


Teen Dating

This topic includes questions about all the drama about teen dating and questions about how to deal with your feelings, such as falling in love with your best friend, good dating skills, and more.

51,006 Questions

Will men date an ugly girl?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. Every person is attractive to someone.

Is it bad for a 14 year old to date a 20 year old?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is bad how can a person who is 98 date a Peron who is 27 that is raping

Are ten year old girls little girls?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. They are not adults though. I would recommend calling ages under 8 little kids. 8-12 are tweens.

How do you get a girlfriend if you need one badly?

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Asked by Wiki User

In today's climate, many people are utilizing online dating to screen potential mates. Here's how it works. The first step would be to create an account with an online dating site. Second, stroll. Third, swipe right on people that you find attractive, find interesting, and or have things in common with. Fourth, strike up a conversation and communicate to discover if you're compatible with your choice. Fifth, schedule a date. If the date goes well, ask for a second. If dating goes well and your morals and values align, ask her to become your girlfriend. Best of luck to you.

Should you punch a girl in the face?

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Asked by Wiki User

You should never resort to violence whether it's with the same sex or the opposite sex. Females should never hit a guy except it's self defense vice versa males; but most likely in the case of females. One shouldn't use the act of self defense for violence whatsoever. It's only a wild animal that would hit the weaker person.

P.S : I'm not saying females are weak. Just passing a point across.

Thank you.

Can boys pee like girls do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, they can. Either sitting on the toilet or squatting somewhere.

sitting on the toiler I don't have to explain, but squatting can be done like this:

Go outside or in the shower. You could squat on the toilet too, but girls usually sit to pee there so it wouldn't make much sense.

Take off pant and underwear. You should wear pants that don't need a belt so you can pull them up quickly. You could also take them off completely instead of dropping them to your ankles, or just be naked if you're doing this in the shower

Squat down. Your butt should be near or touching the back of your heels. Spread your legs too, you want them as far apart as your shoulders are.

Pee. Just pee, and you’ll find it splashing down on the ground, just like if you were a girl.

Have fun!

Can girls pee further than boys?

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Asked by Wiki User

If they stand up they can, but usually they don't and most don't know how.

Do guys like sharing food with girls?

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Asked by Helpfulchic

If it is a sharable food- such as hot chips or lollies of some kind - and the guy in question is friends with the girl, he will probably be quite happy sharing it.

What does that mean if a guy dance in a funny way in front of a girl and stare at her?

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The guy may be trying to grab the girl's attention and make her laugh by dancing in a funny way. Staring at her could indicate that he is interested in her reaction or trying to gauge her interest. However, it's important to consider the context and the girl's comfort level with the situation.

What is it mean when a girl giggles at you?

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Asked by Wiki User

It means that she likes you and thinks that whatever you just did is cute. Trust me, I'm a girl so I would know! Good Luck with the girl! (p.s. she could have been laughing at you, too.)

Who was the first person to tell the time?

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The concept of timekeeping dates back thousands of years, with various civilizations developing systems to track time. The first mechanical clocks were developed in Europe during the late Middle Ages. The first person to "tell time" would likely have been a prehistoric person observing patterns in nature such as the movement of the sun, moon, and stars.

What dos it mean wen a guy stares at you then looks away when you catch him then he stares back after a while looks in your eyes then stares at your lips then back at your eyes wen u were watching him?

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Asked by Wiki User

It could suggest that he is attracted to you and may be feeling nervous or shy. This type of behavior could indicate that he is interested in you and possibly contemplating making a move.

Can a guys penius so all the way in a girls vagina?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the penis cannot go all the way into a girl's vagina. The vagina has a limited depth, typically around 3 to 7 inches, and the cervix at the end prevents the penis from entering any further. It's important to engage in safe and consensual sexual activities with proper communication and understanding of each other's bodies.

What does it mean when a girl says a guy is good at a 69?

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When a girl says a guy is good at a 69, she is likely referring to the sexual position where both partners engage in simultaneous oral sex. This could mean that the guy is skilled at pleasuring both himself and his partner in this position.

If after my girl put her mouth on my testicles and her mouth started hurting what is wrong?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's possible that your girlfriend experienced discomfort due to an allergic reaction, irritation from saliva or friction, or a potential infection. It's essential for both of you to communicate openly and seek medical advice if symptoms persist or worsen.

What does it mean when a guy stares you down from a distance then will not look your way when close up?

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Asked by Wiki User

He's probably shy. Or, he could be far sighted.
He is a very confidant person
If this is a guy who you really know, like a friend, it might mean something is up. It could be trifle, like he is mad at you. But usually, eyes are the giveaway of a drug taker, and that is very serious. Or, if he is a guy who might like you, he is just nervous!

Why does it feel good when you're neck is bitten?

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The sensation of having your neck bitten can trigger a physical and emotional response due to the release of endorphins and adrenaline, causing a pleasurable sensation. Additionally, the neck is a sensitive area with many nerve endings, making it more sensitive to touch, which can increase arousal and pleasure.

What does it mean if a man stares deep into your eyes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Staring deeply into someone's eyes can indicate strong interest or attraction, making a connection on a deeper level. It could also suggest an attempt to convey messages or feelings non-verbally. However, it's important to consider other cues and context before drawing conclusions.

Is solarcaine still good 3 years after expireation date?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not recommended to use Solarcaine after its expiration date as it may not be as effective or safe. Chemical changes can occur in the product over time, and it may not provide the desired relief or could potentially cause skin irritation. It is best to discard and replace with a new product.

Why do guys have to be on top during sex?

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Being on top is a common and traditional position during sex, but it is not a requirement. It can be a preference for some individuals due to the level of control, intimacy, and pleasure it can provide. However, there are many other positions that can be equally enjoyable and satisfying for both partners. Communication and exploration with your partner can help find what works best for both of you.

What should do if you love some one and she does not love you?

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Asked by Wiki User

All you can do is give her time and if she doesn't love you well then that's her lose i bet your a great guy. And the same goes for girls.

What does it mean when you stare at your crush and they stare back and look away?

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Asked by Wiki User

It could mean they are also interested in you but feel shy or unsure how to respond. Or it could simply be that they noticed you staring and were polite in acknowledging you before looking away. It's a non-verbal cue that could indicate interest, but there's no definitive interpretation without more context.

What does it mean when a guy sit beside you far away?

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Asked by Wiki User

It could mean that he wants to give you space or respect your personal boundaries, or he may not feel comfortable getting too close. It's important to consider the context and his body language to better understand his intentions.

How does a girl feel being bestial?

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Asked by Wiki User

The feeling of being bestial can vary for each girl, but it may involve a sense of raw power, connection to instinctual behavior, or an indulgence in primal desires. It can evoke feelings of freedom, fierceness, and a deep connection to one's wild nature.

What does that mean if a guy turns around and openly stares at you and prolongs it when you look back?

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Asked by Wiki User

It could mean that he is attracted to you or finds you interesting. Prolonged eye contact can be a sign of romantic interest or curiosity. However, it's important to consider the context and other nonverbal cues to get a better understanding of his intentions.