


Migraine Headaches

A migraine headache is a recurring headache affecting only a portion of the head, which is coupled by nausea, sleep disruption, vomiting, visual disturbances and depression. It is approximately 3 times more common in women than in men.

1,263 Questions

Damage to the basilar membrane is most likely to affect one's what?

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Hearing. The basilar membrane is a key structure in the cochlea of the inner ear that plays a central role in the process of detecting sound and transmitting auditory information to the brain. Damage to the basilar membrane can impair the ability to hear sounds clearly and lead to problems with auditory processing.

Why do thunderstorms make you feel ill?

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Thunderstorms can trigger feelings of illness in some people due to changes in air pressure, temperature, and humidity during the storm. These changes can disrupt the body's balance and trigger symptoms like headaches, fatigue, or aches and pains. Additionally, lightning and loud thunder can create stress and anxiety, which may also contribute to feeling unwell during a thunderstorm.

What is the barometric pressure within the hold of a typical commercial aircraft?

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The barometric pressure within the hold of a typical commercial aircraft is typically regulated to be similar to the pressure at cruising altitude in the cabin. This helps to ensure that the cargo remains stable and safe during the flight.

How long would it take to work off 50g of sugar?

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The amount of time it would take to work off 50g of sugar can vary depending on factors like your metabolism, exercise intensity, and duration. On average, it may take about 30-60 minutes of moderate to intense exercise to burn off the calories from 50g of sugar. Remember that it's not just about exercise; maintaining a balanced diet is important for overall health and well-being.

How long does it take a grenade to explode after the trigger is released?

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It depends on the grenade but typically about 4-8 seconds. The Soviets had a grenade called the F-1. When you got them, they didn't have fuses--the component that makes the grenade explode. The fuses came in a little can, and you got several time delays in each can. Most of them were five-second delays, but one fuse was 13-second delay and one was zero-second delay. The zero-second delay fuse was a trip fuse. You tied a cord to the grenade's pin and stretched the cord across some ground. When someone stepped on the cord, it pulled the pin and the grenade immediately exploded. Needless to say, you didn't put this fuse into a grenade until you needed to use it!

Can you stop concussion headache?

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What can I do for a headache caused by a concussion?

Is depakote used for anger management?

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Depakote (divalproex sodium) is primarily used to treat seizure disorders, bipolar disorder, and migraine headaches. It is not typically used specifically for anger management. If anger is a symptom of an underlying mood disorder like bipolar disorder, Depakote may help manage both mood swings and associated anger.

What could be the cause of pain on the front of your shoulder and travel down bicep?

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Pain in the front of the shoulder that travels down the bicep could be caused by issues such as rotator cuff injury, biceps tendonitis, or impingement syndrome. It is recommended to see a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

What does it mean when you wipe and see a light pinkish color only a couple of times in the last three weeks?

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Seeing a light pinkish color when wiping could be due to various reasons such as implantation bleeding, hormonal changes, or minor irritation. If it persists or is accompanied by other symptoms like pain or unusual discharge, it is recommended to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

What has gabapentin been approved to treat?

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Gabapentin has been approved to treat seizures, nerve pain caused by shingles (postherpetic neuralgia), and certain types of nerve pain (neuropathic pain) associated with diabetes. It is also used off-label for other conditions like anxiety, restless leg syndrome, and migraines.

How does taking a nap help a headache?

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Asked by Olmsted95

it help in a way that the person is relaxing and as well it gives you time to sleep

Can starting your menstraul early be a sign of pregnancy?

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I'm on ttc and this last 5 months my period is getting longer and longer. This month its 39 days and my bleeding only lasted 1 and a half day very pinkish blood. I dont have any sign of pms before period but once it stops i get really bad period pain. Is this normal????

Where is nitrous oxide found?

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Nitrogen is found in all living systems, it makes up about 78.1% of the air on Earth. In the earths crust, nitrogen can be found in abundance, it's used in ammonia which can be found in fertilizers, liquid nitrogen is found in everyday grocery stores to keep food frozen.

