


Invented by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in 1895, X-ray imaging is used in hospitals to detect fractures to bone, as well as abnormalities to soft tissues.

1,826 Questions

Why the analysis of light elements are difficult using X-ray Fluorescence?

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Analysis of light elements such as carbon and oxygen using X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) is difficult because these elements have low atomic numbers, which results in weak X-ray emissions that are difficult to detect accurately. Additionally, light elements can be easily absorbed or scattered by the surrounding matrix or sample material, further complicating their analysis using XRF.

What was determined about DNA from X ray diffraction?

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X-ray diffraction studies on DNA by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins revealed the helical structure of DNA, as well as its dimensions and the distance between base pairs. This data was later used by James Watson and Francis Crick to propose the double helix model of DNA.

What is the formula for xrays?

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The formula for X-rays is a type of electromagnetic radiation produced when high-energy electrons collide with a target material. X-rays are typically represented by the equation E = hf, where E is the energy of the X-ray, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the X-ray.

What are not detected by telescopes Radio waves sound waves X rays Visible light?

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Sound waves are not detected by telescopes, as telescopes are instruments that are designed to detect electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, X rays, and visible light. Sound waves require a medium, such as air or water, to travel through, and can't propagate through the vacuum of space where telescopes operate.

When was Madame Curie's X ray invention invented?

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Madame Curie did not invent the X-ray machine. The discovery of X-rays is credited to Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895. Madame Curie was a pioneer in the field of nuclear physics and won the Nobel Prize in both Physics and Chemistry for her work on radioactivity.

Do x ray and gamma ray telescopes have the same design as an optical instrument?

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X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes have different designs than optical instruments due to the nature of the radiation they are detecting. X-ray and gamma-ray telescopes use special mirrors or detectors to focus and capture high-energy rays, which can penetrate materials that conventional optical telescopes cannot. Optical instruments rely on lenses and mirrors that are optimized for visible light.

How are visible light ultraviolet light infrared light x-rays gamma rays microwaves and radio waves related?

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These are all forms of electromagnetic radiation, which travel in waves at different frequencies and wavelengths. They differ in energy levels and how they interact with matter. Electromagnetic spectrum ranges from radio waves with the lowest energy and longest wavelength to gamma rays with the highest energy and shortest wavelength.

If the gamma rays and X-rays have the same frequency what will the electron have?

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If the gamma rays and X-rays have the same frequency, the electron will have the same energy regardless of which type of radiation is interacting with it. The energy of the electron is determined by the frequency of the radiation it absorbs, not the type of radiation.

How group 7 compounds are used in x-ray photography and agriculture?

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Group 7 elements, such as manganese in the form of potassium permanganate, are used as contrast agents in medical radiography to enhance visualization and improve diagnostic accuracy. In agriculture, group 7 compounds like manganese sulfate are used as micronutrient fertilizers to correct manganese deficiencies in crops and promote healthy growth.

Which is the most penetrating rays x-rays or gamma rays?

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Gamma rays are more penetrating than X-rays. This is because gamma rays have higher energy levels and shorter wavelengths, allowing them to penetrate deeper into materials.

What is the frequency in hertz and the energy in joules of an x-ray photon with a wavelength of 2.32 Å?

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The frequency of the x-ray photon can be calculated using the equation: frequency = speed of light / wavelength. With a wavelength of 2.32 Å (2.32 x 10^(-10) m), the frequency is approximately 1.29 x 10^18 Hz. The energy of a photon can be calculated using the equation: energy = Planck's constant x frequency. With the frequency calculated, the energy of the x-ray photon is approximately 8.55 x 10^(-14) J.

Are gamma rays and x rays the same?

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Gamma rays and x-rays are both forms of high-energy electromagnetic radiation, but they are produced in different ways. Gamma rays are typically emitted by radioactive decay or nuclear reactions, while x-rays are produced by interactions between electrons and atomic nuclei. In terms of their energy and ability to penetrate matter, gamma rays and x-rays are similar.

How does a x ray tech use chemistry?

