



Doctors are medical practitioners whose primary role is to promote, maintain or restore health through the study, diagnosis and treatment of injuries or diseases. Those who specialize in certain diseases, patients, or treatment methods are called specialist medical practitioners.

5,940 Questions

Why might a slight fever that lasts no more than a few days be beneficial?

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A slight fever can be beneficial as it helps the body fight off infections by activating the immune system and making it harder for bacteria and viruses to survive. It can also stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting infections. However, if the fever persists or becomes high, it may indicate a more serious underlying condition and should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

What is millicentigrams - dictated repeatedly by doctor in his reports?

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"Millicentigrams" is likely a misspelling or mispronunciation of "milligrams," which is a unit of measurement for mass in the metric system. It is possible that the doctor meant to refer to milligrams when dictating their reports.

What is a medical specialist concerned with electromagnetic radiation ultrasound and other imaging techniques?

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A radiologist is a medical specialist who is concerned with interpreting medical images obtained through electromagnetic radiation (X-rays, CT scans), ultrasound, and other imaging techniques. They play a key role in diagnosing and monitoring various health conditions by analyzing these images.

What is the salary of a neurologist in Dubai?

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The salary of a neurologist in Dubai can vary depending on factors such as experience, qualifications, and the healthcare facility they work for. On average, a neurologist in Dubai can earn between AED 30,000 to AED 60,000 per month.

Can you say that microbiologists are also called the doctor?

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Microbiologists are scientists who study microorganisms like bacteria and viruses, but they are not medical doctors. They focus on understanding how these organisms function, their impact on the environment and human health, and developing new technologies based on their research.

Does Judaism have only one sect?

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No, Judaism has multiple sects including Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist, each with its own beliefs and practices. These sects vary in their interpretations of Jewish law, tradition, and religious observance.

What do you call a doctor that treats mouth problems?

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who do i see to treat oral problem in mouitn saw dentist gp and ent taking viral medicine nfforn 2 weeks dont no wheren to go from here

How could epinephrine be used for someone bleeding from an injury?

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Epinephrine can be used to constrict blood vessels and increase blood pressure, which may help slow down bleeding from an injury. However, it should only be used in severe cases where other methods have failed, as it can have side effects and complications. Immediate medical attention should be sought for any significant bleeding.

Did doctors in 1666 have a cure for the plague?

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In 1666, doctors did not have a cure for the plague. Treatments at the time included quarantine measures, herbal remedies, and some primitive forms of infection control; however, none were very effective in curing the disease. It wasn't until the discovery of antibiotics much later that an effective treatment was developed.

When does a neurologist use the knee jerk technique?

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A neurologist may use the knee jerk technique, also known as deep tendon reflex testing, during a physical exam to assess the function of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. It can help in diagnosing conditions such as spinal cord injuries, nerve compressions, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Do you see a neurologist for a polyp in your sinus?

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No, a neurologist typically does not treat polyps in the sinus. You would usually see an otolaryngologist (ENT) for evaluation and management of sinus polyps.

Should you see a neurologist for psychosis?

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Yes, seeing a neurologist can be important for ruling out any underlying neurological conditions that may be contributing to the psychosis. Neurologists can conduct tests and evaluations to help determine if the psychosis is being caused by a neurological issue rather than a psychiatric one.

How is chemistry helpful to becoming a pediatrician?

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Understanding chemistry is essential for a pediatrician as it helps in understanding pharmacology to prescribe medications, interpreting lab results, and understanding the chemical processes in the human body. Additionally, knowledge of chemistry is important for understanding how different substances interact with the body and affect child development.

What is the role of a neurologist among mental health professionals?

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A neurologist specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the nervous system, which can include conditions that affect mental health such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease. They often work collaboratively with mental health professionals to provide comprehensive care for patients with conditions that involve both neurological and psychiatric symptoms.

Who is Dr. William Park?

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Dr. William Park is a renowned infectious disease specialist and the founder of the Park Group of Hospitals. He is known for his work in treating infectious diseases and his contributions to medical research.

What is a psycho-neurologist?

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A psycho-neurologist is a medical professional who specializes in the study of the relationship between the brain and behavior, emotions, and mental health. They may utilize techniques from both neurology and psychology to understand neurological disorders that affect mental health.

What is a chiropractic neurologist?

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A chiropractic neurologist is a healthcare professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the nervous system using a non-invasive and drug-free approach. They focus on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system to address issues such as pain, movement disorders, and other neurological conditions.

Should you see an orthopedist or neurologist for pinched nerve in neck?

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You should see an orthopedist for a pinched nerve in the neck as they specialize in treating musculoskeletal issues, including those related to the spine. However, if the pinched nerve is causing neurological symptoms like weakness or numbness, a neurologist may also be consulted for further evaluation.

What techniques is used to collect fetal cells during pregnancy for genetic testing?

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There are two main techniques used: chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis. CVS involves collecting cells from the placenta, typically performed around 10-13 weeks of pregnancy. Amniocentesis involves extracting cells from the amniotic fluid around 15-20 weeks of pregnancy. Both procedures carry a small risk of miscarriage.

Can a Neurologist treat depression?

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Yes, neurologists can treat depression, especially if it is related to neurological conditions or brain disorders. They may prescribe medications, provide therapy, or offer other treatments to help manage the symptoms of depression. However, psychiatrists and other mental health professionals are typically the main providers for treating depression.

A patient has a rare genetic disease What might doctors use to treat her?

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Doctors may consider gene therapy, enzyme replacement therapy, or medication to manage symptoms. Genetic counseling and support services may also be provided to the patient and her family.

Why should protein not normally be found in urine?

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Proteins are too large to pass through the filtration system of the kidney, so their presence in urine may indicate some damage or dysfunction in the kidneys or other parts of the urinary system. Normally, the kidneys filter waste products and excess substances from the blood while retaining essential proteins in the body.

How do you use the word neurologist in a sentence?

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I am going to see a neurologist tomorrow to discuss my recurring migraines.

What is the momentum and derive the formula for the momentum?

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Momentum is a measure of an object's motion and is calculated as the product of its mass and velocity. The formula for momentum is: momentum = mass x velocity.

Can you be a neurologist and a neurosurgeon?

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A neurologist is a physician who has completed specialty training in neurology (the study of nerves and the nervous system). Neurologists perform examinations, order various laboratory and diagnostic tests and treat various neurologic disorders with medications. A neurosurgeon is a physician who has completed surgical specialization in neurologic surgery. Neurosurgeons may perform surgery on the brain, spinal cord, vertebral column, peripheral nerves, or may place monitors or drains into the brain or ventricles.