


Betta and Siamese Fighting Fish

The betta or Siamese fighting fish, is a freshwater fish that is commonly seen in aquariums. Males come in a wide range of colors while females tend to be more drably colored. The name “fighting fish” comes from the aggressive behavior of both male and female fish towards other members of their species. All questions about betas and Siamese fighting fish can be directed here.

500 Questions

How do you teach a betta to jump through a hoop?

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Asked by Wiki User

well i would suggest getting the end of a pen and putting it in the water and if they touch it, give them a treat. do this daily. when they follow the pen, put the hoop in the water and the pen on the other side. hopefully they will swim through it. each day move the hoop a little higher until it is abbove the water, and again hopefully, it will jump through the hoop

How often to change the water of fish?

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You should change at least 50% of the water in your tank each week at minimum. If your tank is too small, to over-stocked, or you do not have enough filtration, then you will need to change the water more frequently.

What fish should you get for your small fish tank?

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A small breed of fish is guppies or tetras. In our science lab there is a fishtank with guppies and tetras in it and they are pretts small. Feeder goldfish are also small, i have two and they are about an inch each.

How does a dead fish sink?

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A fish has to be alive in order to prevent it from sinking, When it dies the water pushes it down just like everything else that is at the bottom of your aquarium. They have no air in them so they won't float.

How does distilled water affect fish?

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Yes, if plants were grown in a totally artificial medium, without any source of nutrients and then watered with distilled water they would wilt and evenetually die.

This is because distilled water has no nutrients, and therefore Osmosis cannot occur. besides this, they would yellow and die as there is no nutrients in the water to support continued growth

Can neon tetras be in the same tank as a Siamese fighter fish?

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2 Tetras = 2 gallons, 2 mollys = 6 gallons, 2 guppies = 2 gallons, 1 Betta = 3 gallons. Provided your tank holds a bit more than 15 gallons of water (about 20 gals) and your filter will handle the job, there is no reason I can think of that would stop you putting a Siamese Fighter (Betta splendens) in the tank with the fish species you mention.

What to do if betta fish is barely breathing at the bottom of tank?

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Your betta is probably doing this because your water quality is not within healthy limits. If you haven't been doing consistent weekly water changes then the water could contain extremely high amounts of ammonia and nitrite or even nitrate. Water changes are needed regularly and if not done ammonia molecules which are bonded to oxygen molecules by nitrosomas bacteria will buildup and make it extremely hard for the fish to breath. Thus explaining the lethargic behavior. This can result in irreversible gill damage. Do a water quality test to check if your waters within safe perimeters. If not do several large 50-75% water changes until the ammonia, nitrite and/or nitrate levels drop.

Another reason why the fish could be acting this way is if it is sick. Usually an internal bacterial infection causes a fish to lose the ability to maintain proper buoyancy because the swim bladder may fill with fluid. Other than bacteria being the problem your fish may be sitting at the bottom because its being bombarded by parasites (such as flukes).


Try doing several large water changes, treat the tank for parasites using an anti-parasitic medication and feed the fish an antibacterial medicated food.

Why does your betta eyes puff up?

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If a betta's eyes are growing unevenly, it can be caused by a tumor. it can also be caused by a genetic condition.

What does it mean if your betta fish keeps lying down?

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Asked by Wiki User

it probley means that your betta is sick. Look up on websites to see if you can diagnose your betta with any sickness. I realize my data was sick after he died so look sicknesses up fast. Hope this helps.

Can you put dragon fish in with piranha?

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Piranhas are tropical fish, so yes. However, there are other fish you can keep them with as well. Just what depends on the species of piranha.

Note that most species of piranha that are suitable for aquariums will see all other fish as food, so if you put other fish in the aquarium with them they will proceed to dine on the food you so kindly provided.

Can betta fish go in sunlight?

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no. i do not recommend putting betta fish in sunlight. it even says it on petco containers and other websites also say its not a good idea... duller light is better.

What fish get along with each other?

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Many many many fish get along with guppies. Guppies are very peaceful live bearing fish. They breed readily in the aquarium and quite prolifically if left unchecked.

Some suggested tank mates are, most kinds of tetras (not all), rasboras, danios, platys, mollies, swordtails, cherry barbs, gold barbs, just to name a few. Look up info online about guppies and most info will list suitable tanks mates.

Will betta fish eat crackers?

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I believe you mean Betta fish. No, it should be fine. You can treat you Betta fish by giving them bloodworms!

Where can warm water fish be found?

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Well, there are many places that warm water fish can be found. Not suprisingly, they live in hot places such as the Bahamas and the Caribbean to name just two. The name of the fish is really the answer to where they live. Hot Country = warm water = warm water fish. Hope that helped


How many teeth do fish have?

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Fish have around 30,40,or 50 teeth depending on size.

Why does your Betta stay at the bottom of his tank nose down?

