



Starbucks, one of the most popular coffee shops in the world, is a common morning stop for those needing an extra boost. Ask questions here about locations, products and company culture.

1,025 Questions

What is the average pay at Starbucks for part time in Texas?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average pay for a part-time employee at Starbucks in Texas ranges from $9 to $12 per hour. Pay rates can vary based on factors such as location, experience, and position within the company.

Does a venti size at Starbucks contain 20 ounces?

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Yes. Venti is the Italian word for twenty. However, an Iced Venti coffee at Starbucks is 24 ounces.

What is proprietary theory?

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Proprietary theory suggests that a firm's value is determined by the extent to which the firm possesses unique characteristics or capabilities that competitors cannot replicate easily. It focuses on the competitive advantage derived from owning unique resources or capabilities. This theory emphasizes the importance of developing, protecting, and leveraging proprietary assets to sustain a competitive edge.

Who made people?

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Asked by Wiki User

Different religions and belief systems have varying beliefs about the origins of people. In some religious traditions, people are believed to have been created by a deity or deities. In scientific terms, humans are a product of evolution, originating from a common ancestor with other primates.

What math skills do you use at work?

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Asked by Wiki User

I use skills like statistics, algebra, calculus, and data analysis to analyze and interpret data sets, make predictions, and solve complex problems in my work. Understanding mathematical concepts helps me to make informed decisions and optimize processes.

How many people does Blue Diamond Growers employ?

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Blue Diamond Growers employs approximately 1,800 people worldwide.

How many people does the Bosch Group employ?

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Asked by IntnlDirofBizBios

The Bosch Group employs over 400,000 people worldwide. They have a diverse workforce spanning across various countries and business sectors.

How much money does the average US citizen spend on gasoline in a month?

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According to the Department of Energy, U. S. drivers consume 8,989,000 barrels/day (378 million gallons/day). Currently, the U. S. average price, is around $2.682 per gallon pushing the nations expenditure on gasoline to over 1 billion dollars a day.

How many people in the world drink alchohol?

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Asked by Wiki User

Roughly 50.4% of the global population aged 15 and older have consumed alcohol in the past year, according to the World Health Organization. This equates to around 3.3 billion people worldwide.

What is a sociocultural trend?

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A sociocultural trend refers to a pattern of change in beliefs, values, behaviors, and practices within a society or culture. These trends can emerge from various factors such as technology, politics, media, and demographics, and can have a significant impact on the way individuals interact and behave within their social environment.

How did Starbucks react to captain Ahab?

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Starbucks did not have a direct reaction to Captain Ahab as it is a coffee company and not a character from literature. There is no record of any specific interaction between Starbucks and Captain Ahab from the novel Moby Dick.

Which of these statements correctly explains Starbuck's reasons for what he told Captain Ahab?

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Starbuck expresses concerns about Ahab's obsessive quest for revenge against Moby Dick because he believes it endangers the crew and goes against their mission. He tries to reason with Ahab and persuade him to prioritize the safety of the ship and crew, but ultimately is overruled by Ahab's obsession.

What does Ahab tell Starbuck just before his whaleboat is lowered into the water?

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Ahab tells Starbuck that he is going after Moby Dick alone, as he believes that the white whale has a specific purpose in his life that he must fulfill. He warns Starbuck not to try to intervene or stop him.

Is the Starbucks coffee logo based off of the character Starbuck from Moby Dick?

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Asked by Emrey35

Yes, the Starbucks coffee logo is inspired by the character Starbuck from Moby Dick. The logo features a twin-tailed siren or mermaid, which was chosen to represent the company's nautical theme and tie back to the seafaring roots of the character Starbuck.

Why does starbuck obey ahab even though he disagress with him?

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Starbuck obeys Ahab out of duty and respect for his captain and the hierarchy on the ship. Despite disagreeing with Ahab, Starbuck follows orders to maintain order and discipline onboard the ship. Additionally, the power dynamics and structure of the whaling industry at the time dictate that crew members must adhere to the captain's commands.

What is the mission statement of Jollibee Food Corporation?

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The mission statement of Jollibee Food Corporation is to serve great tasting food and spread the joy of eating to everyone. They strive to deliver superior customer experiences through high-quality products and excellent service while fostering a culture of family values and positive community impact.

What does jerk chicken taste like?

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Asked by D20128

A chicken that has been cooked & jerked.

What does Joe Starbuck never wear while drinking coffee?

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What does joe never wear while drinking coffee?

How do you say i want Starbucks coffee in spanish?

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If informal, as if to a friend or relative: Quieres tomar un cafe conmigo?

If formal, Quiere "" If informal, as if to a friend or relative: Quieres tomar un cafe conmigo?

If formal, Quiere ""

Does Starbucks offer domestic partner benefits?

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Yes, Costco Wholesale Corp. does give their employees domestic partner benefits, according to the Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Corporate Equality Index 2013, which gave them a 90% rating.

What is the Starbucks dress code for employees?

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Solid white or black polo or blouse tucked into pants (pregnant women are allowed to keep shirts untucked). Shirt MUST have a collar or turtle neck during winter. Black or khaki pants, brown or black shoes, flats, or pumps (no open toed shoes), belt (optional) brown or black, shorts and skirts must be no less than 6 inches above knees and the iconic apron. And of course, no visable tattoos or more than 2 piercings in each ear. Hair must be tied back or above the collar.

Do you need a high school diploma to work at Starbucks?

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no you do not need a high school diploma to work at Starbucks.

What stage of the product life cycle is Starbucks in?

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Asked by Wiki User

maturity and saturation

How much is a chocolate Cream Frappuccino?

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It depends on the size.

Between $2.95 and $5.00

Does Starbucks coffee offer health insurance for part time employee?

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Yes, you only have to work 20 hours a week for benefits, including paid vacation. If you work at a Starbucks in a Tom Thumb or Randalls you also get health insurance without the twenty hours