



Antibiotics (also called antibacterials) are drugs used to treat bacterial infections. They work by slowing down the growth of bacteria that cause contagious diseases. Antibiotics should not be misused as this may result in the emergence of antibacterial-resistant bacteria.

4,246 Questions

What are biotic and antibiotic factors?

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Biotic factors are living organisms that directly or indirectly influence an ecosystem, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms. Antibiotic factors refer to substances that can inhibit the growth of or destroy bacteria or other microorganisms, often used in medicine to treat infections.

Does azithromycin help with a severe cold or flu?

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No. Antibiotics do not help viral infections such as the cold or flu. Antibiotics are specifically for helping with treatment of bacterial infections or for preventing bacterial infections and do nothing to an inanimate virus.

What are three ways and antibiotic destroys bacteria?

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  1. Inhibition of cell wall synthesis: Antibiotics like penicillin prevent bacteria from forming a strong cell wall, leading to cell lysis and death.
  2. Inhibition of protein synthesis: Antibiotics like tetracycline block bacterial ribosomes, preventing translation of proteins essential for bacterial growth.
  3. Disruption of nucleic acid synthesis: Antibiotics like fluoroquinolones interfere with bacterial DNA replication or RNA transcription, hindering bacterial replication and ultimately causing cell death.

Why mueller Hinton agar used instead of TSA?

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Mueller Hinton agar is used for antibiotic susceptibility testing because it has a consistent pH and low calcium and magnesium content, reducing the likelihood of interference with the antibiotics being tested. TSA (tryptic soy agar) may contain higher levels of these elements and can affect the results of antibiotic susceptibility testing.

Why can't you take all of your antibiotics at once?

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Taking all of your antibiotics at once can result in an overdose and potentially harmful side effects. It is important to follow the prescribed dosing schedule to ensure the antibiotics work effectively in fighting the infection without causing harm to your body. Taking antibiotics at evenly spaced intervals maintains a constant level of the medication in your system, allowing it to work properly.

What was the formula of the original Mycolog Cream by Squibb?

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The original Mycolog cream by Squibb contained the antifungal medication nystatin mixed with the steroid triamcinolone acetonide.

Are there any cures for esbl infection?

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ESBL infections are typically treated with antibiotics that are not affected by the ESBL enzyme, such as carbapenems. However, the choice of treatment can vary depending on the specific strain of bacteria causing the infection. Consultation with a healthcare provider is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How could you explain the increase of infection in hospitals by antibiotic-resistance bacterial?

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The increase in infections in hospitals due to antibiotic-resistant bacteria is primarily caused by overuse and misuse of antibiotics. This leads to the development of resistant strains that are difficult to treat with conventional antibiotics. In hospitals, where patients with weakened immune systems are concentrated, these resistant bacteria can spread easily, leading to outbreaks of infections that are challenging to control.

Your dog has a cut on her paw Can you use cephalexin?

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I'm not a veterinarian, but I can provide some general information. Cephalexin is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections, but it's not suitable for all types of wounds or animals.

For a dog's cut paw, it's essential to consult a veterinarian for proper evaluation and treatment. The vet will assess the wound, determine the severity, and provide guidance on the best course of treatment.

While cephalexin might be prescribed for certain bacterial infections in dogs, it's not a substitute for proper wound care and veterinary attention. Your vet may recommend cleaning and dressing the wound, antibiotics (if necessary), and pain management.

Please consult a veterinarian for professional advice and treatment for your dog's injured paw.

Why does penicillin not affect human cells?

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Penicillin specifically targets the cell walls of bacteria by interfering with their synthesis. Human cells do not have cell walls, which is why penicillin does not affect them. This specificity allows penicillin to selectively target and kill bacterial cells while leaving human cells unharmed.

Why antibiotics shouid not be over used?

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Asked by SankarNarayana

Overusing antibiotics can lead to antibiotic resistance, where bacteria become resistant to the effects of the antibiotic. This makes infections harder to treat and can result in higher healthcare costs and increased mortality rates. Additionally, unnecessary use of antibiotics can disrupt the normal balance of bacteria in the body, leading to side effects and other health issues.

