



When many think of sharks, they think of the movie Jaws or a dangerous man-eating fish. In reality, sharks is a large group of fish that includes very small to much larger fish. Some can be harmful to man and others are harmless. To delve into this interesting and diverse group of cartilaginous saltwater fish that have sharp teeth and a bad reputation, ask your questions in this category.

5,515 Questions

What are baby tigers called?

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Baby tigers are called cubs.

Where is the Geographical location for great white sharks?

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Great white sharks prefer living in cooler coastal and offshore waters and can often be found in areas like the coasts of California, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. They thrive in temperate seas and are commonly found near seal colonies and other marine life

What is the help secret word of sharks lagoon's game rivalries part 2?

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The secret help word that you can type in anywhere in the Sharks Lagoon Rivalries game is "house". Once you have put that word into the game a yellow circle will appear showing you where to click next.

Are shark eggs fertilized internally or externally?

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They fertilize internally!

Many animals reproduce through internal fertilization. A male and female pair up and mate, and the female's eggs are fertilized inside her body. Empid flies mate in this way. The male empid fly is smaller than the female and risks being eaten during mating. To protect himself, he presents the female with a small insect to distract her.

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Can a shark live in cold water?

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It depends on the type of shark, most sharks like living in warm or tropical waters,such as Hawaii and Australia.Some sharks though can live in colder waters,such as the Greenland shark and the Great White shark.The Great White Shark has even been seen in the cold waters of Sanfransisco

What are some similies for the word dangerous?

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  • As risky as walking a tightrope over a pit of fire.
  • Like playing with a ticking time bomb.
  • As perilous as navigating through a minefield.

What is the shark tagalong fish called?

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The shark tagalong fish is called a remora. Remoras have a specialized dorsal fin modified into a suction cup that allows them to attach to larger marine animals like sharks for transportation and protection.

What will happen if you pet a shark?

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Petting a shark can be dangerous as it may mistake your hand for food and bite. Sharks have rough skin that can cause injury if you touch them. It's best to admire sharks from a safe distance without trying to pet them.

Are human swimmers usually in great danger from sharks?

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No, human swimmers are not usually in great danger from sharks. Shark attacks on humans are rare, and most shark species are not interested in preying on people. It's important to practice caution in areas known for shark activity, but the risk of a shark attack is very low.

What types of shark can be found near Barbados?

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Some types of sharks that can be found near Barbados include Caribbean reef sharks, nurse sharks, and tiger sharks. These sharks are common in the region and can often be seen in the waters surrounding the island.

The largest eggs in the world are laid by a shark?

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Most sharks do not lay eggs, but instead bear live young, with the shark fetuses supported by the mother in a manner similar to mammals. Some others have eggs, but the eggs remain inside the mother, with the young living off each other. Of the remainder, some simply lay them on the bottom of the ocean, while others place them in crevices. Some of the bottom-laid eggs have long streamers that grab onto nearby objects and hang on until the young are born.

How many gill slits does a cookie cutter shark have?

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A cookie cutter shark (Isistius brasiliensis) has five pairs of gill slits, which is characteristic of most shark species. These gill slits allow the shark to extract oxygen from water as it swims.

Do thresher sharks lay eggs?

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Sharks have a great diversity when it come to their reproductive system. There are two different ways for a Shark to reproduce depending on what kind of Shark it is, there are oviparous egg laying species and viviparous live-bearing species. Oviparous species lay eggs that develop and hatch. Where as the the viviparous species are live-bearers.

The Thresher Shark belongs to the viviparous species therefore do not lay eggs.

I hope that answers your question.

Facts about the velvet belly lantern shark?

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The velvet belly lantern shark is a deep-sea shark species that emits a faint bioluminescent glow from its belly to camouflage itself from predators below. It can be found in the waters off the coasts of Portugal, Madeira, and the Canary Islands. This shark has a unique appearance, with a slender body, large eyes, and specialized organs that produce light.

Do alligators fight sharks?

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Alligators and sharks typically live in different environments, with alligators primarily found in freshwater habitats and sharks in saltwater oceans. While it is not common for them to interact in the wild, there have been cases where they may come into contact in transitional areas like estuaries, but direct fights between them are rare.

How far can dogfish smell?

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Dogfish sharks have an excellent sense of smell and can detect odors from up to a mile away. They rely on their sense of smell to locate food, identify predators, and navigate their environment.

What is the nickname for a shark's egg case?

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The nickname for a shark's egg case is a "mermaid's purse." These protective cases help to keep the developing shark embryo safe until it is ready to hatch.

Is there a feeding frenzy 3?

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There is no sequel titled "Feeding Frenzy 3" as of now. The original "Feeding Frenzy" game was developed by Sprout Games and its sequel was developed by PopCap Games, but there hasn't been any official announcement for a third installment.

Can a shark eat anything?

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Sharks eat fish for dinner

To which group do sharks belong?

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There are many families of fish, but all belong to the phylum Chordata. That is about as specific as you can get in terms of encompassing ALL fish. However, MOST fish, called are classed in Osteichthyes(Bony Fish), Sarcopterygii (lobe finned fish) and Chondrichthyes(sharks, rays, skates, etc), and a hundred or so species of primitive jawless fishes.

What eats reef sharks?

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Reef sharks feed mostly on other fish.But like most sharks will take what is available.Jellyfish,seabirds,and other sharks are on the menu,as well.Reef sharks have been implicated in attacks on humans,but this is a rare occurence.Reef sharks are voracious predators,and are one of the shark species inclined to go on feeding frenzies.Hitlers behavior is triggered by a lot of injured prey in the water,as when Hitler attacks schools of mullet.

What do iridescent sharks eat?

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Iridescent sharks are omnivores and will eat a variety of foods such as insects, algae, small fish, and crustaceans. They can also be fed sinking pellets or flakes specifically formulated for catfish. It's important to provide a varied diet to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.

Can a shark eat a boat?

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No, a shark cannot eat a boat. Sharks are predators that primarily feed on fish, seals, and other marine animals, as their teeth and feeding habits are adapted for capturing and consuming prey in the water. A shark would not be capable of consuming a boat due to its size and the structure of the boat.

What is an oviparous shark?

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An oviparous shark is a shark species that lays eggs rather than giving birth to live young. The female shark will deposit fertilized eggs in suitable locations to develop and hatch outside of her body. Examples of oviparous sharks include some species of catsharks and horn sharks.

Do sharks eat nails?

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No, sharks do not eat nails. Sharks are carnivorous predators that mainly feed on fish, seals, and other marine animals. Their diet does not include inedible materials like nails.