



Originating in the Middle East and southeastern Europe hamsters are rodents and a member of the subfamily Cricetinae. Hamsters are one of the easiest animals to care for and breed in captivity. Hamsters are very popular among younger pet keepers.

6,530 Questions

Do hamsters farts smell?

Oh, dude, do hamsters fart? Yeah, they do! And guess what? Their farts actually don't have a strong odor because they have a relatively simple digestive system. So, if you catch a whiff of something funky near your hamster, it's probably not their toots you're smelling.

Do you sleep a lot when you are pregnant?

Oh, dude, when you're pregnant, you might find yourself catching some extra Z's thanks to all those hormones messing with your sleep patterns. So, yeah, you might be hitting the hay more often than usual, but hey, growing a human is kind of a big deal, right? So, like, embrace the naps and enjoy the extra snooze time while you can!

Are teddy bear hamsters hypoallergenic?

Oh, dude, are teddy bear hamsters hypoallergenic? Well, technically, no hamster is truly hypoallergenic because they produce dander and saliva that can trigger allergies in some people. So, if you're hoping for a sneeze-free cuddle buddy, maybe consider a robot hamster instead.

How do hamsters move?

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What are gondrots?

I'm sorry, but "gondrots" does not appear to be a recognized term or concept in any field of study or common knowledge. It is possible that it may be a misspelling or a niche term specific to a certain context. Without further context or information, it is difficult to provide a concise explanation of what "gondrots" are.

Are all slots of power windows and locks controls on cars all the same size Is there a standard size?

There are no standards for this. Each manufacturer has their own standards, and they may even vary between models of the same manufacturer.

What is the opposite of a hamster?

Well, darling, the opposite of a hamster would be something like a shark - you know, big, fierce, and definitely not fluffy. So, if you're looking for a pet that won't fit in a tiny cage and won't nibble on your finger, a shark might be the way to go. Just make sure you have a really big tank.

Why is my male hamster keep licking my females butt area?

Male hamsters may lick the female's genital area as part of the mating ritual, as it helps to stimulate the female and can increase the chances of successful mating. This behavior is a natural instinct for hamsters during the breeding process. However, if the licking becomes excessive or aggressive, it could be a sign of dominance or stress. It's important to monitor their interactions and ensure both hamsters are comfortable and safe.

What does it mean when a girl hamster has a red bump on her belly?

A red bump on a female hamster's belly could indicate several different issues, some of which may require veterinary attention:

  1. Scent Gland Irritation or Infection

Hamsters have scent glands on their bellies (especially prominent in males, but females have them too). These glands can sometimes become inflamed, infected, or irritated, which could cause a red bump to appear.

Signs of infection include swelling, redness, and discharge.

  1. Tumor

Unfortunately, hamsters are prone to developing tumors, which can sometimes appear as lumps or bumps on the belly. These could be benign or malignant, so it’s important to have it checked by a vet.

  1. Abscess

An abscess is a pocket of pus caused by a bacterial infection, often following a small injury or bite. It can appear as a red, swollen bump, and may feel warm to the touch. Abscesses can rupture and require veterinary . Click Here :

Can you answer other questions about dating?

Yes you can answer question about dating and sharing what you know to help others connect.

What happens if you give your hamster soda?

Giving your hamster soda is not recommended as it is high in sugar and can cause gastrointestinal issues, dental problems, and obesity. It can also lead to an upset stomach, diarrhea, and potential long-term health issues. It's best to stick to fresh water and a balanced diet for your hamster's health and well-being.

Are hamsters allowed to eat foam?

No, hamsters should not eat foam as it can be harmful if ingested. Foam can cause digestive issues and potentially blockages in their intestines, leading to serious health problems. It is important to provide hamsters with safe and appropriate food options to maintain their health and well-being.

What purpose does being cute serve wild hamsters?

Being cute in the wild can help hamsters attract mates, establish social bonds with others in their group, and receive care and protection from other hamsters. It can also help them avoid predators by appearing harmless and non-threatening.

Do hamster need to be separated after mating?

Yes, it is recommended to separate the male and female hamsters after mating to prevent fighting or potential harm to the female and newborn babies. Hamsters are solitary animals and can become aggressive towards each other if kept together.

Your hamsters tail is bent and touching the floor?

A hamster's tail should not be bent or touching the floor. This could indicate a possible injury, such as a broken or dislocated tail. It is important to take your hamster to a veterinarian experienced with small animals for an examination and appropriate treatment.

Can you give your hamster a whole carrot?

It is not recommended to give a hamster a whole carrot as it can be a choking hazard. It's best to cut the carrot into small, bite-sized pieces to make it easier for the hamster to eat. Monitor your hamster while they are eating to ensure they are able to chew and swallow safely.

How do you cut up the carrots to feed your hamster?

Carrots should be cut into small, bite-sized pieces to prevent choking hazards for your hamster. Cut them into thin strips or small cubes that are easy for your hamster to pick up and eat. Ensure that the carrot pieces are fresh and free from any pesticides or chemicals before feeding them to your hamster.

What size will dwarf hamster grow to?

no bigger than your hand. I'm warning you though, i had one and it was viciously mean so i would think twice about getting those. i heard they are born to be mean. but mine was a Russian dwarf so i don't know if there's a difference.