


Spotting While Pregnant

This category contains questions regarding the various amounts of blood discharged from the vagina during pregnancy.

1,242 Questions

What are the characteristics of a cloud in the sky might qualify it as a living thing?

Clouds do not possess the characteristics of living things such as cells, metabolism, growth, or reproduction. They are formations of condensed water vapor in the atmosphere and do not exhibit any biological processes or functions associated with living organisms.

Why does pregnancy increase a womans energy needs?

Pregnancy increases a woman's energy needs because her body is working harder to support the growth and development of the baby, as well as to maintain her own health. The additional energy is required for the development of the placenta, increased blood volume, and other metabolic changes that occur during pregnancy.

What are the growth stages of cabbage?

  1. Seedling stage: Cabbage seeds germinate and seedlings emerge.
  2. Vegetative stage: Leaves grow, forming a head or cabbage.
  3. Head formation stage: The cabbage head becomes more defined and firm.
  4. Harvest stage: Cabbage is ready to be harvested when the head is firm and mature.

How do you get a period?

Usually you could take a low dose Advil, Motrin, Excedrin. Etc. But there is also a few home methods that some women chose. Such as hot tea, a heating pad, or even pickle juice helps. It varies on the person. No one is alike.

Could there be a problem if you spot dark red while pregnant with twins?

Spotting dark red blood during pregnancy, especially with twins, could indicate a potential issue such as a threatened miscarriage or placental problems. It's important to contact your healthcare provider immediately to determine the cause and receive appropriate care. Prompt medical evaluation is crucial to ensure the health and safety of both you and your babies.

What does it mean if your 6 weeks and started bleeding with no clumps for one day and you felt really dehydrated so you drank tons of water about twenty 20FL OZ water bottles then the bleeding stopped?

Bleeding during early pregnancy can be a sign of various issues such as implantation bleeding or a potential miscarriage. It's important to contact a healthcare provider for evaluation to determine the cause of the bleeding and ensure the health of both you and the pregnancy. Drinking excessive water may have coincidentally helped with dehydration but does not directly stop bleeding.

What does early pregnancy discharge look like?

I dont know about everyone else but, when I was pregnant (at what must have been 4-5 weeks) it felt like my period was going to come at any time. Kept waiting.... And at about 4 days- 1 week after I had been excpecting my period, I got a positive pregnancy test. In the weeks before, and leading up to this point, I had the same type of cervical mucus you would expect before you got your period. Also my cervix was low for a good week or two (Like my period was coming) before it finally went up and stayed there at about 5 weeks pregnant. From there on I had cervical mucus you would get while you are ovulating or turned on. Also some other symptoms I had that may not be common, but were noticed very early in my pregnancy were;

* An impending feeling of getting your period soon.

* An annoyingly runny nose.

* Bubbly feeling in my stomach, (towards the top by your sternum) kind of like when your really hungry and just drank some really carbonated soda.

* Very tired.

* Irrationally moody and snappy for no obvious reason.

* The general feeling of maybe being pregnant.

* Very thirsty! All the time.

* Having to urinate more often.

* I had slightly sore nipples this time. In the first pregnancy they hurt really bad though. They also feel very heavy and big pretty early on.

Slight skin changes. For example: Breaking out and dry skin early on then nice smooth perfect complexion after about the 7th week on.

When does spotting start if you are pregnant?

you should not have any spotting if you are pregnant, although some women do and are ok you should see a doctor if you bleed at all you should not have any spotting if you are pregnant, although some women do and are ok you should see a doctor if you bleed at all

What are the chances that you can conceive again three months after having a miscarriage?

Chances are very good.. They say that something like 75% of women who have a miscarriage go on to have healthy, normal pregnancies. Check out this article on trying to conceive after a miscarriage:

Can you still be pregnant even if you have bleeding?

I heard people say they had a period while pregnant and I heard that story about it happening to that lady who had twins so ye I do believe in period while pregnant. I had Implantation bleeding on the 2nd may 2 weeks after I got my period but even though I got my period I could still be pregnant. Every women is different some have periods while pregnant some don't and the ones who do give birth to healthy babies.

