



The Cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus, is a member of the cat family, Felidae. They hunt by sight and speed, rather than by stealth typical of other big cats. The fastest of all terrestrial animals reaching speeds of over 110 km/hour (60 mph) in short bursts, it is the only cat that cannot completely retract its claws.

2,242 Questions

How fast can a pika run?

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A pika can travel up to the speed of 15 miles per hour.

Are cheetahs born in eggs?

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Cheetahs Give brith To live Babys!

Lol Thank you i am Writing a story for my old techer!

Can a tiger eat a cheetah?

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no bcuz its part of the cat family and bck in the days thier favorite food was antelopes and still is

Do cheetahs like people?

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We admire beauty. It's human nature.
People admire Cheetahs because they are one of the most majestic animals. Not only are they beautiful, they're world's fastest animal.

Cheetahs are the weakest of the big cats, but they can reach 110-120 kilometres per hour... but only for a short period of time before they get tired. Afterwards they need to rest.

They usually catch their pray in less than 20 seconds by chasing, tripping and then killing it)

They are daylight hunters, which means that after they catch their pray, they need to look out for lions and hyenas who may stole their food. They won't defend their prey, because they're risking to get wounded or even killed.

Mother Cheetahs teach their cubs how to hunt at young age. They would do everything to protect them, even if this means risking their own life.

Unlike Lions and other big cats, Cheetahs can't roar, but can purr and make sounds of their own instead.

Also, Cheetahs are the friendliest big cat towards humans - they won't attack or try to eat you, unless they feel threatened. They might come to say "hello" though, but don't be afraid if that ever happens. They're just curious :)

Do cheetahs eat pandas?

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No they do not. Pandas live in Asia and Cheetahs live in Africa

Why do the cheetahs of Kenya and the cheetahs in Tanzania make up a separate population?

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Cheetah populations in Kenya and Tanzania are considered separate due to geographical barriers, such as rivers and mountain ranges, that limit movement between the two regions. This results in genetic isolation and adaptations unique to each population, leading to differentiation over time. Conservation efforts need to be tailored to the specific needs of each population to ensure their long-term survival.

How has the cheetah evolved over time?

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Cheetahs have evolved to be the fastest land animals, with adaptations such as large nasal passages for efficient oxygen intake and non-retractable claws for traction. Their slender build and flexible spine contribute to their agility in high-speed pursuits. Over time, cheetahs have developed specific features to excel in hunting and surviving in their savannah habitats.

What is fastest animal in the world land or sea?

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While the cheetah has the reputation of being the fastest animal on land, both fish and birds have been clocked at higher speeds. The black marlin has been clocked at speeds up to 80 mph while the frigate bird can fly at 90 mph. The Peregrine falcon can dive at speeds close to 200 mph.

What is the fastest quarter mile speed ever recorded in a boat drag race?

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The fastest recorded quarter mile from stopped was driven in the 1970's in a rocket car. The driver would have to lie flat to remain concious, although blood would still come out of his ears and sometimes other orifices due to such high G-forces endured. The fastest recorded time is 3.215 seconds.

How do cheetahs carry out Mrs Gren?

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Cheetahs carry out the seven life processes of Mrs Gren by obtaining nutrients through hunting and eating other animals (nutrition), exchanging gases through respiration, using energy from food to perform activities (respiration), responding to stimuli in their environment (sensitivity), growing and reproducing (growth and reproduction), and maintaining a constant body temperature (homeostasis). They achieve excretion by eliminating waste through urination and defecation.

Why is pulse rate faster in small and young animals compared to that in large and older animals?

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Small and young animals have higher metabolic rates and energy requirements, which lead to faster pulse rates to deliver oxygen and nutrients efficiently. Additionally, small animals have a higher surface area to volume ratio, requiring more rapid circulation to maintain body temperature. As animals age and grow larger, their metabolic rate typically decreases, leading to a slower pulse rate.

What type of survivorship curve does cheetah exhibit?

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Cheetahs exhibit a Type III survivorship curve. This means that they have a high mortality rate among the young, but those that survive their early years have a higher chance of living longer.

What is the world's fastest animal of all time?

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Birds are the world's fastest animals, especially the Swift and the Peregrine falcon. But, here's a break down of fastest depending on land, sea, and air.

Land: the cheetah (70 mph / 113 km)

Air: Swifts (106 mph /171 km). Peregrine falcons can fly at 90 mph / 171 km and dive 200 mph / 322 km

Water: Sailfish ( 70 mph / 113 km)

Which is faster - the average speed of tsunami sometime called a tidal wave or the top speed of a cheetah?

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The top speed of a tsunami is 900 kilometers per hour (600 mi/hr) and the top speed of a cheetah is 120 kilometers per hour (75 mi/hr). Therefore, the average speed of a tsunami is faster than the top speed of a cheetah.

Why do cheetahs live in grassland?

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Because that is where their food grows

Does a cheetah have a scientific name?

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Yes, the scientific name of a cheetah is Acinonyx jubatus.

Who has the largest tail to body ratio among cheetah tiger and lion?

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The cheetah has the largest tail to body ratio among the three big cats: cheetah, tiger, and lion. The cheetah's long and slender tail helps with balance and agility when running at high speeds, making it the most specialized for speed among the three.

What type of meat does a carnivore eat?

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A carnivore typically eats the flesh of other animals, such as meat from mammals, birds, fish, or other creatures. They rely on this meat as their primary source of nutrition.

How do mushrooms get rid of waste?

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Mushrooms release metabolic waste products into their surrounding environment through the process of excretion. This allows for the removal of toxic byproducts and helps to maintain the health of the mushroom organism.

What is the fastest hoofed animal?

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The pronghorn is the fastest hoofed animal, capable of reaching speeds up to 55 mph (88 km/h) over short distances.

What animals are effected by savanna wildfires?

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Animals such as elephants, giraffes, lions, zebras, and antelope are often affected by savanna wildfires. These fires can displace or harm these animals, as well as destroy their habitats and sources of food. Furthermore, wildfires can disrupt the natural balance of the ecosystem, impacting the entire food chain.

What is the fastest predator?

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The fastest predator is the peregrine falcon, which can reach speeds of over 240 miles per hour while hunting.

Is there an animal that doesn't eat?

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All animals need to consume some form of nutrients to survive, either through eating other organisms, plants, or absorbing nutrients from their environment. So, there is no known animal that does not need to eat in some way.

What is the fastest a cheetah has ever been clocked going?

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I know this may not quite answer your question, but the average cheetah's sprinting speed is from 70-75! I you know the exact answer please please add on to this answer and erase this last sentence!