

Sinus Infections

A sinus infection or sinusitis is the swelling of the sinuses and nasal canals. The infection may be acute (persists for not more than four weeks), chronic (8 weeks or more) or subacute (going on for four to eight weeks).

614 Questions

How can an infection that spreads from the frontal or maxillary sinus impair the sense of smell?

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An infection in the frontal or maxillary sinus can cause inflammation and swelling of the nasal passages, which can obstruct the flow of air and affect the ability of odor molecules to reach the olfactory receptors in the nose. This obstruction can lead to a reduced sense of smell, known as hyposmia or anosmia, depending on the severity of the impairment.

Does fern cause you allergy?

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Some people may be allergic to fern spores which can be released into the air, particularly indoor ferns. If you are allergic to ferns, avoid handling them and ensure good ventilation in the area where they are placed to reduce exposure to spores.

What can you do to drain fluid-filled ears?

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To drain fluid-filled ears, you can try using over-the-counter decongestants or nasal sprays to reduce congestion, using a warm compress on the affected ear to help with drainage, and trying techniques like the Valsalva maneuver or the Toynbee maneuver to equalize pressure in the ear. If these methods do not work or if you are experiencing pain or hearing loss, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.

What is maxillary sinusitis?

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Maxillary sinusitis is inflammation or swelling of the maxillary sinus, which is one of the four pairs of paranasal sinuses located in the cheekbones. It can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection, allergies, or structural issues in the sinus cavity, leading to symptoms such as facial pain, pressure, congestion, and headache. Treatment typically involves antibiotics, decongestants, and nasal irrigation to relieve symptoms and resolve the infection.

What is poly sinusitis?

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Poly sinusitis is the inflammation of two or more of the sinuses. In the early stages of poly sinusitis the treatment is warm showers and decongestants/antihistamines. In the later stages antibiotics may be required.

What to take for sinus?

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You can take SnifRelief mask : Check more here :

Can nose bleed cause sinus infection?

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Yes sinus infection causes nose bleed.

Can a sinus infection cause a abscess?

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In my case, its yes. I have problem of sinusitis which developed around 4 years ago. After that, abscess often grows (once in 3-4 months) over my nose.

Can you use keflex for a sinus infection?

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Keflex is a Cephalosporin antibiotic that inhibits the cell wall development in bacteria. It is effective in the treatment of Sinusitis that is related to bacterial infections. Be sure and note the side effects of antibiotic treatment that can be mild to severe. If you have never taken a Cephalasporin my advice is to see a physician before doing so or at a minimum do a drug interaction search (if you are on other meds) As with all antibiotics continued and chronic use can deteriorate their effectiveness and lead to resistant bacteria. Use them sparingly as needed.

Good luck

Dr. Don

What is The name of a hospital-acquired infection?

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Hi there...

The correct term is 'NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION' - this simply means an infections that has originated within a hospital/clinical setting.

Is 5 days of 500mg amoxicclin twice a day enough to get rid of a sinus infection?

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Most sinus infections are viral, and study after study shows that these will improve in 7-10 days with or without antibiotics. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

What is the cause of shooting pain behind right ear?

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You have sinuses all over your head and behind the ears, jaw line, temple area are your main areas of feeling pains of twitches, shallow aches, or sporadic pain. These areas are very small sinuses and it is hard for these areas to drain unlike the nose. The pain could be sinus related - even if you have never suffered sinuses we all have them in some degree - Your body changes every seven years and for some people they get new symptoms that they have never experienced and lose others. The sinuses behind the ear/back of neck are so small that for them to drain it would be like taking a straw and filling the straw with water then putting your finger on it to stop it from dripping. It would take a long time for the straw to discharge all the water. This is exactly what your sinuses are going through. If you are still worried then see a doctor, but you may want to try sinus medication or sinus headache relief medicine first.

Could a sinus infection cause jaw pain?

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They can be...

Human sinuses are broken into four groups known collectively as the paranasal sinuses. These four groups are: maxillary, frontal, sphenoid and ethmoids. All four are located in the bones of our skulls, but they are also attached to the nose. When one of them becomes infected it can affect more than just the nasal passages. It can cause pain and swelling in the eyes, face, or jaw. For example, the maxillary sinuses; which are located beneath the eyes and also in the facial cheekbones on the side of the nose, can cause jaw pain when they become infected.

A sinus headache is a symptom of inflamed, congested sinuses. To get rid of your headache, you must reduce the inflammation in your sinuses. Learning the cause will make it easier to treat.


What to do for a bad odor after tonsil are removed?

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Bad breath tend to occur after tonsillectomy because of the white exudates which contains bacteria that form around the tonsils during healing. It will last for around 12 days.

Another reason could be the change of diet after surgery whereby people tend to take soft dairy products which can produce mouth odor due to the breakdown of chemicals in the stomach.

Can you get a bloody nose from a sinus Infection?

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It might be, since sinus drainage goes into the back of the throat and can be mixed in saliva. But it may also be from many other conditions. If this is persistent, you should contact a health care provider to diagnose and treat it appropriately.

What herbs can be used to treat parasitic infections?

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Momordica charantia (bitter melon ) is a very safe remedy for pinworm infection.

What causes sinus pressure to build up?

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Sinus pressure builds up from accumulated mucus that irritates the inside of the nose and causes sinus pressure. From there you have a full blown cold and can break down the mucus with medication.

Are there sinuses in the back of the head?

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Sinuses are up your nose to almost your forhead. I don't believe they are in your head. I think they are connected to your nose.

What does endoscopic sinus surgery treat?

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The surgeon opens the back ethmoid air cells, to allow better ventilation, but leaves the bone covered with the mucous membrane. Following this step, the ostium located near the jaw is checked for obstruction

What is sinus rhythm with occasional venticular ectopics?

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What could the prognosis be with a women in her late 40s with underlyning sinus rhythm, mixed with VEBs and AEBs? average rate of 57bpm ( range 37-143bpm) Heart rate less than 50bpm were noted 57% but with no pauses greater than 2 seconds. with sinus bradycardia, rate 52bpm and ventricular premature beat? women doesnt smoke, drink or take drugs of any kind. thank you

What are the signs that a sinus infection is going away?

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Your throat doesn't hurt as much as it did and you feel a little happier within yourself.