


Mycology or Fungi

Mycology is the branch of biology in which we study the anatomy, physiology and ecology of fungal species including their biochemical, genetic character and their taxonomy.

3,931 Questions

How do you detect the number of fungi in an experiment by the USP method?

I believe you simply follow the method for total yeasts and molds- yeasts and molds are considered foodborne fungi.

What is the Process where a microbe splits into equal parts?

This is called binary fission. The microbe cell first grows and then makes a copy of its DNA. Then a wall develops, splitting the cell into two so that each has its own DNA. The two new cells then separate. Each new cell can then grow and repeat the process. In good conditions this can happen every 20 minutes. For a simple description see: For a more advanced account, with an animation, see:

If molds develops on the sugar concentrates what action should you take?

If mold develops on sugar concentrates, it is important to discard the contaminated product immediately to prevent any health risks. Mold can produce mycotoxins which can be harmful if consumed. It is also crucial to identify and rectify the root cause of the mold growth, such as humidity or improper storage conditions, to prevent future contamination. Regularly inspecting and properly storing sugar concentrates in a cool, dry place can help prevent mold growth.

How can the pour-plate method be used to isolate fungi?

Well, the pour-plate method is a wonderful technique for isolating fungi in a gentle and effective way. By pouring a mixture of agar and a sample containing fungi into a petri dish, you create an environment where the fungi can grow and form colonies. These colonies can then be easily identified and studied further, allowing you to appreciate the beauty and diversity of the fungal world. Remember, just like painting, patience and attention to detail are key in this process.

What eats a tawny milkcap mushroom?

Well, darling, a tawny milkcap mushroom doesn't have a specific predator that "eats" it per se. Mushrooms like the tawny milkcap play a vital role in the ecosystem by decomposing organic matter. So, they pretty much get broken down by fungi and other microorganisms, not exactly a cute little critter munching on them for lunch.

Why it is advantageous for organisms such as fungi and algae to form mutualistic relationship?

Forming mutualistic relationships allows fungi and algae to access resources they cannot obtain on their own, such as nutrients or protection. This symbiotic partnership enhances the overall fitness and survival of both organisms and enables them to thrive in challenging environments. Additionally, the exchange of resources between the organisms can lead to increased productivity and growth for both partners.

Are bracket fungi poisonous?

Most bracket fungi are not known to be poisonous to humans. However, some species can cause allergic reactions in some individuals, so it's best to avoid consuming them unless you are absolutely sure of their identification and safety for consumption.

How do you slime bend?

To slime bend, you can use a plastic slime bending tool or your hands to gently manipulate and fold the slime over itself to create a bending effect. You can also twist and stretch the slime to achieve different bending shapes and patterns. Practice and experiment with different techniques to see what works best for the type of slime you are using.

Which genus protozoans belong to?

Protozoans belong to various genera including Plasmodium, Trypanosoma, Paramecium, and Amoeba. These genera encompass a wide range of protozoan species with diverse characteristics and lifestyles.

What type of nutrition is performed by fungus?

· Fungi are heterotrophs that acquire their nutrients by absorption.

· They absorb small organic molecules from the surrounding medium.

· Exoenzymes, powerful hydrolytic enzymes secreted by the fungus, break down food outside its body into simpler compounds that the fungus can absorb and use.

· The absorptive mode of nutrition is associated with the ecological roles of fungi as decomposers (saprobes), parasites, and mutualistic symbionts.

· Saprobic fungi absorb nutrients from nonliving organisms.

· Parasitic fungi absorb nutrients from the cells of living hosts.

· Some parasitic fungi, including some that infect humans and plants, are pathogenic.

· Mutualistic fungi also absorb nutrients from a host organism, but they reciprocate with functions that benefit their partner in some way.

Is kefelex from the mold family?

No, Keflex is not from the mold family. It is a cephalosporin antibiotic, which is a type of medication that is derived from a fungus called Acremonium.

The chemical substances that an organism requires to live are called nutrients?

Nutrients are essential chemical substances needed by organisms for growth, maintenance, and survival. These include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water, which are obtained from the diet or environment. Nutrients play crucial roles in supporting various physiological functions within the body.

Can you buy magic mushroom spores?

In the United States, it is legal to purchase magic mushroom spores for microscopy or research purposes, but not for cultivation or consumption. Laws may vary in other countries, so it is advisable to check local regulations before purchasing.

What is the color of an lichen?

Lichens can come in a range of colors, including green, yellow, orange, red, brown, and even black. The color typically depends on the species of fungus and algae or cyanobacteria that make up the lichen.