


Pregnancies are divided into three trimesters. Ask questions about what to expect during each one here.

296 Questions

What is the primary change that happens to a human during the third trimester of gestation?

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Asked by Wiki User

During the third trimester of gestation, the fetus experiences rapid growth and development, including the maturation of organs and systems. The fetus also gains more weight and begins to prepare for life outside the womb by developing fat stores for temperature regulation. Additionally, the fetus becomes more active, practicing breathing movements and strengthening its muscles.

What could cause one to get a painful shock when touching a wet metal sink?

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The wet metal sink may not be properly grounded, causing a buildup of static electricity that gives you a shock when touched. This could happen if the electrical wiring in your house is faulty or if the sink is not properly connected to a ground wire. It is important to have a professional electrician address this issue to prevent any potential harm.

When does second trimester start?

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Asked by Wiki User

13 to 26 weeks is considered your second trimester! 13 to 26 weeks is considered your second trimester!

How many weeks in a trimester?

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13 weeks and 3 days are 1 trimester for school

How many weeks is each quarter at UCLA?

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13 units for College of Letters and Science. 12 units for others. (to the best of my knowledge)

During the last trimester of pregnancy At what point should your baby start dropping?

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Asked by Bandkshahan

When the sperm find the egg, the first one to penetrate the egg creates a barrier to all the other sperm. The cells of the fertilized egg (zygote) begin to multiply, staying clustered together in a ball. This ball of cells, called a blastocyst, slowly makes its way down to the uterus (three or four days after ovulation) and burrows into the uterine wall (five to seven days after ovulation), a process known as implantation. Even before the placenta and umbilical cord are formed, the cells of the developing embryo start getting their nourishment from the mother-to-be's uterine wall.,1510,5049,00.html

Is fetal movement in the second trimester irregular?

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Asked by Wiki User

Second Trimester Fetal MovementSome woman feel their baby move in the first trimester. It is usually a fluttering feeling in their stomach. You will not feel the baby move everyday. It depends on how active you are and how comfortable the baby is. Here is a tip if you are concerned. During my pregnancy, when I would have periods of non-movement with my baby, my OBGYN informed me to lie in a tub full for warm water. The warm water will help your blood circulate more through your body, which in turn will wake the baby up and cause him/her to start moving around.

Here are answers and opinions from Wiki s contributors:

  • If you want to know for sure if it's the baby moving, like the last person said you should take a warm bath (NOT hot) and also, try a juice box that has a little sugar. This tends to make babies more active, and may help you to feel the movement. And no, it's not irregular - many moms have been known to feel movement between 17-18 weeks. Also, if you're not a first time mom, you may be more tuned in and you may feel your baby move earlier.

first time Mums often don't feel the baby move until around 20 weeks, second time around you are more 'tuned in' and feel it earlier. However the baby has plenty of room to move and as you can only feel it if it touches the front of the uterus (just under the skin where the nerve endings are) you will not feel much especially if the placenta is at the front as well.

Can you drink wine during your pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

AnswerGeneral wisdom says that women should not drink alcohol or use drugs during pregnancy. Always check with your physician before taking any medication during pregnancy. AnswerNO!


Especially when the fetus is developing in the early weeks and months of its life, your baby is developing things like its brain, spinal cord, and heart (circulatory system). That's some very important stuff to be making, so even a small amount of alcohol consumption WILL be devastating to your future baby, and you, when it comes out malformed AND/OR mentally retarded for LIFE! There is no cure for these kinds of deformities, and your child (and you, your life, and FAMILY) will suffer the consequences because you drank or smoked early on in pregnancy and throughout your pregnancy. Why even risk it, its NOT worth it!

Which happens to a developing child first?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depends on when you consider it a child. First it's a Zygote, a fertilized egg, and then a blastocyst. Medically it's not a child until it's born. But if we start with embryo you can read all about it in the link below. Someone wrote blood starts pumping and arms starts to develop but that is weeks later.

Blood pumps through the body.


Rhythmic breathing movements

What trimester are there?

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Which trimester is most critical for the development of a baby?

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Asked by Nikjade

The first trimester is most critical for the development of a baby. The babies brain is formed during the first trimester.

How many months is 13-26 weeks?

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13 weeks is 3 months (1 quarter); 26 weeks is 6 months (½ year).

How many weeks in is the second trimester if pregnancy?

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There is also 12 weeks in the second trimester

How many weeks are you when you are in your third trimester?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ceremony enacted in the same way time after time ste of actions done in a specific way.

What timespan does the second trimester of pregnancy cover?

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Asked by Wiki User

Weeks 13-28 of pregnancy

What happens in the 3rd trimester?

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Asked by Wiki User

The baby will grow to its full term, it will go in lightening, effacement and then prepare for delivery.

What happens in the third trimester of pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Babies start putting on some weight, starting at about 2.25 pounds and moving closer to the average birth weight of around 7 pounds. They now have eyelashes and can blink their eyes. They start getting fingernails, toenails, and hair, and their brains add billions of neurons.

Why does nausea disappear after a few months?

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Nausea usually last for three months, this is because of the hormone progesterone.