

Orcas (killer whales)

Although commonly known as the killer whale, the orca is the largest member of the dolphin family. They are known for their intelligence and presence in aquatic theme parks.

1,480 Questions

Where does a killer whale fit in to the ecosystem as a whole in terms of feeding relationships?

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Killer whales are apex predators in the ecosystem, meaning they are at the top of the food chain. They primarily feed on marine mammals such as seals, sea lions, and occasionally other whales. Their role in controlling populations of prey species helps to maintain a healthy balance in the marine ecosystem.

Are killer whales harmless?

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no it is not!

What is the orcas latin name?

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Orcinus Orca

What country was the whale fossil found in?

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sho heh y'eh h'eagh

heke soom n'asi


What do orcas do?

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they attack great whites and male and female sperm whales and blue whales even the can attack those animals cause their the strongest and largest animal in the ocean

Where can you find a labeled diagram of an Orca whale's internal organs?

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You can find labeled diagrams of an Orca whale's internal organs in scientific books, academic journals, or online research databases related to marine biology and anatomy. Some museums or marine research centers may also have exhibits or educational materials that feature diagrams of Orca whale anatomy.

What are some abiotic factors in the ecosystem of a killer whale?

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ocean can be abiotic factors of sea lions

Can you give an example of a rhetorical statement about killer whales?

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"Are killer whales the ocean's masters, or its enigmatic guardians?"

What are the physical characteristics of black haw?

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Black haw is a shrub or small tree that typically grows up to 20 feet tall. It has dark gray to blackish bark with rough texture, and glossy green leaves that turn reddish-purple in fall. The plant produces small white flowers in spring, followed by dark blue or black berries in late summer.

What are the physical characteristics of black cohosh?

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Black cohosh is a perennial herb native to eastern North America, characterized by tall spikes of small white flowers. Its leaves are compound and divided into toothed leaflets. The plant can grow up to 6 feet in height and produces a thick, knobby rootstock.

What is the strength of the bite force of an adult Orca?

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An adult Orca can have a bite force of around 19,000 pounds per square inch, which is significantly stronger than that of a great white shark. They use this powerful bite force to capture and eat prey such as seals and fish.

What is the average bite force of an orca aka killer whale?

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The average bite force of an orca, or killer whale, is around 19,000 pounds per square inch (psi). This powerful bite allows them to effortlessly crush the skulls of their prey, including marine mammals such as seals and sea lions.

Can krys kill an orca?

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yes krys is 28 feet long orcas only grow 30 feet long. that is not much longer crocs are built to fight orcas are built to hunt in packs. if it was one on one the orca wouldn't be used to hunting alone so it would die

How do killer whales protect their baby?

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Killer whale mothers protect their babies by staying close to them, teaching them how to swim and hunt, and defending them from predators. They also rely on the strength and social support of their pod to keep the calf safe and secure.

Who is more dominant the Male or female killer whale?

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Female killer whales are typically more dominant within their social groups, known as pods, with a well-defined hierarchy led by the oldest female. These matriarchs play a crucial role in decision-making and group coordination, while males may exhibit more solitary behavior.

How do orcas kill great white sharks?

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Orcas have been known to flip great white sharks upside down, causing a state of tonic immobility which can lead to the shark's eventual death. Additionally, orcas have also been observed ramming into great white sharks with their heads or flippers, causing fatal injuries.

Can a saltwater crocodile kill an Orca?

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It is highly unlikely for a saltwater crocodile to kill an Orca, as Orca whales are much larger and more powerful predators. Crocodiles are typically ambush predators that target smaller prey in the water, whereas Orcas are apex predators that have been known to hunt and kill crocodiles in their habitat.

Is the killer whale a baleen or toothed?

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The killer whale is a toothed whale, not a baleen whale. Killer whales have a diverse diet that includes fish, seals, and even other whales, and they use their teeth to catch and consume their prey.

Is a killer whale autotroph or heterotroph?

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Killer Whales are heterotroph. It is mostly plants who are autotroph. Autotroph means organisms that produces their own food and heterotroph rely on other plants and/or animals as a source of food.

Are killer whales violent?

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Killer whales, also known as orcas, are apex predators in the ocean and can display aggressive behavior towards other marine animals. They have been observed hunting seals, sea lions, and even other whales. However, there are very few recorded incidents of orcas attacking humans in the wild.

Is the killer whale heterotroph or autotroph?

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The killer whale is a heterotroph, meaning it relies on consuming other organisms for energy and nutrients. It feeds on fish, seals, and other marine mammals to sustain itself.

Is the orca a herbivore?

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Yes. Sperm Whales are carnivores and feed on several species. The most notable prey species are the giant squid, the colossal squid, octopuses, and diverse fish like demersal rays, but the main part of their diet consists of medium-sized squid. Due to their sheer size, some prey may be taken incidentally while eating other items.

Do orcas hibernate or migrate?

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Orcas do not hibernate; they are active year-round. They do migrate, moving between different areas in search of food, such as following prey species or going to warmer waters during certain times of the year.

How many chromosome do killer whales have?

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Killer whales have a total of 44 chromosomes, which consist of pairs of chromosomes inherited from each parent. This includes 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes, either XX for females or XY for males.

How big is an ocras penis?

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The average length of an orca's penis is about 31.5 inches (80 cm). However, the size can vary depending on the individual animal.