Can one antibiotic be used to treat any infection?

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No, different antibiotics are effective against different types of bacteria. It is important to use the right antibiotic for the specific type of infection to ensure the best results and reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance. Consulting a healthcare provider is crucial for determining the appropriate antibiotic for a particular infection.

What behaviors contribute to the development of drug resistant pathogens?

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Behaviors contributing to the development of drug resistant pathogens include incorrect use or overuse of antibiotics, incomplete treatment regimens, sharing of medications, and using antibiotics for non-bacterial infections. These practices can lead to the survival and proliferation of drug-resistant strains of bacteria.

How is cephalosporin administered as a surgical prophylaxis?

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Cephalosporin is typically administered intravenously 30-60 minutes before surgery to ensure adequate tissue levels are present during the procedure. In some cases, it may be given orally for specific procedures. The dose and timing of administration should follow institutional guidelines to maximize effectiveness and minimize risks of infection.

What is the purpose of ophthalmic antibiotics?

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Ophthalmic antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections in the eyes, such as conjunctivitis or keratitis. They help to eliminate the bacteria causing the infection and reduce inflammation, helping to alleviate symptoms and promote healing.

How do chemists use this fact to create antibiotics that can destroy a bacterial infection without harming human cells?

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Antibiotics attack proteins only found in bacteria. Each one targets a specific area, be it their cell wall, cell membrane, protein synthesis centers, and really any area that differs enough from human cells

How are bacterial and fungal infections treated?

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Bacterial infections are typically treated with antibiotics, which work by targeting the bacteria causing the infection. Fungal infections are usually treated with antifungal medications, which can come in the form of creams, ointments, or oral medications. In some cases, a combination of treatments may be used depending on the severity and type of infection.

Why do some antibiotics work better against gram positive then gram negative bacteria?

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Some antibiotics are more effective against gram-positive bacteria because they have a thinner cell wall that is easier for the antibiotic to penetrate. In contrast, gram-negative bacteria have an additional outer membrane that acts as a barrier to certain antibiotics, making them more resistant to treatment. Additionally, gram-negative bacteria may have efflux pumps that can actively remove antibiotics from the cell before they can exert their effects.

How can bacterial populations develop drug resistance and share that resistance with other bacteria?

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Bacterial populations can develop drug resistance through mutations that make them less susceptible to antibiotics. They can also acquire resistance genes from other bacteria through mechanisms like conjugation, transformation, or transduction, allowing them to share resistance traits. This exchange of genetic material can lead to the rapid spread of drug resistance among bacterial populations.

How can you reduce antibiotic resistance?

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To reduce antibiotic resistance, we should only use antibiotics when necessary and as prescribed by a healthcare professional. Patients should complete the full course of antibiotics, and proper hygiene practices should be followed to prevent the spread of infections. Additionally, we should invest in research to develop new antibiotics and alternative treatments.

What type of scientist studies how bacteria are affected by antibiotics?

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A microbiologist or medical scientist would study how bacteria are affected by antibiotics. They can investigate how bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics and explore new ways to combat antibiotic resistance.

How much water should be used to dissolve 500mg of Amoxicillin?

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To dissolve 500mg of Amoxicillin, you typically need to use around 5-10 mL of water. Make sure to follow your healthcare provider's instructions or the manufacturer's guidelines provided on the medication label for accurate dosing and administration.

How are new antibiotics developed and tested?

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New antibiotics are typically developed through a process of identifying promising compounds that can target bacteria. These compounds go through rigorous laboratory testing to assess their effectiveness and safety. Once a potential candidate is identified, it moves to preclinical and clinical trials to evaluate its efficacy in treating bacterial infections in humans.

How is antibiotics linked to fungi?

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Antibiotics are medicines used to treat bacterial infections, not fungal infections. Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that are genetically and structurally different from bacteria. Therefore, antibiotics do not directly target fungi. However, some antibiotics can disturb the natural balance of microorganisms in the body, potentially leading to fungal overgrowth or infections, such as candidiasis.

Is ampicillin water soluble?

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Yes, ampicillin is water soluble. It dissolves well in water, making it easy to administer orally or through injections.