



The center of our nervous system and daily thoughts, the brain is a complex, magnificent organ. Ask questions about parts of the brain and their functions here.

2,535 Questions

If you damage the left hand side of your brain what functions are you most likely to lose?

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Damage to the left side of the brain typically affects language and communication abilities, such as speaking, reading, and writing. It can result in difficulties with understanding language, forming words, and processing information. Additionally, the left side of the brain is responsible for logical reasoning and problem-solving skills.

What is a single cell in the brain?

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A single cell in the brain is called a neuron. Neurons are specialized cells that transmit electrical and chemical signals throughout the brain and nervous system, allowing for communication between different parts of the body.

What is anencephalitis?

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Anencephalitis is a rare condition characterized by the absence of a major part of the brain, specifically the cerebral hemispheres. This condition is typically detected during prenatal ultrasounds and results in severe neurodevelopmental abnormalities. Unfortunately, it is not compatible with life beyond the immediate neonatal period.

Does a cell in your stomach contain genes for brain cells?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a cell in your stomach does not contain genes for brain cells. Different types of cells express different sets of genes to carry out their specific functions in the body. Brain cells and stomach cells have different gene expression profiles to support their distinct roles in the body.

What is the importance of peach for your brain?

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Peaches contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support brain health. These nutrients can help protect brain cells from damage, improve cognitive function, and reduce inflammation in the brain. Including peaches in your diet can contribute to overall brain health and function.

What is the side of the brain that is concerned with logic and language?

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The left side of the brain is typically associated with logic and language processing. It is known for analytical thinking, problem-solving, and language comprehension.

What part of the brain controls learning?

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The hippocampus and prefrontal cortex are two key brain regions involved in learning and memory. The hippocampus is essential for forming new memories, while the prefrontal cortex is involved in higher-level cognitive functions such as decision-making and problem-solving. Both regions work together to support the learning process.

What is auditory distraction?

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Auditory distraction is when external sounds interfere with a person's ability to focus or concentrate on a task requiring cognitive processing. This interference can lead to reduced performance, increased errors, and difficulty in retaining information. Examples include background noise, conversations, music, or other sounds that disrupt an individual's attention.

How does Central Nervous system affect daily life?

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The central nervous system plays a crucial role in daily life by coordinating and regulating bodily functions such as movement, sensation, and thinking. It enables us to perform activities like walking, talking, and processing information. Any disruptions or disorders in the central nervous system can impact daily activities, leading to problems with movement, cognition, and emotions.

What region of the brain is most closely related to dyslexia?

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The left hemisphere of the brain, particularly the areas known as the parietotemporal and occipitotemporal regions, are most closely related to dyslexia. These areas are involved in language processing, reading, and decoding skills, which are often impaired in individuals with dyslexia.

Did releasing of sperm effect memory?

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There is no evidence to suggest that releasing sperm affects memory in a negative way. In fact, some studies suggest that sexual activity can have positive effects on brain function and cognitive performance.

What are the three things controlled by the cerebellum?

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The cerebellum is primarily responsible for coordinating voluntary movements, maintaining balance and posture, and fine-tuning motor skills.

If there was gay gene What about human DNA or biology would explain humans taking so long2accept theyre gay Is it good thing that people r cautious because of increased plague and cancer risk etc?

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Asked by SpeedyMcWolf

The idea of a single "gay gene" oversimplifies the complex nature of sexual orientation, which is influenced by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors. Societal acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals has historical, cultural, and religious roots that have perpetuated discrimination and prejudice. It is not a good thing for people to be cautious about accepting their sexual orientation due to health risks, as this can lead to psychological distress and internalized stigma, which can negatively impact mental health and well-being. Acceptance, support, and access to affirming healthcare can help individuals lead healthier and happier lives.

What part of the nervous system would be immediately activated if you were attacked by a mugger?

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Sympathetic nervous system, triggering the "fight or flight" response to help you respond to the threat. This activation leads to increased heart rate, dilated pupils, and heightened awareness to prepare the body to defend itself or escape the danger.

What are symptoms of late stage kuru?

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Asked by GaleEncyofNeuroDis

Late stage kuru symptoms can include difficulty swallowing, severe tremors, difficulty walking, and emotional instability. These symptoms are indicative of advanced neurological damage caused by the kuru prion disease.

What are part of the brain is concerned with olfaction?

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The olfactory bulb and the olfactory cortex, located in the temporal lobe of the brain, are primarily responsible for processing smell information. The olfactory bulb receives sensory input from the nose and sends signals to the olfactory cortex for further processing and interpretation of smells.

Is moderate to severe hypoperfusion in frontal and both temporal lobes very bad?

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Moderate to severe hypoperfusion in the frontal and temporal lobes can indicate compromised blood flow and oxygen supply to these regions of the brain, which can lead to significant cognitive and neurological deficits. This condition may result in symptoms such as confusion, memory problems, difficulty with movement, and even an increased risk of stroke or other serious complications. Prompt medical intervention and treatment are crucial to prevent further damage and improve outcomes.

What does brain mean?

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If we could find a definite answer for fundamental sensor of fundamental particle, how it senses it;s own existence,as well as it;s environment,we might find definite answers for nerve and brain system activity.

We are able to learn a new language or a new sport because of the brain's ability towards?

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Neuroplasticity, a term that describes the brain's ability to reorganize and create new neural connections throughout life. This enables us to learn and adapt to new skills and information, such as languages or sports, by forming and strengthening neural pathways related to these activities.

Cerebellum what is?

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Asked by Wiki User

plays the important part in your emotional behavior

What part of the brain enables us to relax?

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The parasympathetic nervous system, which is part of the autonomic nervous system, helps regulate relaxation by slowing heart rate, promoting digestion, and conserving energy. The prefrontal cortex also plays a role in relaxation by helping to regulate emotions and behavior.

Brain waves are recordings of activity in the?

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Brain waves are recordings of activity in the brain, specifically the electrical activity generated by neurons communicating with each other. They are typically measured using electroencephalography (EEG) and can provide insight into cognitive processes, emotional states, and neurological conditions.

What system does the human brain belong to?

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The human brain belongs to the central nervous system.