


The chinchilla is a small creature which is primarily farmed for its fur. All questions concerning the care and feeding of this animal can be directed here.

593 Questions

What plants and animals are also in a chinchilla habitat?

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In a chinchilla habitat, you may find plants like cacti, grasses, and shrubs. Animals that share this habitat with chinchillas include birds such as owls and hawks, as well as rodents like viscachas and tuco-tucos.

Can Chinchillas swim?

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No, chinchillas are not able to swim. Their dense fur can become waterlogged and weigh them down, making it difficult for them to stay afloat. Swimming can pose a serious danger to chinchillas and should be avoided.

What are chinchillas top speed?

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Chinchillas can run at speeds of up to 15 miles per hour (24 km/h). They are agile and quick animals, known for their ability to leap and dart around their environment.

What is the scientific name for chinchillas?

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Pet chinchillas are Chinchilla lanigera a more robust species found in the wild is Chinchilla brevicaudata. There may once have been a third species in the genus as early text refer to the King chinchilla being a much larger animal.

What are the scientific classifications of the dormitator maculatus?

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The scientific classification of dormitator maculatus is as follows:

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Actinopterygii
  • Order: Gobiiformes
  • Family: Eleotridae
  • Genus: Dormitator
  • Species: D. maculatus

What type of water is best to drink?

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rain water is the purest form of water,...however due to pollution in atmosphere it gets polluted.... for drinking purposes groundwatern spring water is the best

How many chinchilla coats are usually made in one year?

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It depends on the size of the fur coat.

What did the short tailed chinchilla evolve from?

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Short Tailed Chinchillas live in the Ades mountains in South America. Imagen living 400 to 2,000 miles high.

Can chinchilla eat mangos?

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Chinchillas digestive systems can't digest fruits and vegetables very well, so they have a high chance of getting sick if you feed them mangos. They eat lot's of dry foods and an occasional raisin is healthy.

What is related to the chinchilla?

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Chinchillas are rodents so they are related to guinea pigs, mice, rats, etc but their closest relative and only other member of the Chinchillidae family is the Viscacha, a rabbit-like animals.

How long have chinchillas been on earth?

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the worlds oldest chinchilla was 30 years old

Why do Chinchillas take dust baths and not water baths?

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As a chinchilla owner, I can tell you that chinchillas would be terrified of being immersed in, or sprayed with, water. It is not natural for them.

The ancestors of our domestic chinchillas lived in the Andes Mountain Range spanning Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Peru. They lived at sea level and at high altitudes. Because of the temperature, they accumulated a lot of moisture in their fur, which is very dense. They lessened this moisture by rolling in volcanic ash found in the Andes.

That practice is ingrained in all chinchillas. If you place a large igloo with Blue Cloud Chinchilla Dust in it (the best brand), even if a chin has never seen such an object, or been exposed to chin dust, it will immediately know what it is for and will quckly proceed to take his first bath. It is instinctual, not something that is taught. View for more information on bathing chinchillas.

How big of cage does a chinchilla need?

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Always try to get the largest cage possible for your Chinchilla and remember they need space to move around in. Chinchillas love to climb and jump, so it is better to have a cage that is higher than it is wide and you can put up kiln dried wood shevles.

The minimum size cage to get would be around 3 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet.

Can chinchillas eat cheese puffs?

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Chinchillas eat and digest desert grasses and cannot efficiently process fatty foods, high protein foods, or too many green plants. A high quality, hay-based pellet and a constant supply of loose timothy hay will sufficiently meet all of their dietary needs. Chinchillas have very sensitive GI tracts that can be easily disrupted so it is important to maintain them on a healthy diet.[17] Avoid chinchilla feed that includes a mixture; chinchillas may avoid the healthy high fiber pellets in favor of items like raisins and seeds. Fresh vegetables and fruit (with high moisture content) should be avoided as these can cause bloat in a chinchilla, which can be fatal. Sweets and dried fruit treats should be limited to one per day, at the very most. Chinchillas also eat and drink in very small amounts.[18] This can lead to diarrhea, or in the long term, diabetes. Nuts should be avoided due to their high fat content. High protein foods and alfalfa hay can cause liver problems and should be limited.[19]

What habitat do chinchillas live in?

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they live in dry places and some are pets so they live in peoples homes. anywere

Why does your chinchilla run away and hide?

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because it hates you

Are chinchillas intelligent?

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no you can not teach them anything. they r just to llok at.

What pet stores sell chinchillas in MN?

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But Petco does.

But don't get them from a pet store.. get them from a breeder.. These are always more friendly and more lively because the breeders spend more time with these little guys. :D

this is from a chinchilla owner.

Can Chinchillas eat wheat thins?

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I do not recommend wheat thins for kittens.

How much do baby chinchillas cost?

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Baby chinchillas cost anywhere between $60 and $100 depending on where you get them.

What is the average length for chinchilla?

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The Standard Chinchilla is a medium sized rabbit weighing in at about 5-7 lbs. for senior bucks and for senior does 5.5-7.5 lbs. .

Do chinchillas eat tree bark?

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Yes and they love to. Caution however as there are some species of tree which are poisionous to chinchillas such as plum and cherry but apple and pear bark are favorites.

Do chinchillas live in the tundra?

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No... in their native habitat chinchillas live in the Andes Mountains of South America. They live in a dry habitats like S. Chile, Peru, N. Bolivia and in deserts. Also they like crevices, between rocks burrows and caves. Hope this helps!