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X-ray techs use chemistry to understand the properties and interactions of contrast agents used to highlight specific areas of the body in X-ray imaging. They need to ensure proper mixing and administration of these agents to enhance the clarity of the X-ray images. Understanding the chemical composition and reactions of these contrast agents is crucial for accurate diagnostic imaging.

Which band of the electromagnetic spectrum has a frequency higher than x-rays?

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Gamma rays have frequencies higher than x-rays in the electromagnetic spectrum. They have the shortest wavelengths and highest energies in the spectrum.

Which is not radioactive beta rays gamma rays or X-rays?

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Both beta rays and gamma rays are the products of radioactive decay and are the result of changes in atomic nuclei. X-rays can be generated by using high voltage to accelerate electrons and slam them into a metal target, so they might be said to be non-radioactive.

Would it make sense to place an x-rays or gamma ray telescope on a mountaintop?

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Yes, placing an x-ray or gamma-ray telescope on a mountaintop can be beneficial as higher altitudes can reduce atmospheric interference, providing clearer observations of these high-energy wavelengths from space. Additionally, the remote location can minimize light pollution and electromagnetic interference, enhancing the telescope's sensitivity and accuracy.

What is the energy in kev of an x-ray photon that has a frequency of 1.6910 to the power of 19HZ?

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To calculate the energy of an x-ray photon, you can use the formula E = hf, where E is the energy, h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J s), and f is the frequency of the photon. First, convert the frequency from Hz to s^-1. Then, plug in the values to find the energy in joules, which can be converted to keV by dividing by 1.6 x 10^-16.

What minerals emit visible light when exposed to X-rays?

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Minerals that emit visible light when exposed to X-rays include some types of diamonds, certain sulfides like willemite and sphalerite, and various fluorides such as fluorite. This phenomenon is called X-ray luminescence or X-ray-induced luminescence and is used in mineral identification and fluorescence studies.

Which has more energy a radio photon or a X-ray photon?

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The highest energy photons are all found at the "top" of the electromagnetic spectrum. That's the end populated by photons with the shortest wavelengths (and, therefore, the shortest periods) and the highest frequencies. These photons, these extremely energetic electromagnetic waves, are generated within the nuclei of atoms and released during nuclear events. Subatomic particles actually generate the photons as they go through changes. Stars (most of them) can produce photons in these energies continuously, or in bursts. We frequently refer to photons of extreme energies as gamma rays. We can stimulate nuclei to generate these high energy photons in the nuclear physics laboratory, and it's usually done with some sort of nuclear accelerator. We take protons - or whole atomic nuclei - and speed them up to near light speed and slam these nuclear bullets into targets (or other particles). Photons of the highest energies are produced. As one can imagine, shielding for containment is a big concern, as these energetic photons will punch through steel, concrete and earth. Some links are provided.

What type of energy are radio waves visible light from the sun infrared rays from heat lamps the waves that heat food in a microwave oven ultraviolet rays and X-rays?

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Radio waves, visible light, infrared rays, and the waves that heat food in a microwave oven are forms of electromagnetic energy, due to varying wavelengths and frequencies. Ultraviolet rays and X-rays are forms of ionizing radiation, which have higher energy levels and can impact living tissue at the cellular level, making them potentially harmful in excess.

How long did it take Marie curie to make the X-ray?

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Marie Curie did not invent the X-ray. X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895. Marie Curie was a pioneering scientist in the field of radioactivity and won Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry for her research on radioactivity and the discovery of the elements polonium and radium.

How wdxrf works - x-ray fluoresence by panalytical instruments?

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WDXRF (Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence) spectroscopy works by bombarding a sample with high-energy X-rays, causing it to emit characteristic fluorescent X-rays. These X-rays are then diffracted by a crystal according to their wavelength and detected by a detector. The energy and intensity of the detected X-rays are used to identify and quantify the elements present in the sample. PANalytical instruments utilize this technique to provide accurate and reliable elemental analysis of various materials.

What is the wavelength of gamma ray electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 2.73 X 10 to the 20 HZ?

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The wavelength of gamma ray electromagnetic radiation with a frequency of 2.73 × 10^20 Hz is approximately 1.10 × 10^-12 meters.