



The eyes are organs. They detect light, regulate the light through a diaphragm, focuses it through adjustable lenses and converts them into electo-chemical impulses in our neurons by photoreceptor cells called rods and cones. The image is converted into a set of electrical signals that are transmitted to the brain via neural pathways that connect the eye to the optic nerve and visual cortex of the brain. In short, eyes are very complex optical systems that convert light to distinguish objects and movement around us.

11,021 Questions

Can you see if your eyes are numb?

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No, you cannot see if your eyes are numb as numbness is a sensory perception that you cannot visually confirm. Numbness is a lack of sensation, so you may feel it rather than see it. If you suspect that your eyes are numb, it is best to consult a doctor for a proper assessment and treatment.


Is eye color a inheritance?

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In the most rudimentary structure, the legacy of eye tone is named a Mendelian quality. Based on the perception of multiple aggregates, eye tone has a more perplexing example of legacy. Eye variety ranges incorporate changing shades of brown, hazel, green, blue, dark, and in uncommon cases, violet and red.

Can Systane eye drops be used on cats?

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It is not recommended to use Systane eye drops or any other over-the-counter human eye drops on cats without consulting a veterinarian first. Cats have sensitive eyes, and the wrong type of eye drops can be harmful to them. Always consult with a veterinarian before administering any medication to your pets.

How is it useful when cats eyes flash in the dark?

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Cats have a layer of specialized cells in their eyes called tapetum lucidum that reflects light, allowing them to see better in low light conditions. When their eyes flash in the dark, it's the light reflecting off the tapetum lucidum, helping them to see in the dark by maximizing any available light.

What do you call a fish with 10 eyes?

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A fish with 10 eyes is called a "fish." It does not have a special name for having a specific number of eyes.

What colour will my baby's hair and eyes be if mother has light brown hair and hazle eyes and farther has green eyes n red hair?

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It is difficult to predict with certainty, as genetics can be complex. However, the baby may have a mix of traits from both parents, possibly resulting in light brown hair and hazel or green eyes. The final outcome will depend on specific gene combinations.

What does it mean when your female hamster has dark circles around her eyes?

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Asked by Spencergirl15

Dark circles around a female hamster's eyes could be a sign of stress, illness, or lack of sleep. It's important to monitor her behavior, appetite, and overall health to determine the cause and consult a veterinarian if needed.

Why are baby owls born with there eyes closed?

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Baby owls are born with their eyes closed because their eyeballs are not fully developed at birth. The closed eyes offer protection to the delicate developing eyes from potential harm or infection in the nest. It takes a few days or weeks for their eyes to fully open and for their vision to become clearer.

Is it more likely for a child to have blue eyes if the mom has brown eyes and the dad has blue?

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Yes, it is possible for a child to have blue eyes if the mom has brown eyes and the dad has blue eyes. The inheritance of eye color is a complex trait influenced by multiple genes. Since both parents carry the blue eye gene, it is possible for their child to inherit this trait.

Can a person with brown eyes and a spouse with green eyes have a green eyed baby?

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Yes, it is possible. Eye color is determined by multiple genes, so a child can inherit different eye colors from their parents. If both parents carry the gene for green eyes, there is a chance their child could have green eyes.

Why do dogs have different colored eyes?

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Dogs can have different colored eyes, known as heterochromia, due to genetics or a lack of pigmentation in one eye. It can also be caused by a difference in melanin levels in each eye, leading to variations in eye color. It is typically a benign condition and does not affect the dog's vision or health.

How do you sleep without closing eyes?

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It is not possible for humans to consciously sleep without closing their eyes. Sleep involves entering a state of unconsciousness where the brain and body's activities slow down. Closing the eyes is a natural part of this process.

What are the positives and negative of the eye?

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Positives: The eye allows us to see and perceive our surroundings, enabling us to navigate the world, appreciate beauty, and recognize faces.

Negatives: The eye is susceptible to various conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration which can impair vision and lead to blindness if not treated promptly.

What is a bees third eye for?

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A bee's third eye, called an ocellus, helps with navigation by detecting light intensity and direction. It aids bees in maintaining stability and orientation during flight, especially on cloudy days when sunlight may be obscured.

Dark brown spots on cats eyes?

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Dark brown spots on a cat's eyes could indicate iris freckles or melanosis, which are usually benign and common in older cats. However, it's best to have a veterinarian examine the spots to rule out any potential underlying health issues such as injury or infection. Regular check-ups and monitoring of the spots are recommended to ensure the cat's eye health.

What does it mean if your hamster sometimes has 2 red eyes or 2 black eyes?

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If your hamster has consistently red eyes, it may be due to a genetic trait called ruby eyes. This is normal for some types of hamsters. If both eyes are black, it may indicate an injury, illness, or stress. If the eye color suddenly changes, consult a veterinarian for advice.

Can a brown eyed mother and a grey eyed father have grey eyed kids?

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Yes, it is possible for a brown-eyed mother and a grey-eyed father to have grey-eyed children. Eye color is determined by multiple genes, so it is possible for the parents to pass on the necessary combination of genes for their child to have grey eyes.

What does a chicken have if its eyes are closed and runny?

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If a chicken's eyes are closed and runny, it may have an eye infection or respiratory illness. It is important to monitor the chicken closely and consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Why do rabbits have red eyes in the dark?

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Because when you look at the eyes you see through the pupil, the aqueous humour, and lens, and vitreous humour, then you see the red membrane at the back. It looks like its glowing because of the lens!

this is also why you get red eye with humans, the flash of light from the camera alllows you to see the membrane and blood vessels.

What color eyes will the child have if the father has brown eyes and the mother different colored eyes?

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The child could inherit either of the parents' eye colors. Brown eyes are a dominant trait, so if the father's trait is dominant, the child is likely to have brown eyes. If the mother's eye color is a recessive trait, the child could inherit her eye color instead. It depends on the specific genetic makeup of the parents.

How do you take care of a rabbits eyes?

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To take care of a rabbit's eyes, make sure their living environment is clean to prevent any eye infections. Check their eyes regularly for signs of discharge, redness, or cloudiness. If you notice any issues, consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or substances near your rabbit's eyes.

Do all hamsters have black eyes?

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No, not all hamsters have black eyes. Hamsters can have a variety of eye colors, including black, red, pink, and dark brown. Eye color can vary depending on the hamster's breed and individual genetics.

Can you help kittens open their eyes?

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you should never try that. A cat just naturally does it a few days after it birth. When its about a week and a half, that's when they should be completely open, sometimes it opens even before that. Don't try it, it has to be naturally opened or you could damage the eye because the kittens eyes could still be adjusting.

How many eyes do ants have?

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Ants typically have two compound eyes, each made up of multiple lenses. Additionally, they also have three simple eyes called ocelli that can detect light and dark.

What kind of non Mendelian trait is color blindness?

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Color blindness is an example of an X-linked recessive trait, which is a type of non-Mendelian inheritance. This means that the gene responsible for color blindness is located on the X chromosome, and the trait is more commonly expressed in males than females.