From Pink Princess

Is it possible to have bleeding and not have a miscarriage?

There is a condition called placenta privea that is basically where the placenta is trying to pull away from the uterus.It may cause bleeding which happened to me at 5 months but it can be monitered and usually an ultrasound will be performed later in the pregnancy to determine if the placenta is blocking the cervix complicating vaginal delivery.If left untreated it can cause death.Any bleeding needs to be checked out by your doctor.

How common are false positive pregnancy tests?

On rare occasions you can encounter a false positive due to improper testing, expired pregnancy tests, rare medical conditions such as certain types of cancer, evaporation lines or a chemical pregnancy.

Is having small spots of brown blood menstruation?

Brown just means it is old blood, rather than fresh. A spotty, brown discharge during your period is a sign of an irregular period, and isn't necessarily abnormal. Many women experience it at least once in their lives, or even on a recurring basis. You can talk to your doc if you think there might be something wrong, or if you have abnormal pain.

Is it normal to bleed after intercourse even though you are pregnant?

Yes. I had friend bleed almost all the way through two pregnancies. You should immediately seek medical attention to make sure that it isn't anything serious, because it could be a separation of the placenta or something very bad. See your doctor immediately.

Could drinking vinegar while pregnant cause a miscarriage?

The short answer is NO, it will not cause a miscarriage. This is an urban legend and a poor one at that. For a more detailed explanation from Planned Parenthood, see:

Think about it this way, pickles contain vinegar and pregnant women love pickles (or so the stereotype goes) If vinegar caused miscarriages, would pregnant women continue to eat pickles (would we have the stereotype)?

Why can't you have kids on the sims 2 for ps2?

Because the person who made the sims, made it to where on the ps2 you can not have kids. Because most kids have a ps2 and not all sims games are rated E for everyone that is why you are not able to have kids on the ps2 Because the person who made the sims, made it to where on the ps2 you can not have kids. Because most kids have a ps2 and not all sims games are rated E for everyone that is why you are not able to have kids on the ps2

I'm six weeks pregnant spotted a little is this normal?

hello i am six weeks pregnant and noticed some slight pink spotting a few days ago. i was extremley worried as i had a misscarridge a few months ago. Went for a scan on monday and evertything was fine saw the heart beat and everything. The nurse said that the bleeding was due to a blood clot which was cauesed afer impantation and this is extremley normal and told me i should expect to pass brown or pink discharge for the next few days. She said the only time for a lot of concern is if the blood is bright red as it is fresh, but still does not mean you will miscarry. Just get yourself to the docs if you are really worried and im sure they will book you in for a scan. Hope this helps hello i am six weeks pregnant and noticed some slight pink spotting a few days ago. i was extremley worried as i had a misscarridge a few months ago. Went for a scan on monday and evertything was fine saw the heart beat and everything. The nurse said that the bleeding was due to a blood clot which was cauesed afer impantation and this is extremley normal and told me i should expect to pass brown or pink discharge for the next few days. She said the only time for a lot of concern is if the blood is bright red as it is fresh, but still does not mean you will miscarry. Just get yourself to the docs if you are really worried and im sure they will book you in for a scan. Hope this helps

What are your chances of a miscarriage if you are 5 weeks pregnant and over 40?

The chances of having a miscarriage over 40 are higher (1 in 3) than they are at, say, 20 (1 in 10), but many women in their 40s go on to have healthy babies. this is a good site for information.,1504,543,00.html

You had a miscarriage but no bleeding?

I'm almost 11 weeks pregnant. Lately i don't feel like I'm pregnant! no symptoms at all. i think that i must c a doctor as soon as possible; cuz sometimes it happens to lose ur baby without knowin. i mean no bleeding, no pain nothing.

I am 11 days late have had 3 negative urine tests For the last four days I have been spotting Could I be pregnant?

Not likely, but possible. The most accurate way to find out is a serum pregnancy test given by your doctor. If your periods are always around the same time, I would consider this option.

What does it mean when you are spotting brown blood and have lower back pain?

This may be brought on buy ovulation and an increase in such things such as progesterone promoting the concentration of melanin in areas of the back, and the ovulation could possibly contribute to lower back pain.