

Information Science and Libraries

Library and Information Science (LIS) is a discipline wherein the perspectives, practices and tools of management, education and information technology are applied to libraries. LIS is an integration of Library Science and Information Science.

500 Questions

What religion was preached at the San Gabriel mission?

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Asked by Wiki User

The San Gabriel Mission was a Catholic mission established by the Franciscan order of the Catholic Church. The mission aimed to spread Christianity among the indigenous peoples of California.

What is the purpose of the bells in the san gabriel mission?

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Asked by Wiki User

The bells at the San Gabriel Mission were used to call people to worship, mark the time, and communicate important events in the community. They played a significant role in the daily life of the mission and were an important symbol of the mission's presence in the surrounding area.

How will you determine the quality and accuracy of the information that you have?

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Asked by Wiki User

I will verify the credibility of the sources, cross-check the information with reliable sources, assess for bias or logical fallacies, and evaluate the expertise of the author or organization. Additionally, I will consider the currency of the information and whether it aligns with existing knowledge and research in the field.

Where do you search for information?

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Asked by Wiki User

I search for information on reliable websites, academic databases, and reputable sources such as government websites, peer-reviewed journals, and trusted news sources. Additionally, I use search engines like Google and digital libraries.

Does a database report allow the user to enter or modify data in the records?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a database report typically displays data from the database in a structured format for analysis or presentation purposes. It is not meant for entering or modifying data directly. Users would use a database management system interface to input or edit records.

What is the hair that men shave off their faces?

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Asked by Wiki User

Facial hair is the hair that men often shave off their faces, including the beard, mustache, and sideburns. Men typically shave their facial hair to maintain a clean, groomed appearance or to adhere to cultural or professional norms.

What is the layer of coal between rocks called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The layer of coal between rocks is called a coal seam or coal bed. This layer forms over millions of years from compressed plant material.

What is guided study activity review?

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Asked by Wiki User

A guided study activity review involves systematically evaluating the effectiveness and impact of a particular learning activity or exercise that was conducted under guided instruction. This review process helps assess the learning outcomes achieved, identify areas of improvement, and make adjustments for future sessions to enhance student understanding and engagement.

What are the four themes of human services?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four themes of human services are empowerment, strengths-based perspective, person-in-environment approach, and respect for diversity. These themes guide professionals in helping individuals and communities by focusing on strengths, promoting self-determination, considering social context, and respecting different backgrounds and perspectives.

What type of mirror or lens is used in reflection of torches?

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Asked by Wiki User

A concave mirror is typically used in torches for reflecting light. Concave mirrors are curved inward and can focus light to produce a bright beam.

What is the largest artery in the body that contains oxygen rich blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

The largest artery in the body that carries oxygen-rich blood is the aorta. It originates from the heart's left ventricle and branches out to supply oxygenated blood to the entire body.

What are problems that may arise if SI units are not uses?

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Asked by Wiki User

If SI units are not used, there may be confusion and inconsistency in measurements, leading to errors in calculations and data analysis. This can impede communication between scientists and researchers across different fields. Additionally, not using SI units can hinder standardization and comparability of results in scientific studies.

What is the role of Information and Communication Technology in politics?

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Asked by X7434252011

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a significant role in politics by enabling better communication between constituents and policymakers, facilitating real-time data analysis for decision-making, and increasing transparency and accountability through platforms like social media. ICT also helps in organizing political campaigns, reaching a wider audience, and mobilizing supporters.

Why is tree pruning useful in decision tree induction?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tree pruning helps prevent overfitting in decision tree induction by removing nodes with low predictive power. This improves the generalization ability of the model and reduces complexity, making it easier to interpret and apply. By pruning the tree, we can create a simpler and more accurate model that is better at predicting unseen data.

Why does subjective observation detract from a professional observation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Subjective observation introduces personal biases and opinions, which can lead to a lack of objectivity in professional assessment. It may cloud judgment and hinder the ability to make impartial and accurate evaluations based on facts and evidence. Professional observations aim to be objective, relying on standardized criteria and expertise to ensure reliability and validity in the assessment process.

What is POPSI?

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Asked by Wiki User

POPSI stands for Point of Sale System Integration. It refers to the process of connecting various systems, such as inventory management and payment processing, with a point of sale system to streamline operations and improve efficiency in retail businesses.

Are bricks made of granite?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, bricks are not made of granite. Bricks are typically made from clay and other materials that are molded and then fired in a kiln to create a durable building material. Granite, on the other hand, is a natural stone that is quarried and used for countertops, flooring, and other decorative purposes.

What are photoheterophs?

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Asked by Wiki User

Photoheterotrophs are organisms that can use light energy for growth but cannot convert carbon dioxide into organic compounds. Instead, they rely on organic compounds from their environment as a carbon source. An example of a photoheterotroph is the purple non-sulfur bacteria.

How many sea species have not been found in the ocean?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is estimated that there are still a large number of sea species that have not been discovered in the ocean. Scientists believe that the majority of species in the ocean have yet to be identified, with some estimates suggesting that over 80% of marine life remains undiscovered.

What is the meaning behind casting 2 different looking shadows?

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Asked by Wiki User

Casting two different looking shadows can represent duality or inner conflict within a person. It can symbolize the idea that individuals have multiple facets to their personality or emotions. It could also suggest that there are different perspectives or interpretations to consider in a situation.

Does science always have predictive power?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, one of the key features of science is its ability to make predictions based on empirical evidence and experimental data. By using logical reasoning and observable patterns, scientists can predict future outcomes and phenomena. However, there are certain limitations and uncertainties in prediction due to the complexity of natural systems and the potential for unknown variables.

Which association has not changed its name?

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Asked by Wiki User

The American Psychological Association has not changed its name since its founding in 1892.

How do laws passed by state legislature differ from scientific laws?

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Asked by Wiki User

Laws passed by a state legislature are rules and regulations created by people to govern society, enforce order, and protect rights. Scientific laws, on the other hand, are descriptions of phenomena in the natural world that have been observed to be consistent and predictable based on empirical evidence and scientific research. State laws are subject to human interpretation and amendment, while scientific laws are based on empirical evidence and are universal in their application.

Why is the tissue that makes up the epidermis of the skin called stratified epithelium?

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Asked by Wiki User

The epidermis is called stratified epithelium because it is made up of multiple layers of epithelial cells stacked on top of each other. This stratified arrangement provides structural support and protection for the skin.

Why are people so ulgly?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to remember that beauty is subjective and everyone has their own unique features that make them special. Physical appearances aren't the only thing that define a person's worth or value. It's more important to focus on inner qualities, kindness, and personality.