


Betta and Siamese Fighting Fish

The betta or Siamese fighting fish, is a freshwater fish that is commonly seen in aquariums. Males come in a wide range of colors while females tend to be more drably colored. The name “fighting fish” comes from the aggressive behavior of both male and female fish towards other members of their species. All questions about betas and Siamese fighting fish can be directed here.

500 Questions

Will a Betta fish eat brine shrimp?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes! You can buy brine shrimp at a local pet store, just ask the owner how to feed them to a beta fish. Usually you freeze them and don't need to clean them. I just got brine shrimp and I'm excited to try them out! Goodluck :]

Can you put a betta fish with a crab?

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I'm assuming you have access to a fresh water crab because a Betta will not be able to live in salt water. The crab will attempt to catch and eat the slow moving Betta. It is only a matter of time before the Betta is killed.

What is a toxic bloom that kills fish?

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You may be looking for the word "Algae" That is the stuff that "Blooms" then decays and poisons the water which causes fish kills.

Subclass of bony fish with rayed fins?

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Most of them come under the subclass "Actinopterygii"

How can you tell if a fish is a boy?

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on some you can but on others you can't. like a pleco you can't tell. the only way i know how is the color is brighter on male.

How do you know a fighting fish finished laying her eggs?

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Fish eggs don't actually "hatch" from a shell as such. The ova develops a head at one end and a tail at the other and starts to wriggle. The main or central tummy part of the fish is the rest of the egg. The whole process (development) time depends upon the water temperature.

How do you keep fish bowl clear?

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how to:

When you first get the fish clean out the bowl (make sure there's no dust or anything). How to clean the bowl the first time: At the first time you need completely new water for the fish. Wipe the bowl and make sure it doesn't have dust, residue, or anything dirty make it super clean and shiny. You'll need to put warmish water into the bowl and add water cleaner so it doesn't harm the fish. You can buy water cleaner from your local pet store (the one you got the fish from). And your bowl is ready to go.

Second time cleaning the bowl: Make sure you have a container to put your fish in when you clean the water. It has to be big enough so your fish can swim in it. Now you take just a little bit of the old water and keep it for the bowl after. Okay, now you take the fish out with a net and put it in a container with water in it. Now you take out the extra water in the bowl that has poop in it and stuff and put it down the sink or something. Then you clean the bowl if you have to and add water wih water cleaner into the bowl. Also leave some room for the old water from the bowl before it was cleaned so the betta doesn't get shocked or anything from the water change. Then, add water cleaner to the bowl again. Now take your fish out of the container with the net and put your fish back to where he was. That's about it. And also after a few weeks change ALL of the water and keep it warmish. If you change the water temperature to cold right away he'll go into shock for the change of temperature!

hope I helped :)

How do you take care of betta fish once it makes bubble nest?

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Do you remove the male betta after spawning?

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Well, if there are any other fish in the aquarium except for the female there is still no chance that the female wont eat some of them. You could separate the male if you wanted but it is good for the baby fish to have a male to protect them, although it still might eat them. It is good if you have a large plant for the baby fish to hide in when the eggs hatch.

Why is my betta fish bloated?

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Bettas naturally have a roundish stomach. If the fish is bloated it may well be constipated but this should clear up naturally if you look after the fishes living conditions and do regular weekly 50% water changes. If the fishes scales are sticking out like a rasp, then the fish has "Dropsy" which is an uncurable, untreatable, terminal disease.

Can you mix betta fish with other fish?

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Yes they can, as long as its not another beta there shouldn't be any other problems

How much do you feed Betta fishes?

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I usually use one small pinch of flakes twice a day.

Can you have a betta with a snail?

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Snails can be an acceptable tank mate for bettas, but remember that some snails produce a lot of waste and the tank may need to be cleaned more than usual to prevent an Ammonia reading. A common type of snail that is acceptable to keep with bettas is an Apple Snail. Another thing to keep in mind with snails is that some bettas may nip at them and try to eat them. If this becomes a problem, you will want to consider removing the snail from the tank. Keep an eye on how many snails you have because if a betta eats too many snails it could lead to constipation and other digestive illnesses.

What are some good fish to keep in a 1 gallon aquarium?

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No species of fish will live for long in a tiny little container. Please read the following basic rules of fish keeping and follow them. :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. :- Every fish tank needs a continuously running cycled filter. :- Every fish tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you follow the above rules you will have few problems keeping fish healthy. If you fail in any of them I can guarantee that your fish will constantly be getting sick and dying.

Could betta fish eat crickets?

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Can a Betta live with having a filter and air pump or just a fish bowl?

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Asked by Flyingfishlego

Yes, but not for long. Bettas are no different from other fish in their requirements. The basic rules for successfull fishkeeping are as follows. :- 1 inch (2.25cm) of fish needs at least 1 gallon (3.78ltrs) of water. Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. If you follow the above rules, feed the fish the correct diet and keep the container covered and at 78F a Betta will do OK. I can guarantee that if you don't keep the preceeding rules that your fish will have constant health problems and will live a considerably shorter life.

What kind of plants can you put in with a betta fish?

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They will appreciate any type of freshwater plant. But they tend to like plants with broad leaves that they can rest on, or floating plants that can provide security since they often linger at the surface. Some good choices are anubias, java fern, and hornwort.

How is fresh water obtained?

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Very few water bottle companies will actually go to a fresh water area, *ahem* poland spring and bottle the freshwater to go for sale. Only 1% of the world has freshwater reserves while the rest is salt water. Oh you say you were asking about how it is obtained? Companies take a boat or plane to the freshwater reserve, take some sterile plastic bottles, and sell them to the market. Some actually put chemicals and other harmful substances in the water so it isn't really freshwater.

How much water is needed to become intoxicated?

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you can not get intoxicated on tap water or a bottled water unless an additive has been introduced

What is the best snail that can live with a betta?

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the snail the is best for your fish tank is the slowest snail that you can find in the store...the best snail i have had is the cuadrocnam snail so when you go to the store you say "I want is Cuadrocnam snail please!"

Can female betta fish live together?

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Yes they can. I have 5 male bettas and 7 females and none of them has had any problems. Just make sure you have a big enough tank. I you are just going with one type you should go with female because they are more peaceful.

Why do fish prefer the dark?

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Yes, fish do need dark. They depend on the cycle of light and dark to determine spawning and migration times. During the longer days of summer and the shorter days of winter they spend time eating. As the days lengthen for spring, some fish like northern pike, muskellunge, and steelhead travel to spawning grounds. For other fish like brook trout and smallmouth bass the shortening days at the end of summer signal spawning time.

Another reason for dark is that even fish need rest. Food is easy to find while it's light out, so they are fairly active in the day. As dark falls, feeding activity slows. Of course, a full moon on a clear summer night, doesn't slow the walleyes down; ask any determined fisherman.