



Meat is animal flesh from pigs, cattle and lamb that is used for human consumption. Meat is a valuable source of protein in the human diet.

2,069 Questions

What kinds of meat dissolves in soda and what soda do you use?

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Meat that is high in collagen, such as chicken feet or pork trotters, dissolves in soda due to the acidity breaking down the proteins. The most commonly used soda for this purpose is usually Coca-Cola or Sprite.

Can ozone sterilize meat?

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Ozone can be used to sterilize meat, but it is not commonly used for this purpose due to concerns about potential negative health effects from consuming ozone-treated meat. Other methods, such as heat treatment or irradiation, are more commonly used for sterilizing meat.

What to do if you eat raw meat?

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If you accidentally eat raw meat, monitor your symptoms for signs of food poisoning like stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Seek medical attention if you experience severe symptoms or if you are in a high-risk group (like children, elderly, or pregnant women). In the future, make sure to properly cook meat to kill any harmful bacteria.

Are animals that eat meat carnivores?

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Asked by Zzameria

animals that only eat meat are called carnivores

Why is ground meat more susceptible to microbial contamination than unground meat?

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Ground meat has a larger surface area exposed to air and potential contaminants compared to unground meat, making it easier for bacteria to proliferate. In addition, the grinding process can mix bacteria throughout the meat, whereas with unground meat the bacteria are more likely to be on the surface and can be killed during cooking.

Do secondary consumers eat meat?

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Yes, secondary consumers typically eat meat as their primary source of energy and nutrients. These consumers are carnivores that feed on primary consumers (herbivores) in the food chain. Examples include foxes, wolves, and snakes.

How does salt kill bacteria in meat?

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Salt draws water out of bacterial cells through osmosis, causing dehydration and ultimately killing the bacteria. This process, known as plasmolysis, disrupts the bacterial cell membrane and prevents its normal functions, leading to bacterial death. Additionally, salt promotes the formation of an inhospitable environment for bacterial growth by reducing water activity in the meat.

Explain why fresh meat is wet?

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Asked by NomangondalGondal

The walls of the smallest blood vessels(capillaries) are very thin with tiny holes in them. A liquid called tissue fluid leaks out . Tissue fluid is mainly water. It forms a continuous link between the water in the blood plasma and the water in the cells cytoplasm. This is why fresh meat looks wet.

What type of meat does a carnivore eat?

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A carnivore typically eats the flesh of other animals, such as meat from mammals, birds, fish, or other creatures. They rely on this meat as their primary source of nutrition.

When meat is cooked you can tell it is a chemical change because?

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the proteins in the meat denature due to heat, changing their structure permanently. This alters the color, texture, and flavor of the meat, which are indicative of a chemical change. Additionally, new compounds such as flavor compounds are formed during cooking, further demonstrating a chemical transformation.

What happens when you pour soda filled with cafffeine on a piece of meat?

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The caffeine in soda is unlikely to have a noticeable effect on the meat, as the concentrations are not high enough to cause significant changes. The meat may become wet and potentially absorb some flavor from the soda, but the caffeine itself is unlikely to have any notable impact.

EXPLAIN how meat tenderizers affect meat?

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Meat tenderizers contain enzymes that break down the proteins in meat, making it more tender. These enzymes help to soften the muscle fibers, leading to a more tender texture in the cooked meat. The tenderizing process can also help to improve the overall flavor and juiciness of the meat.

Meat from brucellosis ok to eat?

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No, it is not safe to eat meat from animals infected with brucellosis as the bacteria can be transmitted to humans through consumption, causing a serious infection known as brucellosis. It is important to practice proper food safety measures and consume only meat from healthy animals to avoid the risk of infection.

What is the biggest meat eating plant?

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The biggest meat-eating plant is the Nepenthes rajah, also known as the "giant pitcher plant." It is native to Borneo and can trap and digest small animals like insects and even rodents in its pitcher-shaped traps.

Why the green-blue meat of the lingcod?

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The green-blue color of lingcod meat is due to a bile pigment called biliverdin, which is a product of their unique metabolism. This coloration is natural and does not affect the taste or quality of the meat. Cooking the lingcod will change the color to a more typical white or pale pink.

When the sperm meats with the egg what is this called?

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When sperm meets with an egg, it is called fertilization. This is the process where the genetic material from both the sperm and the egg combine to form a new individual with a unique set of genes.

What liquid dissolves MEAT the fastest?

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Acidic liquids such as vinegar or lemon juice can dissolve meat relatively quickly due to their ability to break down proteins. However, using these liquids to dissolve meat may not be safe or recommended for consumption. It is best to use proper cooking methods to prepare meat for consumption.

How is the meat extract and yeast prepared?

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Meat extract is typically prepared by boiling animal tissue (such as beef or chicken) to extract the flavors and nutrients into a concentrated liquid form. Yeast is prepared by fermenting a mixture of water, sugar, and yeast cells, allowing the yeast to multiply and produce compounds such as alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Is meat organic compound monomers?

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Yes, meat contains organic compound monomers such as amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which are essential organic compounds found in meat.

How many cups of crab meat are in one pound?

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Approximately 2 cups of crab meat is in a pound.

What can you eat instead of red meat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Edible mushrooms/fungi: plenty of meaty varieties such as beefsteak mushroom (the edible variety) and oyster mushroom. Both make make substantial substitutes for animal flesh. See the CarlBirchwood blog

Why do Mormons eat meat?

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Mormons, like many other people, eat meat as it is a common source of protein in their diet. There is no specific religious requirement for Mormons to eat meat, but they generally follow dietary guidelines outlined in the Word of Wisdom, which encourages moderation and healthful eating habits.

What is meat shop?

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A meat shop is the place where you can buy fresh meat and in a variety of cuts and different styles of me such as beef chicken pork some places had venison and someone a lot of things to cut to order or ground to order because its ground me for hamburgers and other uses butcher is trained and can do these things without any waste or compromise to the condition of the food

What does a meat tenderizer look like?

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Asked by Wiki User

A meat tenderizer looks like a hammer but with small spikes on the end.

What is elder meat?

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Asked by Wiki User

elder meat is very simple to's kind of like a burger,because when your grandparents etc. die most people have a good barbeque...they eat their that's why they are like cows but in a more fart and potatoes kinda way.....