


World Currencies

A currency is a kind of money and medium of exchange. It includes metal coins and paper or polymer banknotes. Each country generally has a monopoly on the issuing of its own currency, although some countries use the same currency. Most members of the European Union, for example, use the Euro as their basic currency.

4,102 Questions

How much is 500 jamacian dollars worth today?

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You can get the Jamacian dollars currency rates by going to the site.

You will see the currency images on every currencies listed there.

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What is Astria currency?

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Astria is not known to be associated with any specific currency. It may be a fictional currency or a term used in a specific context or fictional setting.

What is the currency on tatooine?

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The currency on Tatooine is known as the Galactic Credit Standard, which is the standard currency used throughout the galaxy in the Star Wars universe.

How do you write a million pounds in numbers?

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If you mean the American unit of weight, 1,000,000 lbs.(Note the commas.)

If you mean the British unit of money, £1.000.000 (Note the decimals.)

What currency in Madeira?

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The currency in Madeira is the Euro (€).

Is it true heterotrophs are the energy currency of the cell?

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No, the statement is not accurate. Heterotrophs are organisms that obtain energy by consuming other organisms. The energy currency of the cell is adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is produced during cellular respiration in both heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms.

Is uranium used in currency?

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Uranium is not used in currency. Currency is typically made from paper or metal, such as cotton paper or coins minted from various metals like copper, nickel, and zinc. Uranium is a radioactive element primarily used in nuclear power plants or nuclear weapons.

Are the 20 pound notes with Michael Faraday?

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These £20 notes featuring Michael Faraday were withdrawn from circulation in 2001. They are no longer 'legal tender' but can be changed for ones in circulation at the discretion of a bank. However, they are always payable at the Bank of England in Threadneedle St., London.

Are pennies ferromagnetic?

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No, pennies are not ferromagnetic because they do not contain enough iron to exhibit magnetic properties. The composition of pennies primarily consists of copper and zinc, which are not magnetic materials.

How much does the one US dollar bill weigh?

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A one US dollar bill weighs about one gram.

48 Farthings equals how many Shillings?

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Farthings and Shillings are part of the redundant British predecimal currency.

There were 4 Farthings to a Penny and 12 Pennies to a Shilling therefore, there are 48 Farthings in a Shilling.

Are all acrylics acid free - If you placed currency in an all acrylic box would the currency be safe?

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Not all acrylics are necessarily acid-free, but many acrylic products used for storing valuables are. It's important to check the specifications of the specific acrylic product you have to ensure it is acid-free. If the acrylic box is acid-free and made from high-quality materials, it should be safe for storing currency as it provides a protective barrier against dust, moisture, and handling.

What is a pound currency made of?

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The pound is a currency used in several countries, including the United Kingdom, Egypt, and Lebanon. It is made up of coins and banknotes that are issued and regulated by the respective central banks of each country. The coins are typically made of metal, such as copper, nickel, or steel, while the banknotes are printed on a special type of paper.

What is the type of currency in Kenya?

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The currency in Kenya is the Kenyan Shilling, abbreviated as KES. It is further divided into 100 cents.

What instruments are used in Kenya?

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Traditional Kenyan musical instruments include the nyatiti (stringed instrument), orutu (fiddle), and ngoma (drums). Modern music in Kenya also incorporates Western instruments such as guitars, keyboards, and brass instruments.

How do you know if a currency is weak or strong?

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A currency is considered strong when it appreciates in value compared to other currencies, while it is considered weak when it depreciates in value. Factors influencing currency strength include economic indicators, political stability, interest rates, and market speculation. Traders and analysts use tools like exchange rate charts and economic data to assess currency strength.

What currency do they use in Kenya?

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The currency used in Kenya is the Kenyan Shilling, denoted by the symbol KES. It is further subdivided into 100 cents.

1 billion equal to how many crores?

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One crore is 10 million. So, one billion is equal to 100 crore or 1000 million.

What country use pounds as money?

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It depends on whether you mean pounds weight, or pounds money.

The pound weight (abbreviation 'lbs.') is only used in the USA. every other country which formerly used the pound weight now uses the metric system.

The pound is a unit of currency (symbol '£') in the United kingdom (code: GBP), Egypt (EGP), Lebanon (LBP), South Sudan (SSP), Sudan (SDG) and Syria (SYP).

What is the national currency of Panama?

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Currency in Panama is called 'balboas.' One balboa is worth 100 centesimos, pronounced cent-decimals. Centesimos means hundredths. The balboa coins were first minted in June of 1904. Panamanian money exists in the form of coins only and no bills are in circulation, although there were a few made. The US dollar and the balboa have the same value in Panama and can be used interchangeably, with no exchange restrictions.

Currency in chembakolli?

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Chembakolli is a village in the south of India.

The rupee is used in Chembakolli, which is the official currency of India.

The International currency code is INR.

What is the national currency of Namibia?

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The national currency of Namibia is the Namibian Dollar (NAD), which is abbreviated as "N$". It is pegged 1:1 with the South African Rand (ZAR) and is widely accepted for transactions within the country.

Lowest currency value in the world?

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The Iranian Rial is currently the lowest-valued currency in the world.

Is a five-pound note worth less than a fifty-pence piece?

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No. There are 100 Pence in a Pound.

50 Pence is one tenth of Five Pounds.

Can you list the countries of the world their capitals currencies and food?

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I can't list all countries here, but here are a few examples:

  1. Japan: Tokyo, Japanese Yen, sushi
  2. Italy: Rome, Euro, pasta
  3. Mexico: Mexico City, Mexican Peso, tacos

If you have specific countries in mind, I can provide details for those.