

Hamster Health

Hamsters are so small that sickness and injuries can rapidly become severe. Symptoms of illness may include inactivity, sneezing, ruffled coat, loss of appetite, diarrhea and wheezing. It is important to keep the hamster warm if not seeing a vet.

310 Questions

How much oxygen does a hamster use in a day?

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A hamster uses around 5-10 milliliters of oxygen per day, depending on its size, age, health, and activity level. It's essential to ensure good ventilation in their habitat to provide an adequate oxygen supply.

Do hamsters have scent glands on their cheeks?

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Yes, this is called a pouch if you watch a hamster put food in its checks they can stuff food in a secret pouch or glands witch they can go later and remove to food from their checks and eat later.The scent also helps the hamster remember that they have the food in there pouch.

What will happen to a hamster if it eats salty peanuts?

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Too much salt and too much processed starch is bad for hamsters just as it's bad for humans. But hamsterrs are much smaller than us so things that we consider small are large to them. Too much salt will make them dehydrated and probably give them high blood presure. Too much crackers or bread will make them fat and constipated.

How do you convince someone you can take care of a hamster?

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Well if the person you are trying to convince is you parent, show responsibility for other things i.e. keeping your room clean, doing what you are asked to do, and such. No this is not the opinion of an adult, it took a long time to convince my parents to get me guinea pigs and that is how it is done

What is wrong if your hamster is acting strangely?

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Your hamster could be acting 'odd' if it doesn't have enough outside of the cage time (in an exercise ball and/or even a hamster pen), or maybe for a medical reason. If a hamsters cage isn't cleaned properly it is very very very easy for them to get a disease called "wet tail". The name of the disease basically says it all. They have antibiotics in any pet stores and I even saw them in some Wal Marts. Your hamster could also possibly be dehydrated. Hamsters drink a lot of water. Kind of like humans - if humans don't drink enough water they become dehydrated and can get very ill.

Why did my baby dwarf hamster suddenly die?

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First answer: By not taking care of the animal properly.

More info: Lots of people think they know about rabbits when really they don't. Someone might have given you very bad advice about how to care for your bunny. When you get a new pet, you should always do research on your own, and look for agreement between multiple sources!

Baby rabbits often die because they were taken away from their mothers too early.

Another reason rabbits often die young because they aren't eating the right diet. Rabbits have very sensitive digestive systems, and they can get sick and die very suddenly.

In addition to taking proper care of your rabbits, you should watch them every single day for early signs of illness. Rabbits hide their problems because they are prey animals. Most rabbit sicknesses are treatable by the vet, but if they don't get treatment, the bunny will die a painful death.

See the related questions below to find out how to take care of a rabbit.

How do you get your hamster out of the wall?

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hold a sunflower seed or whatever it likes to eat, then draw the item away from the cage then put the baby hamster in a box that is warm.

It their new born don't clean the cage! Me and my dad had a panda bear hamster that had babies and we moved them and the mom got mad so ran away and the babies died! BECARFL!

or you could gently scup them up with a cup

Why must a hamster only be fed fresh food in small amounts?

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Asked by Leah1977

Because if you fed him stale food in small amounts, he'd get angry and want to bite you.

Is it safe to put sandpaper in a hamster cage to get their claws down?

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I have not had a problem with this. But make sure it is fine sandpaper, the coarser stuff may hurt it's paws. And don't leave it in too long. Maybe a few hours a night while you supervise...just in case.

How do you know if a hamster has a broken leg or if another hamster just bit its leg?

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How to find out if it has a broke legI have had hamsters all my life golden and dwarf. Most times if a hamster has a broken leg. The leg will just hang there and move very freely and they will drag that leg along when they walk. It would be swollen a little i am sure. But also if it was bitten by another hamster then it would be swollen and you would see some kind of teeth marks or blood. You can't really speed up the recovery that i know of a vet would know more hope this helped some

How to take care of hamsters?

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If your hamster has any accidents contact your local vet most of the times but not always the vet will give your hamster cat or any animal pain killers if your hamster had a broken bone or chewed its leg or its little hammy arms off if you don't take your hamster to the vet it may cause more damage to your hamster over time and be aware if your hamster is sick hamsters always hide there sickness or disease and remember look for early signs of injury or sickness

Can you put soil in your hamsters cage?

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yes,you can. and tissue paper or kitchen paper makes great bedding for hamsters, mine loves it.

Why do baby hamsters climb their cages?

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To prepare a sleeping place for her coming babes.

Are hamster big as a rat?

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It depends on the size of the snake. I personally advise against feeding hamsters because of the amount of fur. I would suggest properly sized frozen feeders.

What can babies hear and see that people can not?

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Maybe. some people do believe (me being one of them) that younger kids are more susceptible to the supernatural. when i was four or five one time a saw a shadow of a man walk into my room around the time my great grandpa died it was very faint though. another time a saw a shadow the same size and shape of a black lab run into my dresser around the time my aunts black lab... Shadow died.

How can you take care of a sick rooster?

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It depends what kind of sickness this duck has. I would take it to a vet for a diagnosis, although that can be rather expensive.

Is it normal that your hamsters urine smells fishy?

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You should take her to an exotic pet vet for a check up.

What kind of foods do hamsters not eat?

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Asked by Wiki User

i wouldn't feed them lettuce

and make sure you dont feed them too much fruit and veg other wise their diet will not be a healthy one and if you do feed them carrots or tomatoes make sure their fresh or theyy could get dira

How do you tell if your hamster has a tumor in his neck?

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if your guinea pig has a tumor it may lose hair and its behaviour may change eg eating habits etc if you suspect a tumor you should properly take it to the vets incase.

the guinea pig may also have a lump. some tumors are cancer and i would recommend that you take it to the vets even if you suspect a tumor.

What if your dwarf hamsters is not drinking a lot?

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You don't make them drink, just supply fresh water everyday and they will drink when they are thirsty. Gerbils don't need lots of water as the originate from desert areas. If you notice that the water bottle has not emptyed at all after a few days you should take it to the vet as it may be ill.

How much time is spent per day on a Hamster?

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Well, if u go 2 school 8 hours a day it's perfect cause your usually supposed to handle them in the night

Do hamsters have necks?

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Asked by VanBommel777

yes of course they do but they are very thin.

Can hamsters get ill from human illness's?

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no it is not possible they are 2 differtnt animals but i am a kid so dont listenm to me