



Iraq is an Arab country located in the Middle East. Its capital is Baghdad.

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Is Iraq on the fault line?

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Yes, Iraq is located on several fault lines. These are zones of weakness in the Earth's crust where plates are moving against each other. In Iraq's case, the Arabian Plate is colliding with the Eurasian Plate. This ongoing collision creates pressure that can cause earthquakes and other geological activity. Some of the major fault zones in Iraq include:

  • The Najd Fault System

  • The Euphrates Boundary Fault Zone

  • The North Arabian Fault Zone

  • The Zagros Thrust System

  • The Bitlis-Zagros suture Zone

What are the natural resources of Baghdad?

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Some natural resources of Baghdad include oil, natural gas, fertile agricultural land along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and mineral deposits such as gypsum, sulfur, and limestone. The city also benefits from its strategic location as a trade hub in the region.

What is the time zone difference between Cardiff and Iraq?

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Cardiff is in the GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) time zone which is 3 hours behind Iraq, which is in the AST (Arabian Standard Time) zone.

Can you see the same stars in the US and in Iraq?

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While some constellations may be visible from both the US and Iraq, the positions of the stars in the night sky will vary based on the observer's location on Earth. Different latitudes and longitudes will result in a different perspective of the night sky, so not all stars visible in one location will be seen from the other.

How far is Iraq from turkey?

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Iraq is approximately 300 kilometers (186 miles) away from Turkey. The distance between the two countries can vary depending on the specific locations being compared.

Why is Iraq hotter than other places?

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Iraq is hotter than other places due to its geographical location in a desert region, leading to high temperatures and limited rainfall. Additionally, Iraq's proximity to the equator results in more direct sunlight and intense heat throughout the year. Human activities such as deforestation and urbanization may also contribute to increased temperatures in certain areas.

What is the wet bulb temperature in Basra at August?

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The wet bulb temperature in Basra in August typically ranges from 26°C to 30°C. It is influenced by the high temperatures and humidity in the region during this time.

Where are peoples' lives more likely to be affected by earthquakes A Iraq B Israel C Lebanon D Turkey?

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D. Turkey. Turkey is located on a seismically active region called the North Anatolian Fault, making it more prone to earthquakes compared to the other countries listed.

What are Iraq's natural disasters?

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Iraq experiences natural disasters such as droughts, dust storms, and occasional floods. Earthquakes also pose a threat to the country, particularly in the northern regions. Additionally, sand and dust storms can lead to health and environmental issues.

What type of soil is in Iraq?

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Iraq's soil is primarily composed of three main types: clay soil, loamy soil, and sandy soil. These soils vary in their composition and characteristics, with clay soil being dominant in the central and southern regions, loamy soil in the north, and sandy soil in desert areas. These soils support a range of agricultural activities in the country.

What is the average density of Irak Crude oil?

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Iraq's fields produce from numerous formations, with varying crude densities. Many of these fields have large ranges, such as the Mauddud formation with a range of densities 12 to 38 degrees API. The two largest fields Kirkuk and Rumaila have average gravities of 32 to 33 degrees API. To convert from degrees API to specific gravity (SG), SG = 141.5/(131.5+API) See related links.

What is the average rainfall in Iraq?

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The average rainfall in Iraq is around 5-7 inches per year. However, this can vary depending on the region and time of year.

How much rain does Iraq get a year?

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Iraq receives an average of 100-200mm of rainfall per year, with higher amounts in the northern regions and lower amounts in the central and southern regions. Rainfall in Iraq is variable and often unpredictable, leading to challenges in water management and agriculture.

What natural resource is drilled for in Iraq?

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Asked by Blushedfairy

Oil is the primary natural resource drilled for in Iraq. The country has significant oil reserves, which are a critical component of its economy and export revenue.

Are there volcanoes in Iraq?

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Measured from its base, the tallest would be Mauna Kea in Hawaii, which like the adjacent Mauna Loa has a deep seafloor base on the Hawaiian hotspot.

However the volcano Llullaillaco is the highest active volcano above sea level. It is an Andean stratovolcano on the border of Argentina and Chile. It was active as late as 1877. It is located about 200 km (120 miles) north of the "highest volcano", Ojos de Salado.

Nevado Ojos del Salado ("snow-covered salty eyes") is a stratovolcano in the Andes mountains, about 600 km (370 miles) north of Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Americas. Ojos de Salado is 6893 meters (22,615 ft) in height. However, it has not been active since approximately 700 AD.

What are is the closest oceans to Iraq?

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The closest oceans to Iraq are the Arabian Sea to the south and the Persian Gulf to the east.

Does Iraq get rain?

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Yes, Iraq does experience rain predominantly between October and April. The northern region of Iraq receives more rainfall compared to the southern region. However, the country faces periodic droughts and water scarcity issues.

What nation does Baghdad belong to?

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Omg .. seriously?

Its like asking, "Is Paris a country or a town?"

Baghdad is the capital Of Iraq.... *Facepalm*

Which country is located directly east of Iraq?

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Iran aka The Islamic Republic of Iran

What is the size of Baghdad Iraq?

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The total area of Baghdad, Iraq is approximately 204.2 square miles (529 square kilometers).

What is the average temperature in Iraq in July?

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That will mostly depend on where you are in Iraq.

In the Syrian desert, temperatures of 50°C in July are quite common while in the north, July temperatures rise to about 43°C and they rarely rise above 24°C in the Kurdish mountains. Temperatures in Baghdad may exceed to about 49°C and have the average July temperature of about 42°C to 48°C. Several stations have recorded temperatures of 52°C around the country

Time difference between Hawaii and Iraq?

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Iraq (UTC+3) is always 13 hours ahead of Hawaii (UTC-10).

2 AM HAST (in Hawaii) = 3 PM AAST (in Iraq)

How long does it take for algae to grow in Iraq?

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The growth of algae in Iraq can vary depending on factors such as water temperature, nutrients, and sunlight availability. In optimal conditions, algae can begin to grow within days to weeks. It's important to monitor and control these conditions to prevent algae overgrowth.

How much natural gas does Iraq have?

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Iraq has the 12th largest proven natural gas reserves in the world, estimated at around 112 trillion cubic feet. The country is looking to further develop its gas sector to increase production and export capabilities.

Action and reactions of the public to the Iraq war?

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The public reaction to the Iraq war was mixed, with some supporting the action as a means to combat terrorism and remove a dictator, while others criticized it as based on false premises and leading to unnecessary loss of life. Public protests and demonstrations against the war were common, reflecting a strong opposition to the conflict. Over time, as the war continued and casualties mounted, public opinion shifted towards disillusionment and skepticism about the initial rationale for the invasion.