Do bananas trigger migraines?

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Bananas are a well known Migraine trigger for many people if they are allergic to them.

What tea helps migraines?

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Green tea helps migraines due of its caffeine content, which helps open up the constricted blood vessels causing the pain. The tea should be consumed as soon as you notice the migraine symptoms occurring.

Note that because you're dealing with caffeine, consuming too much of this can actually bring the headache on.

What medications can help prevent hypokalemic periodic paralysis?

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Asked by GaleEncyofNeuroDis

Hypokalemic PP attacks may be prevented with use of acetazolamide (or another carbonic anhydrase inhibitor drug) or a diuretic to help retain potassium in the bloodstream.

Can metoprolol be used for migraine headaches?

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Headaches are not a listed side effect of beta blockers, the category of blood pressure medication metoprolol is in. Beta blockers are often used off-label to prevent migraine headaches, because they relax the blood vessels of the brain.

High blood pressure can cause headaches. If you are pregnant, you should see your doctors to get an accurate blood pressure reading, because hypertension is a symptom of preeclampsia.

How to get rid of headache on the right side?

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Many possibilities, consult a qualified homeopath for a specific recommendation.

Does depakote cause hair loss?

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DEPAKOTE Generic Name: divalproex sodium (dye val PROE ex) Brand Names: Depakote, Depakote ER Sweating (usually with a fever) is one of the side effects of Depakote. Profuse sweating should probably be discussed with your doctor.

Is it normal to feel hungry when you have a migraine?

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Migraine is a genetic neurological disease in which pain is only one potential symptom - there are Migraine attacks not associated with any pain. Migraine as such is then caused by your genetic makeup, not hunger. Migraine attacks are often triggered by something that has disrupted the physiologic makeup of the body. Inconsistent eating habits are some of the most frequently reported Migraine triggers. This trigger can be a part of any type of Migraine.

For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and prevention of headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.

What tricks have you used to stop migraines?

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Migraines are a severe type of headache characterized by pulsating pain, sensitivity to light, nausea, and blurry vision. Different things can trigger a migraine, such as certain smells, stress, a change in sleep pattern, and even medications. Some people never get migraines, whereas others are frequent sufferers. There isn't a magic pill to instantly get rid of a migraine, but you can relieve pain and discomfort with a few home remedies and lifestyle changes.

Pain medications, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen taken at the first sign of a migraine can help dull pain and avert a full-out attack. Take these medications as directed on the package. Talk to your doctor if you're a frequent sufferer to discuss prescription alternatives. For example, certain blood pressure medications might reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.

Take a nap if your migraine develops after a bout of insomnia or lack of sleep. In addition, if you feel an impending attack, stop your activity and find a quiet place to lie down, if possible. Limiting the amount of noise in your surrounding is critical because loudness can worsen your headache.

Turn down the lights for migraine relief. Staring at a computer screen or sitting in a room with bright lights might worsen your migraine headache. Dim the lights and avoid computer use until your symptoms subside or weaken.

Use ice to help dull your migraine and bring quick relief. Position an ice pack on the back of your neck or on your forehead for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the ice and gently massage your temples and scalp to help calm the throbbing sensation and ease tension.

Keep a record to track migraine triggers. Your diet and surroundings might trigger constant migraines. Pinpoint the exact cause with a migraine journal. This is where you record all meals, drinks, and activity for each day, and then use this information to determine your migraine triggers.

Can you take excedrin migraine while taking Vyvanse?

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DON'T DO IT! Technically you can, but Excedrin migrate has caffeine in it, enough that when I took it while on vyvanse, my heart was racing and I could not stop vommitting. If you can drink a bunch of coffee while on vyvanse, you probably won't have an issue with the Excedrin migrane, but be careful when taking too many stimulants at the same time.

Can biofeedback cause side effects?

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There are no known side effects to properly administered biofeedback or neurofeedback sessions.