



Frogs are amphibians which are present all across the globe in many different species. They are adapted for life in the water with many evolutionary characteristics, such as having the ability to breathe through their skin, having webbed feet and finger joints and many others. In this category, you will discover questions related to frogs in any shape or form.

4,746 Questions

Why does the tadpole lay its eggs on a string?

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Tadpoles don't lay eggs on strings. Female frogs typically lay their eggs in water or damp places like vegetation near bodies of water. The strings you might be referring to could be frog spawn, which are clumps of eggs surrounded by jelly to protect them.

Do frogs get angry?

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Frogs do not experience emotions like anger in the same way humans do. Their behaviors are largely driven by instinct and environmental cues rather than emotions.

How can frogs be protected?

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Frogs can be protected by preserving and restoring their habitats, reducing pollution and pesticides in their environment, and enforcing laws against illegal hunting and trade of frogs. Conservation efforts such as creating protected areas and breeding programs can also help in the conservation of frog populations.

What are found on either side of the glottis?

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The vocal cords are found on either side of the glottis. They are composed of muscle and ligament tissue and vibrate to produce sound when air passes through them during speech or singing.

What Rocky Mountain frogs are there?

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Some common species of frogs found in the Rocky Mountains include the Columbia spotted frog, boreal toad, and western chorus frog. These frogs are adapted to the high-elevation environments of the Rockies and are an important part of the ecosystem in the region.

What is right A frog hopping or hoping into the swamp?

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A frog hopping into the swamp is the correct action for a frog to take, as that is a natural behavior for them. Frogs are adapted to move by hopping, which helps them navigate their environment and escape predators. Hoping, on the other hand, would not be a valid action for a frog, as they do not possess the ability to have hopes or aspirations in the way humans do.

How many chromosomes do frogs have in its gametes?

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Frogs typically have 26 chromosomes in their gametes, which are haploid cells. This means that in each gamete (sperm or egg), there are half the number of chromosomes found in a normal body cell of a frog, which typically has 52 chromosomes.

What happens to the frogs gills as the frog matures?

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As a frog matures, it undergoes metamorphosis, which involves the transformation of gills into lungs. This adaptation allows the frog to transition from a water-based habitat to a land-based habitat. During this process, the gills shrink and are eventually replaced by lungs for breathing air.

What frog takes longest to develop?

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Bullfrogs take the longest to develop.

What the difference between a frog and a chicken?

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Frogare poikilotherms and they can ability to change colour (camouflge)and they have protective colorationis mimicry

Summar sleep---aestivarion

Winter sleep ----+- hiberanation

What kind of frogs have suction cups on their feet?

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Tree frogs are known for having suction cup-like pads on their toes that help them cling to various surfaces like tree bark or leaves. These pads provide them with better grip and allow them to climb and move around in their arboreal habitats more easily.

Would a frog eat leaves off a kapok tree?

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Frogs typically do not eat leaves from trees, including kapok trees. Frogs are carnivorous and mainly feed on insects, worms, and other small invertebrates. They are not equipped physically or behaviorally to consume plant material like leaves.

Is the golden frog extinct?

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The Panamanian golden frog is critically endangered in the wild, but there are conservation efforts to save the species. However, due to threats like habitat destruction and the deadly chytrid fungus, the population remains at risk. In captivity, the species is bred in hopes of one day reintroducing them to their natural habitat.

What will happen if you bleach a frog?

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Bleaching a frog would harm and likely kill it. Bleach is a strong chemical that can cause severe skin, eye, and respiratory irritation. It is not safe for use on living organisms.

How deep should tadpole water be?

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Tadpole water should be shallow, typically no deeper than a few inches. This allows tadpoles to easily reach the surface to breathe and move around comfortably. Additionally, having shallow water makes it easier to monitor and maintain proper water conditions for the tadpoles.

Why are frogs able to function with small lungs?

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Frogs have a highly efficient respiratory system that allows them to absorb oxygen through their skin and utilize their buccal pumping mechanism to circulate air through their lungs. This combination of adaptations allows frogs to thrive despite having relatively small lungs.

What is the food of a frog?

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Frogs are carnivores. Smaller frogs usually eat insects, spiders and worms. Bigger frogs can eat smaller mammals, chicks, snails, slugs, centipedes, small fish, or other frogs. Most frogs like their food to be alive and moving and unlike humans do not eat anything that is dead.

For a more informative or specific answer, perhaps the question would require more detail. Diets of frogs vary fairly widely with species.

How are frogs and lions are alike?

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Frogs and lions are both animals that are part of the animal kingdom. They are both vertebrates, meaning they have a backbone. Additionally, both frogs and lions are predators, although their prey and hunting methods differ.

Can angelfish eat African dwarf frogs?

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Angelfish are opportunistic predators and may eat smaller animals like African dwarf frogs. It is not recommended to house them together unless the tank is large enough to provide plenty of hiding spots for the frogs. Additionally, it's important to monitor their behavior closely to ensure the safety of the frogs.

What is the plural of frog?

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The plural of frog is frogs.

Do frogs have more musical ability than humans?

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No, frogs do not have more musical ability than humans. Frogs are known for their vocalizations, but they do not possess the complexity of musical ability that humans have demonstrated through language, singing, and playing instruments.

How do I order more food for brookstone's frog-o-sphere?

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To order more food for your Brookstone's Frog-O-Sphere, you can visit Brookstone's website and look for replacement food specifically designed for the Frog-O-Sphere. Alternatively, you can contact Brookstone's customer service for assistance in placing an order for the food.

If 29 frogs are required to catch 29 flies in 29 minutes then how many frogs are required to catch 87 flies in 87 minutes?

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If 29 frogs can catch 29 flies in 29 minutes, it means each frog catches one fly in 29 minutes. Therefore, to catch 87 flies in 87 minutes, you would still need 29 frogs.

Do toad fish swell up?

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Yes, some species of toadfish have the ability to swell up when threatened or disturbed. They can inflate their bodies with air or water to appear larger and more intimidating to potential predators. This behavior is a form of defense mechanism.

What are the nervous system of the frog?

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The nervous system of a frog consists of a brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves that control movement, reflexes, and sensory functions. It includes sensory organs like eyes, ears, and olfactory system that receive and process information from the environment. The nervous system coordinates both voluntary and involuntary actions in the frog's body.