



Questions about Ibuprofen, also known by the names Brufen, Nurofen, Advil, and Motrin.

1,563 Questions

How do you turn urine to powder?

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To turn urine into powder, it needs to undergo a dehydration process where the liquid content is removed. This can be achieved through methods like freeze-drying or spray-drying to transform the urine into a powder form. However, this process is not common due to the complexity and cost involved.

Which brand of ibuprofen dissolves faster and What is the purpose?

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Different brands of ibuprofen may have slightly different formulations, but overall they are designed to dissolve quickly in the stomach acid to provide rapid pain relief. The purpose of fast dissolution is to ensure quick absorption of the medication into the bloodstream for faster onset of action.

Is Ibuprofen a mixture or pure substance?

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Ibuprofen is just a brand name for the actual chemical, an aromatised propanoic acid, which gives the desired pain relief effect. Most commercially available ibuprofen, in painkillers, is often sold in a mixture with paracetamol and caffeine so that the pain relief effects are felt faster.

So in answer to your question Ibuprofen itself is a pure substance, but most over-the-counter Ibuprofen tablets etc are sold as mixtures with other pain relievers and caffeine.

How many ml of infant ibuprofen equals 70mg?

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70mg of infant ibuprofen is equivalent to 1.4ml. Be sure to use a syringe or measuring device provided with the medication to ensure accurate dosing for infants. If unsure, consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

Can you take ibuprofen with alka seltzer cold?

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It is generally safe to take ibuprofen with Alka-Seltzer Cold, but it's always best to consult with a healthcare provider or pharmacist before combining medications to ensure there are no potential interactions or contraindications.

Polarity order of ibuprofen Aspirin acetaminophen and caffeine?

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The order of increasing polarity for these substances is: caffeine < ibuprofen < acetaminophen < aspirin. Caffeine is the least polar, whereas aspirin is the most polar among these common pain relievers.

What is the functional group in ibuprofen?

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Asked by Jachas2109

The functional groups of anything are the croups that aren't normal alkane (single carbon-hydrogen bonds) groups. In the case of Ibuprofen there are two functional groups. The first is the aromatic group or Benzene ring in the centre of the structure. The second is the carboxylic acid group (Oxygen double bonded to two

What is the ld50 of aspirin?

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The LD50 of aspirin is estimated to be between 200-800 mg/kg in humans, meaning that this is the lethal dose that would kill 50% of the test population. It is important to note that aspirin overdose can vary in its effects depending on individual factors such as age, weight, and overall health.

What is the Chemistry of Ibuprofen?

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Asked by Wiki User

The solubility of ibuprofen in 15 different solvents including water and at temperatures ranging from 15 to 60 degrees is given in the following article. This large volume of very useful data is plotted so that it is easy to compare the solubility in one solvent to that of another solvent. Lee, T.; Kuo, C. S.; Chen, Y. H. Pharmaceutical Technology, October 2, 2006 This article can be found at Richard Kjonaas, Professor of Chemistry, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN 47809

Can you identify the RS configuration about a given chiral center?

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Yes, I can determine the R or S configuration of a chiral center by assigning priority to the groups bonded to the chiral carbon based on the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority rules. After determining the priority order, if the rotation from the highest to lowest priority group is clockwise, it is assigned R (Latin rectus) configuration, and if it is counterclockwise, it is assigned S (Latin sinister) configuration.

How much metaformin do you take?

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I am an artificial intelligence and do not take any medications. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized dosing recommendations for metformin.

How much angioprim do you take?

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The recommended dosage of Angioprim varies depending on your individual health needs and the advice of your healthcare provider. It is important to follow the instructions on the product label or as directed by your healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage for you.

What is the mass of 0.229 mol Mg?

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The molar mass of Mg is 24.31 g/mol. To find the mass of 0.229 mol of Mg, you would multiply the number of moles (0.229 mol) by the molar mass (24.31 g/mol), which gives 5.56 grams.

