


The Republic of Kenya is an East African country with a total area of 224,080 sq mi and an estimated population of 39 million as of 2010. Kenya is home to many wildlife reserves with thousands of animal species.

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Does Kenya Moore has anything to do with country Kenya?

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No, Kenya Moore, an American actress and television personality, has no direct connection to the country of Kenya in Africa. Kenya Moore was named after the country due to her mother's love for it, but she does not have any familial ties or heritage there.

Where is the best kenyan college for aeronautical engineering?

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The University of Nairobi is known for offering aeronautical engineering programs and is considered one of the best colleges in Kenya for this field. They have strong connections to the aviation industry and offer hands-on training and research opportunities for students.

How many people per square km in Kenya?

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The majority of Kenya's population is black African. There are also small numbers of Asians, Europeans, and Arabs. The black Africans are divided into more than 30 ethnic groups, with the largest being the Bantu-speaking Kikuyu, Luhya, and Kamba, the Nilotic-speaking Luo, and the Paranilotic-speaking Kalenjin. A 1995 estimation of Kenya's population was 27,885,000. The overall population density is about 48 people per square kilometer. At the time of this estimate, the population was increasing at a rate of 3.2 percent annually, among the fastest rates in the world.

Kenya has a population of 38.7 million, according to the results from the 2010 census.

Who swears in cabinet secretaries in Kenya?

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Cabinet secretaries in Kenya are sworn in by the President of Kenya.

What is a traditional sport in Kenya?

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When you mention sports and Kenya, the large number of world class distance runners immediately comes to mind. Kenyans have traditionally performed well in international track competitions. Football (soccer) is played throughout the country from small villages to large cities. Tourists have a choice of sporting activities ranging from hiking to golf. Hiking is popular in the mountain regions, with guided tours available. Walking safaris offer a change from the usual game drive. Because of the potential dangers of walking in some backcountry areas, don't try this without a guide. Golf is popular in the Nairobi area, with six 18 hole courses. Other courses are located in the Rift Valley and Central Highlands.

In the coastal areas fishing is very popular. Deep sea sport fishing season runs from August to May, with assisted day trips for hire. Qualified divers can enjoy the reefs off Mombasa, with the season running from April to October. Snorkeling equipment is available at most of the coastal hotels.

How could Obama Sr be born in Kenya when it was not a country at the time?

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Obama Sr. was born in a region called the British Protectorate of Kenya, which later became the independent country of Kenya in 1963. So, even though Kenya was not recognized as a country at the time of Obama Sr.'s birth in 1936, he is considered to have been born in Kenya based on modern political boundaries.

What month do Kenya celebrate Eid-al-Fitr?

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Eid-al-Fitr is celebrated in Kenya during the month of Shawwal, which is the 10th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. The date of Eid-al-Fitr varies each year based on the sighting of the new moon.

What ocean bathes the coast of Kenya?

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The Indian Ocean is east of Africa. It is also home of the Madagascar Island. The Indian ocean is the 3rd largest ocean and is a huge producer of oil.

What is a Nairobi native?

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Who swears the governor?

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The governor is typically sworn in by a judge, a fellow government official, or a high-ranking member of the state legislature. The swearing-in ceremony is a formal event that marks the official beginning of the governor's term in office.

How is the government in Kenya run?

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Kenya operates as a presidential representative democratic republic. The President is both the head of state and government, and is elected for a maximum of two five-year terms. The government is structured into three branches: the executive, legislative, and judiciary.

What is the postal code of HOMA BAY town in Kenya?

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The postal code for Homa Bay town in Kenya is 40300.

What side of the road do kenyans drive on?

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Kenya follows the British system of driving on the left side of the road.

Which innovations in technology has been most beneficial to people in rural Kenya?

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Mobile money services like M-Pesa have allowed people in rural Kenya to access financial services easily and securely. Solar power technologies have provided a reliable source of electricity in areas without access to the grid. Internet connectivity through mobile phones has improved access to information, education, and communication.

How has technology affected tourism industry in Kenya?

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Technology has transformed the tourism industry in Kenya by enabling easier access to information and booking services. Online platforms and apps have made it convenient for tourists to research destinations, book accommodations, and plan activities. Additionally, technology has enhanced marketing strategies, allowing businesses to reach a wider audience and attract more visitors to Kenya.

Do OLIVE trees grow in Kenya?

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Yes, olive trees can grow in Kenya. They are adapted to a range of climates and soils, and there are regions in Kenya, such as the Rift Valley and parts of the Central and Eastern provinces, where olive trees can thrive.

Are Kenya people nice or mean?

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Like any other country, people in Kenya can be both nice and mean. It's not accurate to generalize a whole population based on the actions of a few individuals. Overall, Kenya is known for its friendly and welcoming people.

Does Kenya celebrate Thanksgiving?

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No, Kenya does not celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a holiday with origins in American history and culture, typically celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November to give thanks for the blessings of the harvest and the preceding year.

How long does it take to get to Kenya from new zealand?

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Nairobi the capital of Kenya is an inland city. Being inland and having no large body of water near it, it would be impossible to travel there by ferry. You need a transport type which travels over land not water (bus, train, car, bicycle).

How did jomo kenyatta stay in power?

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Jomo Kenyatta stayed in power in Kenya by consolidating his political authority through a single-party system, using strong nationalist rhetoric, and balancing power between different ethnic groups. He also employed a mix of authoritarian tactics and strategic alliances to maintain his position as the country's first President following independence in 1963.

Did Kenya host the Olympics?

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No, Kenya has not hosted the Olympics. The country has not yet been chosen as a host for the Olympic Games.

What is the street address for Nairobi umoja?

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The street address for Nairobi Umoja can vary depending on the specific location within Umoja. It is recommended to obtain the exact address from a reliable source or contact the place you are looking for directly.

Is Kenya part of Asia pacific region?

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No, Kenya is located in Africa, not the Asia Pacific region. The Asia Pacific region typically includes countries in the Asia and Oceania regions, such as countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia, Australia, and Pacific Islands.

Did jomo kenyatta come to the US?

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Yes, Jomo Kenyatta came to the US in 1962 for the United Nations General Assembly. He was Kenya's first Prime Minister and later became the country's President.

Did jomo kenyatta have any brothers or sisters?

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Yes, Jomo Kenyatta had several siblings, including two brothers - Kung'u Karumba and Kongo Karumba, and a sister - Wambui Karumba.