


For all questions that have to do with fasting and cleansing the body from toxins. Questions about how to do a particular fast or cleanse, efficiency of different methods, etc... can be asked here.

158 Questions

How much water a day to detox?

Dieticians recommend at least 3 liters of water is necessary to complete a detox regimen. Also, can include cucumbers or lemons in the water as well.

Does Patch it the detox foot patch work?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claims that detox foot patches like Patch it actually work. Claims about detoxifying the body through the feet are not backed by research or medical experts. It's always best to consult a healthcare professional before trying any detox products.

Does apple cider vinegar detox the kidneys?

No. There is no magic potion you can drink that will make your drug test come back clean. If you're worried about drug testing, don't use drugs; it's as simple as that.

What is a 24 hour all natural detox?

The answer is quite simple. You can go on a juicing fast for 24 hours. Since you are on a liquid diet, it gives your organs a break from working and does wonders to detox your body. There are many juicing recipes available online if you are not sure where to start.

What are the best detox tablets to buy?

I know that U-test conducted a study and rated Rescue detox as the most effective detox in general. they make rescue ice caps, which are pills. the company's phone # is on the box and you can call them with questions.

What does it mean when your detox pads turn black?

Everybody has a different body, and so we all have different toxins in us so maybe your detox pads are gray because you had a different toxin in your body besides someone else who had a brown detox pad. Don't worry because yours is gray. It says on the Kinoki Foot pad detox things that it will turn brown OR gray, so it is suppose to do that.

How long does Oxycontin stay in blood?

oxycontin is detectable in urine tests for about 5 to 7 days maximum, in blood tests for 14 to 16 hours max. but a lot of it depends on how hard you try to flush your system and how much body fat you have.

How can you detox for an etg test?

it depends on the test. etg is a metabolite of alchohol. it is persistent for about 10 days on the reagent test and much longer on mass spectrometer or gas chronograph I f you are being tested as part of a zero tolerance program and the test is a CG,MS you will not be able to get out of it. There has been some controversy in the test, but it is the gold standard fro testing for alcohol.If you are taking a cup based urine test, dilution may be your best bet. Drink a lot of water prior to the test and make sure you have peed at least 3 times before giving oyur sample. DO not give the first sample of the day as this is th4e strongest one. Attempting to adulterate the test is illegal in some situations. if it is not you might try to bring in some urine fro another source. This is by no means a recommendation. If you are trying to do this remember that the temperature of the sample and the presence of creatinine is required in order to have a good test. do not drink any alcohol for at least 5 days prior to the test!

How to use alum powder?

Put alum in some water allow it to dissolve. Then use it and wash your mouth for a week or two.

Do you poop a lot when you detox?

Yes, a lot. Don't think that just because it doesn't taste so bad it won't do so much damage. Trust me, it will. You will be going to the washroom A LOTTTT. Also, you might lose a few pounds in weight. Don't worry, this is totally normal.

Will a 7 day detox raw cleanse organ detox remove THC?

Pure Cleanse Detox does not work. Every detox flush is a gamble, I have heard stories and many people tell you what you need in a heart-beat, bottom line is they don't work. In testing to see if someone has recently used pot, there are two important substances: THC and 9-carboxy-THC.

9-carboxy-THC is a product of the body's metabolism of THC and it's detectable for a longer period of time than THC is detectable. Urine tests look for 9-carboxy-THC.

Some laboratories test for detox fixes as well as the THC.

THC may remain in your system for 30 days or longer.

The detection period for 9-carboxy-THC in urine may be three months for heavy users.

  • Research on saliva tests indicated that they may be able to detect THC up to eight hours after ingestion, but they are not widely used.
  • Exposure to second-hand marijuana smoke may result in a positive urine test within one to two days.
  • Some private companies may use hair tests to detect possible marijuana use. Positive hair test results have been found to be unreliable.

Now that you understand about 9-carboxy-THC perhaps you understand why the detox may not work.

Where can one purchase body cleanse detox?

A liver cleanse kit can be bought at a pharmacy like Duane Reade or Rite Aid. These kits are very expensive and can purge your liver of all foul materials.

Does fish oil clear acne?

I just recently started taking 1200mg of Fish Oil daily and began breaking out all over my face and neck. If you take too much Fish Oil it can send your hormones off whack and cause acne problems and I learned the hard way. I only took the pills to help my recently broken ankle and got a nice acne surprise !!!


Yes fish oil can cause acne

Is a sauna a good way to detox?

It doesn't remove traces of drugs from your body, no.

Will librax show up on a urine drug test?

Yes probably, it will show positive for Benzodiazepine. If you have a prescription for it then it shouldn't be a problem. I am prescribed to take it twice a day but only take it once. I stopped three days before my pre-employment drug screen just to avoid any hassle and it still showed up positive.

What are the ingredients in Mudoku detox foot pads?

i am in the Windsor area, where can i get these Mudoku detox foot pads.

What is the best way to detox your body from THC?

By not smoking. It is stored in the fat cells in the body and only goes away when your body releases it on it's own. This can take between 15 and 90 days.

How is a colonic irrigation performed?

.a small speculum is passed into the patient's bowel through the rectum.a machine.pumps temperature-controlled water into the colon at a controlled rate.The fecal matter is flushed out through a viewing tube.

How do you use rescue detox?

call the # on the bottle. you can talk to someone who will walk you through it. but i took the 32oz about 90 min before my test, drank about 20oz of water, peed 4 times, then took the test and was fine.

How long does it take to detox from phendimetrazine?

Phendimetrazine has a half life of about four hours. Usually, unless the person is quite obese, the drug will be out of the system within 24 hours.

What are the vitamins and minerals of cassava?

Carbohydrates, vitamin C, manganese, fiber, calories, very deficient in protein.

What happens after four to five hours when drinking ultimate gold detox?

Ultimate Gold is a scam, like most of these sorts of "treatments." You can accomplish the same thing by following their directions on the web site, but using plain water or tea. The object is to so dilute your urine that any drug residue or metabolites will drop below the detectable limits. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

After the 4 to 5 hours, when your fluid balance gets back to normal, the chemicals will still be there. The term detox is a total scam as well.

How long does it take for cranberry juice and water to clean your system?

Cranberry pills are a popular home remedy to promote urinary tract health. Most people report relief of urinary tract infection symptoms within one day; if you do not experience relief within one day, consult a physician.