How does salt and fertilizer effect plant growth?

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Salt can inhibit plant growth by drawing moisture away from the roots, causing dehydration and nutrient imbalances. Fertilizer, on the other hand, provides essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that can promote plant growth when used in appropriate amounts. However, excessive use of fertilizer can lead to nutrient toxicity and negatively impact plant health.

Which is more polar fluorene or florenone?

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Florenone is more polar than fluorene because it has a ketone group, which is more electronegative than the carbon atoms in fluorene. The presence of the ketone group increases the polarity of the molecule by creating a dipole moment.

Is homogeneous mixture a pure substance?

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No, a homogeneous mixture is not a pure substance. A homogeneous mixture is composed of two or more substances that are physically combined and can be separated through physical processes, while a pure substance is made up of only one type of particle and cannot be separated into other substances by physical means.

When and how do you take liquid collagen?

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Liquid collagen supplements can be taken at any time of day, but it's recommended to take them on an empty stomach for better absorption. You can mix them with water, juice, or smoothies according to the instructions on the product. It's best to follow the recommended dosage provided by the manufacturer for optimal results.

How long after you take Pepto Bismol will black stools remain?

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Black stools after taking Pepto Bismol can last for up to several days. This is a normal side effect of the medicine and is usually temporary. If black stools persist for more than a week, it is important to consult a healthcare provider.

What is femimore what does it do to your body how it works how should u take it?

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Femimore is a supplement that is claimed to enhance female curves. It works by increasing estrogen levels in the body, which can potentially lead to breast and hip enlargement. It is typically taken as directed on the product label, but it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement to ensure it is safe for you.

What could be the cause of low body temperature in a human?

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Low body temperature in humans can be caused by factors such as exposure to cold temperatures, certain medical conditions like hypothyroidism or Addison's disease, medication side effects, severe infections, malnutrition, or alcohol or drug use. It is important to seek medical attention if a consistently low body temperature is experienced.

Can you give nurofen to a cat?

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Its not recommended to give your dog any human medication especially an NSAID like diclofenac. Severe liver and kidney damage can result from incorrect use of the diclofenac. This medication is best used under vet supervision.

Can you give a cat liquid Ibuprofen?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ibuprofen For A Cat:
  • Technically, NO, you can't give anything to a cat. Ibuprofen is deadly to cats and "Ibuprofen is reported to have potential for serious side effects in dogs and cats and is not recommended for use in these species." (Applied Pharmacology for the Veterinary Technician)
  • NEVER give your pet any medication without first consulting your vet. When I find out on occasion what medication I am to give my pets then I may go to my local pharmacy (cheaper) and get the medication by weight of my dog. Until the vet tells me what my pet needs, I never self medicate them.
  • No, I would check with the vet first! It may be fine for us to take medications to relieve pain but not for cats. The safest thing to do to make a cat in pain feel better is to get medication from the vet.
  • You should NEVER give a cat any kind of NSAID (ibuprofen, asprin, tylenol). Very small doses of these can be fatal to a cat. A cat's body does not have the capability to metabolize these well.
  • A cat cannot tolerate many things that are given to dogs. If your cat is in pain, take it to the Vet.

No. You should never give a cat human medication as this could easily overdose and kill the cat. Even giving a cat a tiny amount of painkiller could seriously harm the cat.

If you believe your cat to be in pain, it is best to take it to the vet so it can get the correct treatment.

What do you do for a cat that accidentally ingested Motrin?

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If your cat ingests any human medication, it is important to contact your veterinarian immediately. Human medications can be harmful to your pets.

What happens when you take ibuprofen with a can of coke?

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Nothing happens. I've done this many times, just remember to eat something before taking it.

Can you drink beer with Ibuprofen?

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It depends on the medication, if there is a warning on the medication that you should not drink alchohol while taking that medication, then the answer is a big fat no.

If there is no such warning, it should be okay, though you should always ask a health profesional about potential drug interactions before taking medication.