


Saltwater Fish

Saltwater fish are generally found in ocean and seas. Majority of fish are saltwater fish; while the rest are freshwater species. Some saltwater fish are eels, goatfish, goby, drumfish, damsel, batfish and basslet.

2,848 Questions

Why cant sea otters live in fresh water?

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Sea otters have adapted to live in marine environments, where they rely on the saltwater for their survival. Their bodies have evolved to handle the specific conditions found in the ocean. Freshwater lacks the necessary nutrients and salinity levels that sea otters require for their health and well-being.

Are feather stars and sea lilies the same thing?

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Feather stars and sea lilies are related but not the same. They both belong to the class Crinoidea, but feather stars can crawl and swim while sea lilies are sessile, anchored to the seafloor by a stalk.

What are the 5 types of fins?

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The 5 types of fins found on fish are dorsal fins, caudal fins (tail fins), pectoral fins, pelvic fins, and anal fins. These fins serve various functions such as stability, propulsion, and steering in the water.

Are puffer fish herbivores carnivores or omnivores?

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Puffer fish are primarily carnivores, feeding on a diet of small invertebrates, algae, and plants. They are not herbivores as they do not solely consume plants, and they may also consume other marine animals.

What group is the lionfish in plankton nekton benthos?

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The lionfish belongs in the nekton group. Nekton are aquatic organisms that are able to swim and move independently of water currents, unlike plankton which are drifters, and benthos which dwell at the bottom of a body of water.

What eats salmon?

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Salmon are prey for a variety of animals, including larger fish like trout and pike, as well as mammals like otters, bears, and seals. Birds such as eagles and osprey also feed on salmon. Additionally, humans are significant predators of salmon for both subsistence and commercial fishing.

Is a tiger shark a carnivore herbivore or an omivore?

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A tiger shark is an omnivore, meaning it eats both plants and animals. Its diet consists of fish, seals, birds, turtles, and sometimes algae or seagrass.

What is the largest red fish ever caught?

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The largest red fish species is the red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), also known as redfish. The largest recorded red drum caught on rod and reel weighed 94 pounds.

What bacteria can live in fresh and salt water and use photosynthesis?

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Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are a type of bacteria that can live in both fresh and saltwater environments and are capable of photosynthesis. They play a significant role in aquatic ecosystems by producing oxygen through photosynthesis.

What has the most oxygen running water or standing water fresh water or salt water?

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Running water typically has more oxygen than standing water because the movement of the water helps to aerate and oxygenate the water. Freshwater usually contains more oxygen than saltwater due to differences in solubility and temperature affecting oxygen levels.

What is a behavioral adaptation for a blue marlin?

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Blue Jays have broad, fanning wings that allow them to turn quickly in their forest habitat. However, they cannot fly swiftly in open spaces. Like other birds, the Blue Jay has very light bones that enable flight. The Blue Jay's wedge-shaped tail can be fanned open to allow quick stops and turns mid-flight.

What type of water rusts steel faster salt water fresh water or refrigerated water?

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Salt water will rust steel faster than fresh water or refrigerated water. This is due to the corrosive properties of salt, which accelerates the oxidation process that leads to rust formation on steel surfaces.

Is a shark herbivore?

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No, sharks are not herbivores. They are carnivorous predators that primarily feed on other fish, seals, and marine mammals.

What insects eat plankton?

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Some insects that eat plankton include water boatmen, backswimmers, and certain species of beetles. They often feed on plankton in freshwater environments such as ponds, lakes, and streams. These insects play a crucial role in controlling plankton populations in aquatic ecosystems.

Why are fossils of ocean fish found in places geographically removed from present-day oceans?

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Fossils of ocean fish found in inland locations suggest that those areas were once covered by an ocean. This could be due to geological processes like plate tectonics or changes in sea levels over time, where the location of the ocean shifted.

What three things does a habitat provide?

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A habitat provides food, shelter, and space for organisms to survive and thrive. These resources are essential for supporting the needs of the diverse species that inhabit a particular ecosystem.

How do salt water fish get rid of the salt?

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Saltwater fish have special cells in their gills that actively pump out excess salt ions through a process called osmoregulation. This allows them to maintain a balance of salts inside their bodies despite living in a high salt environment. Additionally, they have efficient kidneys and excrete concentrated urine to further regulate their internal salt levels.

Is barracuda a decomposer?

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No, barracuda is not a decomposer. Barracudas are predatory fish that feed on other animals in the ocean, like smaller fish and crustaceans. They do not play a role in breaking down dead organic matter like decomposers do.

Which is faster world's fastest mammal or world's fastest fish?

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The world's fastest mammal, the cheetah, can reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour, while the world's fastest fish, the sailfish, can swim at speeds of up to 68 miles per hour. Therefore, the cheetah is faster than the sailfish.

How much do sardines cost?

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The price of sardines can vary depending on factors such as location, brand, method of preservation, and packaging. On average, a can of sardines can cost between $1 to $3. Fresh sardines may cost more per pound compared to canned sardines.

What helps draw water into the mouth of bony fish?

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Bony fish use a process called buccal pumping to draw water into their mouths. By expanding their buccal cavity, they create a negative pressure which pulls water in. This helps them breathe by passing water over their gills for oxygen exchange.

How do sea creatures breathe under water?

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Sea creatures breathe underwater using gills, which extract oxygen from the water. Gills are equipped with thin membranes that allow oxygen to pass through and carbon dioxide to be released. This process enables sea creatures to extract oxygen from the water in order to survive.

How does a clown fish help the coral reef environment?

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Clownfish help the coral reef environment by cleaning and aerating their host anemone, which benefits the overall health of the coral reef ecosystem. Additionally, they provide protection for the anemone by chasing away potential predators. This symbiotic relationship is crucial for maintaining the balance and biodiversity of the coral reef environment.

What is the function of pelage in rats?

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The pelage in rats serves as insulation, helping to regulate their body temperature. It also provides protection from external elements and predators. Additionally, the coloration and patterns of the pelage can be important for camouflage and communication within their social groups.

What is the habitat of the lionfish?

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Lionfish are native to the Indo-Pacific region but have invaded coastal waters in the western Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea. They are typically found in coral reefs, rocky crevices, and wrecks at depths ranging from 1 to 100 meters. They prefer warm waters with tropical or subtropical temperatures.