


Mycology or Fungi

Mycology is the branch of biology in which we study the anatomy, physiology and ecology of fungal species including their biochemical, genetic character and their taxonomy.

500 Questions

The ability to remain stable is called?

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Homeostasis. It refers to the ability of an organism or system to maintain internal stability despite external changes. This process involves regulating various physiological conditions such as body temperature, blood pressure, and pH levels.

To what scientific kingdom does the organism that causes athlete's foot belong?

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It is caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes in the genus "Trichophyton".

More Information:

The organism that causes the condition known as athlete's foot belongs to the Kingdom: Fungi.

Why does bread mold faster in a zipoc bag?

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Bread molds faster in a ziploc bag because the plastic bag creates a warm and moist environment that is conducive to mold growth. Additionally, sealing the bread in a ziploc bag traps moisture and prevents air circulation, creating an ideal environment for mold spores to multiply.

How do you get fungus?

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Fungi can be acquired through direct contact with infected surfaces or objects, such as from walking barefoot in public places like gyms or pool areas. They can also be spread through contact with infected people or animals, as well as exposure to contaminated soil or water. Maintaining good hygiene practices and avoiding contact with potential sources of infection can help prevent fungal infections.

Whats the scientific name of the ham?

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The scientific name for ham is derived from the animal it comes from. For example, pork ham comes from pigs, so its scientific name would be "Sus scrofa domesticus".

What is the classification of a bread mold?

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Bread mold belongs to the kingdom Fungi and is classified as belonging to the phylum Ascomycota. It is commonly of the genus Rhizopus.

What is the scientific name of fungi?

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The scientific name molds is fungi that are coenocytic organisms that are made of masses of tubes or filaments called "hyphae". They do not produce large fruiting bodies like the mushroom.

There are thousands of different types of fungi.

An introduction to molds

Molds are heterotrophs that do not produce their own food like plants (phototrophs).

Molds secrete digestive enzymes that dissolve organic and inorganic food material and then absorb the digested material.

What are the 4 main groups of fungi?

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A fungus may fit into one of four main groups. The individual group is called a 'phylum'. The names of each of the four phyla are the Ascomycota, the Basidiomycota, the Deuteromycota, and the Zygomycota.

Mushrooms belong to what kingdom?

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Mushrooms belong to the kingdom Fungi.

How do fungi obtain food?

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Fungi obtain food through absorption. They secrete enzymes to break down organic matter into simpler molecules, which are then absorbed through their cell walls. Fungi are heterotrophic, meaning they rely on other organisms for nutrients.

How are plants and fungi different?

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Plants are autotrophic organisms that produce their own food through photosynthesis, while fungi are heterotrophic organisms that obtain nutrients by absorbing them from their surroundings. Plants have cell walls made of cellulose, while fungi have cell walls made of chitin. Additionally, plants typically have roots, stems, and leaves for structure and support, while fungi consist of mycelium and fruiting bodies.

Do children between 13 to 17 have toenail fungus or can they have toenail fungus?

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Asked by Greenbaby15

There is no age limit or required age to have a toenail fungus. It is usually caused by poor hygiene and infections. So if you do not take care of your body properly especially your foot chances are high that you could get diseases like toenail fungus.

Will vinegar kill toenail fungus?

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I have had some success using hydrogen peroxide for toenail fungus. Both big toenails and my left little toenail were almost black and painful to the touch. I started applying peroxide (just about the cheapest thing in the drugstore) to my nails, holding them up slightly to allow the peroxide to go under the nails. The stuff bubbles up and certainly appears to be doing something. I did this day and night for a couple of months and one of my large toenails and the little one cleared up completely. The other toenail has never cleared up but is definitely better. I am still applying the peroxide daily and it's under control but still noticeable. It sure won't cost you much to try this remedy and it can't hurt you, so why not try it? The medicine Lamisil which doctor's prescribe is about $300 a month and most insurance won't cover it. Good luck!

Kill toenail fungus?

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There are a lot of ways to relieve you from the curse of toenail fungus. Home remedies like tea tree oil and vinegar are proven to be effective when it comes to treating toenail fungus.

How do you Cure Fingernail Fungus at Home?

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Find a good topical cream that has natural oils in it. Natural oils are not only healthier for you in the long run, but they can penetrate your nail better and kill the fungus more effectively.

In addition, you should consider taking a homeopathic treatment for the fungus. These are what doctors usually recommend to patients that come to them with nail fungus problems.

Homeopathic treatments are ones that you can take orally and that enter your blood stream. They are completely safe, just like a mild form of antibiotic, except they are designed to kill the nail fungus you have. Homeopathic treatments attack the fungus from the flesh under the nail, giving them more direct access and speeding up the effects.

Hope that helps

Does he have a nail fungus condition?

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Take care of your nail fungus!

It will infect other fingers if you continue to allow it to live!

Fungus can take months to get rid of, yet there are many home remedies for nail fungus which do work.

You can use vicks, listerine, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar to name a few.

It can also very easily spread to other toenails or fingernails.

Once fungus has cleared up, continue to use your choses fungus remedy to make sure it does not return.

What are the different ways to treat toe nail fungus to completely get rid of the pain?

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Long term treatment (meaning 3-4 months) with oral medications is best for those people that are at risk of complications because of their toe nail fungus. There are also topical medications, home remedies and alternative medications that can also help treat toe nail fungus.

Who are the best-known authors who have written books about fungi?

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Some of the best-known authors who have written books about fungi include Merlin Sheldrake, Paul Stamets, and David Arora. Their work explores various aspects of fungi, from their ecological importance to their potential medicinal properties.

What grows mold faster moist bread or dry bread?

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Mold grows faster on moist bread.Well I also think that it is moist bread. I will post the materials necessary and why later I am just starting this science project.

Could a dress have a truffle?

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A truffle is a small, fungus-like vegetable. So probably not. But a dress COULD have a ruffle, which is a small piece of fabric added as a decorative piece to clothing.

What is an conjunctival sac?

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The conjunctival sac is the small space between the eyeball and the eyelid. You would access this space, such as for the purpose of adding an eye-drop or ophthalmic ointment by pulling down your lower eyelid, which reveals the space known as the conjunctival sac.

What are the nail disease?

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there are different nail disease such as nail fungi

Are unrefrigerated mushrooms poisonous?

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No, unrefrigerated mushrooms are typically safe to eat as long as they are fresh and not spoiled. However, they may spoil more quickly when not refrigerated, so it's important to consume them within a few days of purchase to avoid any risk of foodborne illness.

What is penicillim?

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Penicillium is a type of fungus that is commonly found in the environment. It is known for its ability to produce antibiotics, particularly penicillin, which is widely used in medicine to treat bacterial infections. Penicillium can also be used in the production of certain types of cheese and other fermented foods.

Do we use mold in everyday life?

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Yes, mold is frequently used in everyday life. It is used in food production, such as in the fermentation of cheese and in the production of certain types of bread. Mold is also used in the production of antibiotics and other medications. Additionally, mold is commonly used in scientific research and experimentation.