



Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, and located south of Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, in the Southern Hemisphere.

14,686 Questions

What parts of Australia use Daylight Savings?

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Daylight Saving Time is observed in most parts of Australia, except for Queensland, Western Australia, and the Northern Territory. Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory all participate in Daylight Saving Time.

Why is drought a normal part of Australia's conditions?

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Drought is a normal part of Australia's conditions due to its geography and climate. Australia experiences periodic fluctuations in rainfall patterns, as well as natural climate variability such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation. Additionally, Australia's large landmass and topography contribute to the variability in rainfall distribution, making drought a recurrent phenomenon in the country.

What country has the same time zone as Perth western Australia?

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The country that shares the same time zone as Perth, Western Australia is Indonesia, specifically the islands of Java and Sumatra. Both Perth and these parts of Indonesia are in the Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) zone, which is UTC+8.

What is the time in sydney Australia dose the London olyimpics start?

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The London Olympics began on July 27, 2012, at 9:00 am local time. This would correspond to July 27, 2012, at 6:00 pm in Sydney, Australia, due to the time difference.

What time does the Olympic Opening begins in Sydney Australia time?

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The Olympic Opening ceremony in Sydney, Australia typically begins around 8:00 PM local time.

Is Uluru the same as Ayes rock?

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Yes, Uluru and Ayers Rock refer to the same natural sandstone formation located in Australia's Northern Territory. Uluru is the name given by the traditional Aboriginal owners of the land, while Ayers Rock was the colonial name given to it by European settlers.

Could the number of time zones be reduced in Australia?

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Reducing the number of time zones in Australia would require significant coordination and agreement among the various states and territories, as they currently operate on multiple time zones due to their geographical size and differences in daylight saving practices. It is possible in theory to have fewer time zones, but it would be a complex process that would need to consider the impact on various sectors and populations.

What is the time in UK if it is 1800 hours in Australia?

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If it is 1800 hours in Australia, it would be 0900 hours (9:00 AM) the next day in the UK. Australia is typically around 9-11 hours ahead of the UK, depending on the specific region in Australia.

What opal mine in nevadas virgin valley produces the most stable opal?

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There are nearly 200 mining claims and 5 patented (private) mines in Virgin Valley. Several are open to public digging (Royal Peacock, Bonanza, and Rainbow Ridge). Of these three public mines, the Rainbow Ridge produces the most stable opal, according to Eckert (1997) "The World of Opals." The stability of the opal depends on its primary formation and to a lesser degree the moisture content of the enclosing deposit. A dry bank will produce more stable opal than a wet one (generally). A large amount of opal from the Royal Peacock is actually stable. Most opal in Virgin Valley cracks (known as crazing) shortly after mining. Keeping it moist and out of direct light, and later drying methods, will 65% of the time produce dry stable opal for cutting.

Did William Gosse discover Ayers Rock while on an exploring expedition?

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No, William Gosse did not discover Ayers Rock. Ayers Rock (Uluru) was already known to the local Indigenous Anangu people before Gosse's expedition in the late 19th century. Gosse did, however, become the first European to climb to the top of Uluru.

What is the time difference between Margaret River and Uluru?

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Margaret River is in the Australian Western Standard Time zone, which is 1.5 hours behind Australian Central Standard Time where Uluru is located. Therefore, Uluru is 1.5 hours ahead of Margaret River.

How many hours is turkey from Australia?

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The shortest flight time is about 14 hours from Sydney to Los Angeles.

However, because of the change in time zones, you would actually arrive from 3 to 5 hours before you left. You will gain a day crossing the International Date Line, making Los Angeles 18 hours earlier than Sydney (either 17 or 19 hours depending on Daylight Savings Time).

You would lose this time on the return to Sydney, where some flights from the US will arrive "two days" after the day they take off!
It depends where you are COMING FROM.

Does its snow in Australia?

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Yes, it does snow in certain parts of Australia during the winter months, particularly in the southern regions such as the Australian Alps and Tasmania. These areas receive regular snowfall and are popular destinations for winter sports enthusiasts.

