



Lifting barbells as a competitive event or conditioning exercise. Questions about training, rules or techniques are welcome here.

1,657 Questions

What can you to take to get a 300 pound benchpress max?

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To increase your bench press max to 300 pounds, you need to focus on progressive overload by gradually increasing the weight you lift, ensuring proper form and technique, incorporating accessory exercises to strengthen supporting muscles, and following a well-rounded training program that includes both strength training and adequate rest for muscle recovery. Consistency and dedication to your training regimen will be key in reaching your goal.

Is Dark Matter good for building muscle?

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No, Dark Matter does not contribute to building muscle. Dark Matter refers to a theoretical substance that makes up a large part of the universe's mass, and is unrelated to muscle growth or exercise. For building muscle, focus on a balanced diet, proper training, and adequate recovery.

How does weightlifting increase metabolism?

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Weightlifting helps increase metabolism by building lean muscle mass. Muscle tissue is metabolically active, meaning it burns more calories at rest compared to fat tissue. The more muscle you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate, leading to an increase in overall energy expenditure and a faster metabolism.

What is the largest amount anyone has ever bench-pressed?

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The largest amount ever bench-pressed in a competition is 335 kilograms (739.6 pounds) by Hafthor Bjornsson in 2020. Bjornsson, an Icelandic strongman and actor, set the record during his powerlifting debut at the World's Ultimate Strongman competition.

If Lamarck's hypothesis of species modification were true the child of a person who developed large muscles by lifting weights would be born with?

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According to Lamarck's hypothesis, the child would inherit the acquired trait of large muscles from the parent who developed them. Therefore, the child would also have a tendency to develop large muscles.

Who was the world's strongest man in 1873?

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There is no definitive record of the world's strongest man in 1873. However, Louis Cyr, a Canadian strongman, was one of the most well-known strongmen of the late 19th century.

Who is the strongest guy ever known?

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There isn't a definitive answer to who the strongest person ever is, as strength can be measured in various ways. However, some strong individuals in history include powerlifters like Hafthor Bjornsson or weightlifters like Lasha Talakhadze who have broken records in their respective sports.

What is bodybuilding material?

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Bodybuilding material typically refers to resources, such as articles, books, videos, and training programs, that provide information and guidance on building muscle mass, endurance, and strength through resistance training, nutrition, and supplementation. It can also include equipment like free weights, machines, and accessories used for bodybuilding workouts.

This principle states that your bodies will physiologically adapt according to whether you are training aerobically or anaerobically?

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Asked by JCoreyball2

The principle you are referring to is the principle of specific adaptation to imposed demands (SAID). This principle states that the body will adapt specifically to the type of stress or demand placed upon it during exercise. In this context, it means that the body will adapt differently to aerobic training compared to anaerobic training based on the specific physiological demands of each type of exercise.

What is the strongest baukaugaun?

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It is difficult to determine the absolute strongest baukaugaun as strength can vary based on individual characteristics and circumstances. Different baukaugauns may excel in different aspects or areas of strength, such as physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual strength. Ultimately, the strength of a baukaugaun is often subjective and depends on the context in which it is being evaluated.

How would weight lifting be different on the moon compared to earth?

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Weight lifting on the moon would be easier due to the moon's lower gravity, about 1/6th of Earth's gravity. This means weights would feel lighter and easier to lift. However, the lack of atmosphere and different environment would present challenges in terms of equipment stability and body adaptation.

What age are you the strongest?

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Peak physical strength typically occurs in your late 20s to early 30s, but it can vary depending on individual genetics, training, and lifestyle factors. After this peak, strength gradually declines with age due to natural processes of muscle loss and decreased hormone levels. However, with proper exercise and nutrition, you can maintain strength and muscle mass well into old age.

Why do Caucasian athletes dominate in sports such as weight lifting and wrestling?

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There is no genetic or racial superiority that leads to domination in specific sports. Geographic, cultural, and historical factors may contribute to the representation of athletes from certain regions in certain sports. Additionally, access to resources and training opportunities can play a role in the success of athletes.

What is more efficent isokinetic or free weights?

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Isokinetic exercises are typically more efficient for targeting specific muscle groups and ensuring consistent resistance throughout the entire range of motion. Free weights, on the other hand, can be more versatile and functional for incorporating stabilizing muscles and engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously. The choice between the two ultimately depends on individual fitness goals and preferences.

Does alcohol stunt breast growth?

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Alcohol consumption does not directly stunt breast growth. However, excessive alcohol intake during adolescence can affect overall development and impact hormonal balance, potentially influencing breast development. It's important for individuals to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle during crucial growth stages.

Was Rostam of Shahnamah the strongest man ever?

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Asked by Kermanshahi

In Shahnamah, Rostam is portrayed as a legendary hero with exceptional strength and skill in battle. However, in terms of historical accuracy, it is difficult to determine if he was the strongest man ever.

How old should you be to start drinking protein shakes?

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It is recommended to wait until adolescence (around 16-18 years old) before incorporating protein shakes into your diet, as teenagers can usually obtain sufficient protein from whole foods. Consulting with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian is advisable to determine individual nutritional needs and ensure protein supplements are appropriate for someone's age and health status.

Different between training and development.explain the different method of employee training?

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Asked by Swetsathish

Training focuses on teaching employees specific skills and knowledge required for their current job roles, typically short-term and task-oriented. Development, on the other hand, is a long-term process aimed at overall employee growth, including future leadership skills, personal growth, and career progression. Various methods of employee training include on-the-job training (OJT), where employees learn by performing tasks under supervision, and classroom training for theoretical knowledge. E-learning offers flexible, online modules, while workshops and seminars provide intensive, interactive sessions. Simulation training allows practice in a controlled environment, and mentorship or coaching provides personalized skill development. Job rotation helps employees gain diverse skills, and apprenticeships combine practical training with classroom instruction.

What is the average weight a wrestler can bench press?

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The average weight a wrestler can bench press varies greatly depending on the individual's strength, training, and weight class. Elite wrestlers may be able to bench press over 300 pounds, while recreational wrestlers may lift significantly less.

Is the leg press record held by a man or woman?

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The leg press record is typically held by men due to their usually greater muscle mass and strength compared to women. However, there may be individual cases where a woman holds the record, but this is less common.

Can i take L glutamine even if I'm already taking a pre workout supplement before my workout and protein after I workout?

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That depends entirely on the contents of your pre-workout supplement. You should always check with your doctor or nutritionist before taking, changing, or combining supplements.

What is the world record for bench pressing?

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The current world record bench press is 1070 Lbs or (476.3 Kilos) by USA Ryan Kennelly.

The heaviest Raw squat is 324.3 Kg By Scott Mendelson. However, Ryan has done 2 reps raw at 275 kg with utter ease.

Who holds the world record on the bench press for a 60 year old?

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As of my last update, the world record for bench press in the 60-year-old age category is held by Dave Ricks with a lift of 216.1 kilograms (476 lbs) in the Masters category.

World record bench press 15 year old?

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The world record bench press for a 15-year-old is currently held by Jake Schellenschlager, who lifted 335 pounds in 2014. It's important to note that records in sports like powerlifting can change frequently as athletes continue to push their limits.