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He's probably sick. Bettas get very stressed by being kept in a bowl. Bettas, like most other fish, like to swim around. A single betta needs a 6-10 gallon tank with a heater and filter for optimum health. Plants and caves make it more interesting for him and a couple of rasboras might work, depending on his aggressive tendencies. They can't be kept with other bettas, but do appreciate tank mates if they have room. The red ones tend to be more aggressive. If he is aggressive, he will not do well with other fish unless he's in at least a 30 gallon tank. People tend to think they don't live long, but if they have enough room, clean water, and consistent temperature, they will be much less stressed and can live for a lot longer than expected.

How often can female betta fish spawn?

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In order for you to have your Bettas breed there are several things you must do. The smallest tank in which to breed them is a well established, well planted 18"x10"x10". It must have a cycled filter runing permanently, be heated to around 78F and have a pH of around pH6.8. Either the male or female can be housed in this tank. Once both male and female are in good breeding condition, the pair can be introduced by adding the stranger to the breeding tank. The male, upon seeing the female, should almost immediately show off and chase her. He will then built a nest of bubbles. Once they have finished spawning, the female must be removed or he will kill her. He should be left to care for the young until they are free swimming and then he must be separated from them otherwise he will eat them.

Why is there fuzzy stuff on your betta?

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You are obviously not keeping the fish in proper conditions. If you follow the rules below you will have less problems. First do a water change ASAP.

The rules are :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. (A Betta is at least a 3" fish) :- Every tank needs a fully cycled filter running permanently. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. Bettas need to be kept at 78F in neutral to slightly acid water pH 6.8 to 7. Bettas should be fed as much dried food as they will eat in 15 minutes each morning and evening. (Never leave uneaten dried food in the tank. It will poison the water.) If you follow the above basics your Betta will live a reasonably happy life. If you miss out on any of the above I can guarantee that the fish will be constantly getting sick and will live a shortened life span.

Do fighting fish fight normal fish?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes, goldfish and betta fish fight.One time I had 2 goldfish and one bit the other one and it killed it.Never have 2 betta fish in the same aquarium or bowl because they will fight right when they get in the aquarium/bowl!

What fish need oxygen in water?

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No fish likes to be in bad water although there are some species that have developed methods of surviving in these bad low Oxygen conditions. The Anabantid family which includes the Betta and the Gouramies have developed a "Labyrinth" which allows them to get oxygen from the air by means of a chamber in their skull are some that can survive in poor water conditions. You should still follow the basic rules of fish keeping if you want to be successfull keeping fish. The rules are. :-1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a permanently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water changed every week. If you keep to the above rules, and feed the fish good food it/they will stand a chance of living a normal lifespan. If you fail in any of them I can guarantee that your fish will be constantly getting sick and will have a very short lifespan.

What are deadly fish?

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Deadly fish are fish that can cause death. Examples are the lionfish, scorpionfish, and many of the larger and more aggressive sharks.

How come the blue male Betta fish gets fat?

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Bettas are by nature round in the body. It eh fish is kept in a small container it will however probably suffer through lack of swim space. The basic rules for successfull fish keeping are. :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. (A Betta is at least a 3" fish so it needs a minimum of 3 gallons of water. 10 gallons is better.) :- Every tank needs a permananently running cycled filter. :- Every tank needs at least 50% of its water replaced every week. Keepyour water at the right temperature and follow the above rules and your fish stand a reasonable chance of survival. Fail in any of them and I can guarantee that your fish will have constant health problems.

Can male and female betta fish be kept in the same tank?

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Asked by Jrp34ny

Female Betta need to be in groups of four or more. They are aggressive and if you only have two, they will likely kill each other. If you have enough of them, the aggression is spread out and they can be relatively healthy and happy.

It is only a myth that female bettas will not fight each other - they are very territorial and can be as aggressive as the males. One will try to dominate the other. Try introducing them after a water change, and try to put them in the tank as closely to the same time as possible, so they don't become too territorial. It is not recommended to put them in a group of three as two may team up and pick on the third fish.

If you notice them fighting, just create a water current manually, as this will discourage the behavior, and after two-three days they should get along fine.

Provide lots of hiding spots for them! This will allow them to hide and rest when they need to.

Never mix male and female Betta outside of breeding a pair. Also, never tank multiple males together because they will kill each other.

What fish lives the longest and can be kept as a pet?

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the longest fish i would have to say is a koi fish. a Japanese fish that are related to the common carp but are very pretty and extremely social. my uncle raises them and has had one for about twenty years now and he is still strutting along. It is also necessary to add that Koi are pond fish since they will grow to more than 24inches long. For a pet fish in a largeish aquarium, (no smaller than a 36 inch tank for 1 fish) provided you look after it correctly, an Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) lives for many years, becomes very friendly, recognises people and things outside the tank and shows heaps of personality