How many hours is France behind Australia?

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France is 8-10 hours behind Australia, depending on the time of year. France operates on Central European Time (CET) or Central European Summer Time (CEST), while Australia has several time zones, with Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) being 8-10 hours ahead of France.

What are the park rules in uluru kata tjuta national park?

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Some rules in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park include not climbing Uluru (out of respect for its cultural significance to the Anangu people), staying on designated roads and tracks, respecting sacred sites, and following all signage and instructions from park rangers. It's important to adhere to these rules to preserve the environment and cultural heritage of the park.

What date was Uluru found?

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Uluru has been known and significant to the Anangu people for thousands of years, but the first recorded sighting by European explorers was on July 19, 1873, by surveyor William Gosse. It was named Ayers Rock in honor of Sir Henry Ayers.

How many external territories does Australia have?

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Australia has 10 external territories. These include Ashmore and Cartier Islands, Australian Antarctic Territory, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Coral Sea Islands, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Norfolk Island, and the Territory of the Heard and McDonald Islands.

What kind of landform is ayers rock?

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Ayers Rock, also known as Uluru, is a large sandstone rock formation in the Northern Territory of Australia. It is considered a monolith, which is a massive, single, and solid rock formation that rises prominently from the surrounding landscape. Uluru has great cultural and spiritual significance to the Indigenous Anangu people of the region.

What colours does Uluru change?

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Uluru changes colors depending on the position of the sun and weather conditions. It can appear red, orange, purple, or even a deep blue hue. Sunset and sunrise are particularly popular times to witness the rock's changing colors.

What is the connection between the continents and rock formations like Uluru on the surface?

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Continents are made up of various types of rocks, including sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks. Rock formations like Uluru are a result of geological processes that occur over millions of years, including erosion, weathering, and tectonic movements. The unique geological history of each continent contributes to the formation of distinct rock features like Uluru.

Where does a bushfire never occur in Australia?

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Bushfires can occur in all parts of Australia. However, areas with very low vegetation cover, such as deserts and some urban areas, have a lower risk of bushfires compared to heavily forested regions or grasslands.

Which continent is closer to the south pole Asia or Australia?

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Australia is closer to the South Pole than Asia. The distance from the southernmost point of Australia to the South Pole is shorter than the distance from any point in Asia to the South Pole.

When was Uluru first sighted?

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Uluru is the native name for Ayers Rock in Australia. Dreamtime is the name for a form of shamanic practice common in aboriginal Australian and American tribes. It usually involves ingesting various halucenogenic plant extracts or cocktails and is the process by which tribal elders would commune with the ancestral spirits and guardians of nature to procure their favour, wisdom and counsel. Other accounts of Dreamtime suggest something much more ancient and arcane; a time in which nothing but pure energy existed, waiting to be born into a physical form; the time before creation. As for WHERE Uluru was in the dreamtime, I have read that he lay dormant " the space between spaces...". I cannot find a text that says where exactly that was, but since nothing existed I would say its location is irrelevant!

What is the weather in Sydney like in February what is the degree in Fahrenheit?

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The record high in Sydney, Australia was 45.8 C measured at Observatory Hill 2:55pm 18th January 2013 which was 0.5C above Sydney's previous hottest day in 1939. On the same day, across greater Sydney, the hottest temperatures recorded were at Penrith (46.5C at 2.16pm), Camden (46.4C at 3.04pm), Richmond (46.4C at 3.01pm), Sydney Airport (46.4C at 2.32pm) and Bankstown (46.1C at 3.28pm)

The highest temperature recorded in New South Wales was 49.7C measured at Menindee Post Office 10 January 1939

What time is it in Australia if its 3pm in texas?

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If it is 3pm in Texas, it would be different times in Australia depending on the region: in Sydney, Australia it would be around 7am the next day; in Melbourne, Australia it would be around 7am the next day; and in Perth, Australia it would be around 5am the next day. Australia spans multiple time zones.