds. Additionally, the absence of physical contact between the train and the tracks results in smoother and more efficient movement.

Why is that a maglev train is faster than a normal train?

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Maglev trains are faster than normal trains because they use magnetic levitation to reduce friction between the train and the tracks, allowing them to reach higher speeds. Additionally, maglev trains do not have wheels, which eliminates the rolling resistance experienced by traditional trains on tracks.

How do trains use repulsion?

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Trains use repulsion through magnetic levitation technology, where magnets on the train repel magnets on the track to lift the train off the rails and reduce friction. This system allows for higher speeds, smoother rides, and more efficient energy usage compared to traditional wheel-rail systems.

How does rain turn to hail in 100 degrees?

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Hail forms when updrafts in a thunderstorm carry raindrops into very cold areas of the atmosphere where they freeze into ice pellets. These pellets can continue to grow in size as they are circulated within the storm's updrafts, ultimately falling to the ground as hailstones when they become too heavy for the updrafts to support. The intense heat at the surface does not prevent hail formation as the storm cloud and upper atmosphere where hail forms are much colder.

How do maglev trains manage to run without touching the ground?

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Maglev trains use powerful magnets to create a magnetic field that lifts and propels the train above the track. This technology allows the train to levitate and move without touching the ground, reducing friction and increasing speed and efficiency.