



Oceanography, also called marine science, is the study of oceans. It includes the study of physical oceanography, marine chemistry, marine geology, and marine biology. Areas covered in oceanography are the shape, depth, and distribution of oceans, and also their composition, life forms, ecology, and water currents, as well as their legal status. If you would like to know more or share your knowledge about oceanography, ask and answer questions here! Includes questions related to the study of Earth's oceans and seas.

1,839 Questions

What does the appropriate attire for an oceanographer?

The appropriate attire for an oceanographer typically includes comfortable clothing suitable for outdoor fieldwork, such as moisture-wicking shirts, lightweight pants, and sturdy footwear like water shoes or boots. Additionally, oceanographers often wear protective gear like wetsuits, gloves, and safety helmets when conducting underwater research or working in rough sea conditions. It is important for oceanographers to dress in layers to regulate body temperature and be prepared for changing weather conditions while out at sea.

What is the closest ocean in Madrid?

The closest ocean from Spain is the Atlantic.

What is the main reason that the oceans are becoming more acidic?

Ocean acidification is caused from the ocean being forced to absorb vast amounts of fossil fuels and carbon. The carbon that is absorbed in turn causes the waters pH to go down, thus making it more acidic.

Dissolving CO2 in seawater increases the concentration in the ocean, and thus decreases ocean pH.

When CO2 dissolves, it reacts with water to form a balance of i and non-ionic chemical species: dissolved free carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, carbonate and bicarbonate.

What are the only 2 countries in the world that border 3 oceans?

The only two countries in the world that border three oceans are Canada and Russia. Canada borders the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans, while Russia borders the Arctic, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans.

What is it called when the salt water flows inland from the ocean?

This process is called "saltwater intrusion." It occurs when saltwater moves into and contaminates freshwater sources, typically in coastal areas where there is excessive water extraction from wells or a decrease in freshwater flow.

How many mile between ocean isle beach NC and myrtle beach SC?

Ocean Isle Beach, NC and Myrtle Beach, SC are approximately 45 miles apart, with a drive time of around 1 hour.

What is the difference between gulf and strait?

A gulf is a large body of water surrounded by land on three sides, while a strait is a narrow waterway that connects two larger bodies of water. Gulfs are typically larger and more open than straits, which are often used for navigation between bodies of water.

Why the water of the ocean is salty?

The ocean is salty because of the minerals and salts that are carried into it by rivers and streams. As water flows over rocks and soil, it picks up minerals such as salt (sodium chloride) and carries them into the ocean. Over time, these minerals accumulate in the ocean, leading to its saltiness.

What percentage of the biosphere are the oceans?

Approximately 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans, which make up about 97% of the biosphere in terms of volume. Oceans are crucial for sustaining life on our planet and support a wide variety of organisms.

Which location would the ocean ridge most likely be located?

The ocean ridge is most likely to be located along the boundary of tectonic plates, such as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This is where new oceanic crust is formed as plates move apart, causing magma to rise and solidify.

Who said the proverb Little drop of water makes the mighty ocean?

This proverb is of unknown origin, but it is used to emphasize the idea that small, consistent efforts can lead to significant results over time. It highlights the power of incremental progress and the impact of collective action.

How does weather affect skin?

Weather can impact the skin by causing it to become dry, irritated, or damaged. Extreme temperatures, sun exposure, humidity, and wind can all contribute to these effects. It's important to protect the skin with appropriate skincare products and practices to minimize the negative impact of weather conditions.

What Are The Rescue Operations During Tsunami?

Rescue operations during a tsunami typically involve search and rescue teams looking for survivors in affected areas using boats, helicopters, or other means of transportation. These teams may also provide first aid, food, and water to those in need, and evacuate people to safer locations. Coordination with local authorities, response agencies, and other organizations is crucial to effectively carry out these operations.

What foods found in the ocean did the first nations eat?

First Nations people traditionally ate a variety of seafood from the ocean, including fish such as salmon, halibut, and cod, as well as shellfish like clams, mussels, and crabs. They also consumed seaweed and sea vegetables as part of their diet.

What do you call a mix of fresh and salt water?

A mix of fresh and salt water is called brackish water. This type of water is found in estuaries, where rivers meet the sea, creating a unique ecosystem that supports diverse wildlife.

Do estuaries contain both salt water and freshwater?

Yes, estuaries are coastal areas where seawater from the ocean mixes with freshwater from rivers and streams. This combination of salt water and freshwater creates a unique and dynamic ecosystem that supports diverse marine and plant life.

What does five million plastic bottles look like?

Five million plastic bottles would weigh approximately 250 metric tons and would fill up roughly 10 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Visually, it would be a mountain of plastic bottles that reaches several stories high.

Why can't people travel to the sea floor without a vessel like Alvin?

The sea floor is extremely deep and subject to high pressure that would crush a person's body. Without a vessel like Alvin that is specifically designed to withstand these extreme conditions, it would be impossible for humans to safely reach the sea floor.

Do tidal waves cause damage?

Yes, tidal waves can cause significant damage along coastlines due to their massive size and powerful force. They can flood coastal areas, sweep away buildings and infrastructure, and result in loss of life and property damage. Preparedness and early warning systems are crucial in minimizing the impact of tidal waves.

Can you use a salt water boat in fresh water?

Yes, you can use a salt water boat in fresh water. However, it is important to rinse off the boat and its components thoroughly after each use in salt water to prevent corrosion and damage from the salt.