

Planet Neptune

Neptune, the 8th planet from the Sun and nearly a twin of planet Uranus, is the fourth-largest planet by diameter and the furthest planet discovered so far in our solar system. Planet Neptune gets its name after the Roman god of the sea. It is a gas giant.

1,753 Questions

What availability of water does Neptune have?

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Neptune is classified as an ice giant and is not believed to have any liquid water on its surface. Its atmosphere is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, with traces of methane. The icy surface of Neptune consists of primarily water ice, ammonia ice, and methane ice.

What is this dark spot left in the toilet after urination?

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The dark spot left in the toilet after urination is most likely due to concentrated urine or residual uric acid crystals. Drinking more water or using a toilet cleaner specifically designed to remove urine stains can help prevent this.

What sounds do Neptune make?

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Neptune is a gas giant and does not have a solid surface, so it does not make sounds like we're familiar with on Earth. However, it does have some unique features like its strong winds that can reach up to 1,500 miles per hour, which could potentially create sound if it were in a medium for sound to travel through.

When is Neptune visible without a telescope?

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Neptune is visible without a telescope during opposition, which occurs approximately once a year when it is closest to Earth. At this time, it may appear as a faint, bluish point of light in the night sky. However, Neptune is best viewed with a telescope due to its distance and small size.

What are the huge storms or spots on neptune and Jupiter called?

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The huge storm on Jupiter is called the Great Red Spot, which is a massive anticyclonic storm. The storms on Neptune are known as the Great Dark Spot and the smaller Dark Spots, which are large atmospheric disturbances in its dynamic atmosphere.

What are the three furthest planets from earth?

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Saturn was known from antiquity. Uranus was discovered in 1781 by William Herschel, who cataloged many interesting objects in our sky. In 1846 Neptune was discovered by Urbain Le Verrier, who predicted its position, and Johann Galle who made the initial observation.

How much will the 'Son of Neptune' book cost?

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The cost of the book "Son of Neptune" will vary depending on the format you choose (e.g., hardcover, paperback, ebook) and where you purchase it from (e.g., bookstore, online retailer). Generally, prices for a new copy of the book range from $8 to $20.

Can you ignite Neptune?

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No, Neptune is a gas giant composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, with no solid surface for ignition to occur. Its atmosphere is not conducive to combustion as there is no oxygen present.

Is Neptune upsidedown?

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Neptune is often referred to as "upside-down" because its magnetic field is tilted at 47 degrees off its rotational axis. This makes Neptune appear as if it is rotating on its side compared to the other planets in our solar system.

How much is Sedna's gravity compared to Earth's gravity?

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Sedna's gravity is significantly weaker than Earth's gravity. Sedna is a distant dwarf planet located in the outer reaches of our solar system, and its smaller size and mass result in a much weaker gravitational pull compared to Earth.

What other names does neptune have?

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Neptune is also known as the "Ice Giant" due to its icy composition and extreme cold temperatures. It is sometimes referred to as the "Blue Planet" because of its distinctive blue color, caused by methane in its atmosphere that absorbs red light.

What happens in Neptune?

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Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system. It is a gas giant with a blue color due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere. Neptune has strong winds and a large, dark spot called the Great Dark Spot, similar to Jupiter's Great Red Spot.

Why is life not suitable on Neptune?

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Life is not suitable on Neptune primarily because the planet's extreme cold temperatures, high levels of methane in its atmosphere, and lack of a solid surface make it inhospitable for known forms of life to exist. Additionally, the intense pressure at Neptune's core would also make it challenging for any potential organisms to survive.

What are the kilometers between the sun and Neptune?

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The average distance between the Earth and Neptune is about 4.5 billion kilometers. This is the average distance because the distance between these planets changes due to their orbits about the sun. While the minimum distance between them is 4.31 billion kilometers, the maximum is about 4.69 billion kilometers.

How do I get max to min serial or What function can I use to get max to min or min to max serial?

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You can use the SEQUENCE function in Excel to create a series of numbers from max to min or min to max. For example, to create a series from 10 to 1 in descending order, you could use =SEQUENCE(10,1,-1). This formula generates a range of numbers from 10 to 1 in descending order.

What is colder mars or Neptune?

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Neptune is colder than Mars. Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun and is much farther from it compared to Mars, which is the fourth planet from the sun. Neptune's average temperature is around -353°F (-214°C), while Mars's average temperature is around -80°F (-62°C).

What is smaller an astronomical unit or the average size of Neptune's orbit?

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An astronomical unit (AU) is smaller than the average size of Neptune's orbit. 1 AU is the average distance between the Earth and the Sun, which is about 93 million miles. Neptune's average distance from the Sun is about 30 astronomical units, making it significantly larger than the distance of 1 AU.

What is the name of the region of the solar system that is just outside of the orbit of Neptune and that contains small bodies made mostly of ice?

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The region is called the Kuiper Belt. It is a disk-shaped region lying beyond the orbit of Neptune that is home to numerous icy bodies, including dwarf planets such as Pluto.

Does water flow in Neptune?

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Neptune is a gas giant composed mostly of hydrogen, helium, and other gases, so it does not have a solid surface or flowing water like Earth. The atmosphere of Neptune consists of primarily hydrogen, helium, and methane gases, and there may be water in the form of ice present in its interior.

How many days on Mars equal to one Earth year?

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One year on Mars is equivalent to about 687 Earth days.

Can the planet neptune be seen at night without a telescope?

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No, Neptune is not visible to the naked eye. It is the eighth planet from the sun and is located far enough away that it requires a telescope to see its blue disc.

How much numbers does Neptune have?

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Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system. It has a total of 14 known moons.

When is the sun furthest from the planet?

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The sun is closest to a planet during perihelion and furthest during aphelion. The exact dates vary depending on the planet in question.

Is Uranus darker than Neptune?

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Uranus and Neptune are both gas giants, but Neptune appears darker than Uranus because of its deeper blue coloration. This difference is primarily due to the presence of methane in Neptune's atmosphere, which absorbs red light, making the planet appear darker overall.

How long did it take the space shuttle to get to Neptune?

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The Space Shuttle has never visited Neptune. The farthest any human-made spacecraft has traveled from Earth is the Voyager 2 probe, which took about 12 years to reach Neptune after its launch in 1977.