

Slugs and Snails

Characterized by their shell and slow movement, snails are a common garden dweller and even a delicacy in some countries. Snails without shells are called slugs.

2,849 Questions

Do garden snails eat pansies?

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Yes, garden snails eat pansies.

Specifically, the flowering plant in question (Viola tricolor) attracts attention with attractive foliage, form and fragrance. Garden snails find the pansy accessible and digestible. They may wreak havoc on pansy flowers, leaves and stems.

Can Slugs Smile?

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No, slugs do not have the ability to smile. Slugs do not possess facial muscles or the ability to form expressions like humans or some other animals.

Hypothesis for which travels faster a snail or a worm?

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The hypothesis could be: A snail travels faster than a worm because of its muscular foot and ability to glide on a layer of mucus, allowing it to move more efficiently than a worm that lacks these adaptations.

What are some interesting facts about snails?

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  1. Some species of snails can live up to 15 years.
  2. Snails have teeth made of a unique material called chitin.
  3. They are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs.

What is the scientific family of the snail?

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The scientific family of snails is Gastropoda.

Is a limpet a mollusc?

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Yes, a limpet is a type of mollusc. Specifically, it belongs to the class Gastropoda, which includes snails and slugs. Limpets are characterized by their conical shell and strong muscular foot that allows them to cling to rocks along the shore.

What are the features of a snail?

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Snails are characterized by their spiral-shaped shells, muscular foot for movement, tentacles with eyes for sensing their environment, and a radula for feeding. They also have a mantle that secretes their shell and a pneumostome for breathing.

What is the study of snails called?

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The study of snails is called malacology. It is a branch of zoology that specifically focuses on the study of mollusks, including snails.

What is the scientific classification of a snail?

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the scientific classification of a snail is Helix aspersa. which can also said that, There are very many species of snail. Genera include Helix, Syrinx, Achatina, Pomacea, Acicula, Advena, Rhagada and Zospeum

What is the average speed of a penguin?

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Penguins can swim at an average speed of around 4-7 miles per hour (6.5-11 km/h) depending on the species. They are well-adapted for efficient swimming in water but are slower on land.

What is the scientific term for snail feces?

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The scientific term for snail feces is "snail excrement" or "snail droppings." These waste products are produced as a result of the digestive process in snails.

How fast does a snail move - MPH?

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A snail moves at a speed of approximately 0.03 mph. They are known for their slow pace and leisurely movement.

Are there land snails in Alabama?

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Yes, there are land snails in Alabama. Alabama is home to a variety of land snail species that can be found in forests, fields, and other habitats across the state.

Do humans go through complete or incomplete metamorphosis?

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Humans go through incomplete metamorphosis. This means that there is no distinct larval stage in human development, unlike in insects that go through complete metamorphosis with distinct stages like egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

Study of snails?

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The study of snails is known as malacology. Malacologists study snail species, their anatomy, behavior, ecology, distribution, and evolutionary history. Snails play important roles in various ecosystems and have diverse adaptations for survival.

What is the sub phylum of snails?

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The subphylum of snails is called the Pulmonata. This subphylum includes land snails and slugs that breathe air using a lung-like structure rather than gills like aquatic snails. Pulmonates are characterized by having a breathing pore, known as a pneumostome, on the side of their bodies.

How do you breed garden snails?

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Here's a few steps to breeding garden snails:

1: HOME: If you have something like a aquarium, that would be perfect to keep them in, although a large plastic container or pot would do. Fill it about 5 inches deep with soil, then spray it with water.
2: FOOD: A few slices of cucumber and some lettuce leaves will be much appreciated by the snails.
3: ADD SNAILS: Snails are both male and female, so you don't need to worry about getting two of the same sex. Pick two or maybe more adult snails from your garden and put them in their new home.
4: MATING: Spring is probably the best time to do this. Pretty soon after putting the snails together they will begin to mate. To do this they will begin courtship, followed by a thin white arrow going into one snail by another.
5: EGGS: After mating one of the snails will lay some smallish pearly white eggs about 3 inches down in the soil. Keep the soil damp and don't remove the babies from underground.
6: BABIES!: About 3 weeks after being laid the babies will hatch out and dig their way to the surface- they may need a little help [when they're still eggs use a pencil to create a little tunnel from the eggs to the surface] When they hatch they are absolutely tiny and almost see through, and very hungry.
They will need an instant supply of calcium [cuttlefish bone or wet chalk will be good] and some greenery [shredded lettuce or cucumber].
6: GROWING UP: Baby snails grow very quickly, but they will need someone to make sure that they survive to adulthood. Keep them in a little plastic container, spray them lightly every day, clean them out weekly and change their food every other day, and they will grow into big strong adults.

Is it true that Slugs have four noses?

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No, slugs do not have four noses. Slugs actually have two pairs of tentacles on their head - the upper pair is used for sensing light and the lower pair is used for detecting chemicals in their environment.

What are the physical characteristics of a snail?

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A snail has a soft, slimy body protected by a hard shell. They have a head with tentacles that they use for sensing their environment and finding food. Snails move by gliding along on a "foot" located on the underside of their body.

How many feet do snails have?

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Snails have one muscular foot that they use for crawling. This foot is located on the underside of their body and helps them to move along surfaces.

Why do slugs have 4 noses?

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Slugs don't have noses; they use specialized tentacles to sense chemicals in their environment. These tentacles can detect smells, tastes, and touch, helping the slug navigate its surroundings and find food.

Are snails smart?

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Snails are not considered intelligent in the way that mammals are, but they do have certain capabilities such as learning and problem-solving. They are able to remember and recognize their environment, find food, and navigate obstacles in their path.

How do snails hear?

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They don't. Gastropods cannot hear at all.

How do snails move?

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Snails move by using a muscular foot that secretes mucus to help reduce friction as they glide along surfaces. They contract and expand their foot muscles to create a rippling motion, propelling them forward. This slow and steady movement allows snails to navigate their environment and search for food.

How does a snail move?

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A snail moves by using a muscular foot to glide along a layer of mucus it produces. It contracts and expands its foot muscles to create a wave-like motion, propelling itself forward. This slow and steady movement helps the snail navigate its surroundings and find food.