Because the person who made the sims, made it to where on the ps2 you can not have kids. Because most kids have a ps2 and not all sims games are rated E for everyone that is why you are not able to have kids on the ps2 Because the person who made the sims, made it to where on the ps2 you can not have kids. Because most kids have a ps2 and not all sims games are rated E for everyone that is why you are not able to have kids on the ps2
well i have the sims lfe stories and you can have a child on there and you probaly can on te sims 1 you just take your male sim click on the bed and say relax and the same with the female sim (you must have a double bed to do this) then take the male and click on the female and say try for baby. hope this helps. :)
you cant on the sims 2 pets i have that one for ps2 and it is not possible
on sims 2 for ps2 you cant have kids. there just arent as many options as there are for pc.
you cant. ive tried, its ipossible.
No, but you can have kids on The Sims 2 pc, The Sims ps2, & The Sims Bustin' out ps2. IF YOU WANT ME TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION EMAIL ME AT DANAGIRL444@GMAIL.COM ~SiMqUeSt~
you cant. sorry people say that you simply go to the phone and call a maid and dont hire her, you just wait but... THIS DOES NOT WORK sorry, you cant have kids on the ps2 lol your sims are basically fixed/neutered in the ps2 and gamecube verstion :]
no you cant have a baby in sims 2 pets ps2 but your dogs can!
You can not get pregnant have babies or kids in PS2 version
you cant make babies on sims 2 ps2, you can only do it with woohoo, i think you CAN on the sims bustin out ps2, maybe.
You cant
No you can not get pregnant, have babies, or have kids in the PS2 version of the game
You don't