


Intestinal Health

Starting from the bottom of the stomach to the anus, the intestines do the work of absorbing what we eat and putting it to good use. When they are working well, we hardly think about them. When they don't, we have questions. Ask them here.

1,093 Questions

Why is the medication heparin sometimes administered prior to a left-side cardiac catheterization?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Heparin is administered prior to a left-side cardiac catheterization to prevent blood clot formation during the procedure. This helps maintain blood flow through the catheter and reduces the risk of blockages that could lead to complications such as heart attack or stroke.

Can boiling kill a fungus such as C difficile?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, boiling may not be effective in killing C. difficile spores. These spores are resistant to heat and can survive in extreme conditions. It is better to use disinfectants recommended for C. difficile and follow proper cleaning protocols to prevent its spread.

What is the explanation for the importance of osmoregulation in body?

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Asked by Wiki User

Osmoregulation is important in maintaining the balance of water and solutes in the body. It helps regulate cell volume, maintain blood pressure, and ensure proper function of organs like the kidneys. Without osmoregulation, the body would not be able to effectively control hydration levels and electrolyte concentrations, leading to health issues.

What is parietal and visceral?

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Parietal refers to the outer layer of a body cavity, such as the parietal pleura lining the chest cavity. Visceral refers to the inner layer of the same body cavity, like the visceral pleura covering the lungs. These terms are commonly used in anatomy to describe the different layers surrounding organs and cavities within the body.

What part of the visceral peritoneum drapes over the abdominal organ?

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The visceral peritoneum forms a layer that covers the abdominal organs. It is a continuous serous membrane that provides a smooth, friction-reducing surface for the organs to move against each other.

Studies the structure of cells to learn how they fuction and interact with chemical and physical factor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cell biologists examine the organization and function of cells to understand how they respond to different chemical and physical stimuli. By studying the structure of cells, they can gain insights into various cellular processes and interactions that are crucial for the overall functioning of living organisms.

What is a stronger anti-diarrheal than DiphenOxylate?

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Asked by Ajpiwko

Loperamide is a common antidiarrheal medication that is typically stronger than diphenoxylate. It works by slowing down the movement of the gut and reducing the frequency of bowel movements. Always consult a healthcare professional before using any new medication.

Is aspergillus curable?

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Asked by Wiki User

Aspergillus infections are generally treatable with antifungal medications, such as azoles or amphotericin B. The prognosis can vary depending on the individual's immune system and the extent of the infection. Early detection and appropriate treatment are important for successful outcomes.

How do you think skin cells are important to other body cells?

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Asked by Wiki User

Skin cells provide a protective barrier against external pathogens and help regulate body temperature. They also play a role in immune responses by producing antimicrobial peptides and initiating inflammatory responses. Additionally, skin cells communicate with other cells in the body through signaling molecules and support the growth and repair of neighboring tissues.

What hormone initiates sperm production?

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The hormone that initiates sperm production is called follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It is produced by the pituitary gland and stimulates the testes to produce sperm in males.

What group number is oxygen in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Atomic Number: 8 Atomic Weight: 15.9994 Melting Point: 54.36 K (-218.79°C or -361.82°F) Boiling Point:90.20 K (-182.95°C or -297.31°F) Density: 0.001429 grams per cubic centimeter Phase at Room Temperature: Gas Element Classification: Non-metal Period Number: 2 Group Number: 16 Group Name: Chalcogen. By Nathan-J De Bruyn South Africa

How does giardiasis move?

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Asked by Wiki User

Giardiasis is caused by a parasite called Giardia lamblia, and it is typically transmitted through contaminated water or food. The parasite is ingested and then spreads to the small intestine where it reproduces and causes symptoms such as diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues. Proper hygiene, such as washing hands thoroughly and purifying drinking water, is important in preventing the spread of giardiasis.

Organelle that functions as a protein factory is what?

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The organelle that functions as a protein factory is the ribosome. Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis in the cell by decoding the messenger RNA (mRNA) and assembling amino acids into polypeptide chains.

Function of uterus of the frog?

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The uterus of a frog is responsible for receiving and storing fertilized eggs until they develop into tadpoles. The uterus provides a protected environment for the eggs to develop before they are expelled into the water as fully formed tadpoles.

Does filtered water by a UV water system leave dangerous dead particulate in the water or is that just with boiled water?

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Asked by Wiki User

A UV water system disinfects water by inactivating microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and protozoa without leaving any dead particulates. Boiling water kills microorganisms by heat but does not remove any dead particles, which may still be present in the water.

Does everyone in the world defecate?

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Yes, defecation is a natural process for all humans. Every individual must pass waste from their body as part of the digestive process.

What quadrant is the gall bladder in?

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The gallbladder is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, just below the liver. It typically sits beneath the right lobe of the liver and is part of the biliary system, storing and concentrating bile produced by the liver.

What do you call organisms that break things down into nutrients?

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Organisms that break down organic matter into nutrients are called decomposers. They play a crucial role in the ecosystem by recycling nutrients back into the environment for other organisms to use. Examples include bacteria, fungi, and some insects.

Increasing the surface area between solute and solvent increases what?

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Asked by Wiki User

Increasing the surface area between solute and solvent increases the rate of dissolution, as it provides more contact for the solute molecules to interact with the solvent molecules. This can lead to a faster dissolution process and a more efficient mixing of the solute in the solvent.

What is the effect of air on food spoilage?

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Air promotes food spoilage by providing oxygen for the growth of aerobic bacteria and fungi. It also allows for oxidation of fats and oils, leading to rancidity in foods. Vacuum sealing or storing food in airtight containers can help prevent air exposure and prolong the shelf life of food.

What organ digests proteins?

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The stomach is the main organ responsible for digesting proteins. It secretes enzymes like pepsin and hydrochloric acid to break down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids for absorption in the small intestine.

Is it possible to see slightly brighter colours in one eye than the other without any eye disease?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible to perceive slightly brighter colors in one eye compared to the other even without any eye disease. This can be due to variations in the light sensitivity of each eye or differences in the cones in the retina, which detect color. It is not necessarily a cause for concern unless it is accompanied by other symptoms or changes in vision.

What does the uterus do in a fetal pig?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a fetal pig, the uterus serves as the location where the fetal pig develops and grows during pregnancy. It provides a protected environment for the fetus to receive nutrients and grow until it is ready to be born.

What is receptor desensitisation?

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Receptor desensitization is a process where prolonged or repeated activation of a receptor can decrease its responsiveness to a stimulus. This can involve changes in receptor conformation, internalization of receptors, or downstream signaling pathways becoming less efficient. It is a regulatory mechanism to prevent excessive cellular responses to continuous stimulation.

Why are scientists who study the structure and function of cells called microbiologists?

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Asked by Wiki User

Microbiologists specifically study microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and fungi, which are all types of cells. They focus on understanding their structure, function, and behavior to uncover their roles in various processes, from disease to environmental cycles.