It is possible that the yellowish discharge and clumps in your wife's underwear could be remnants of a broken condom. It is important to have an open and honest conversation with her about this so that both partners can take appropriate action, such as getting tested for sexually transmitted infections and considering emergency contraception if needed.
Is it normal to have discharge while pregnant?
no u should see doctor no u should see doctor no u should see doctor ------- i dont know who the idoit is that posted in front of me but yes- you still have some discharges while preganant. if you feel like something is not right-or just want to be on the safe side- you may want to check with a doctor- :) other than that- goodluck&&congratts~ :)
Is discharge normal in early pregnancy?
Aside from being bad for your hygienic standards (and probably your partner's particularly during oral sex), this kind of discharge shouldn't be of any concern. Keep yourself clean, fresh, and dry as this will help you feel better about it.
Do not douche, as douching upsets the normal balance of microorganisms and the pH levels in the vagina which can lead to bacterial vaginosis (BV). BV is a serious vaginal infection. Douching can also lead to preterm birth. It could force air into the vagina, which can be dangerous during pregnancy.
If your vaginal discharge differs from leukorrhea, you should record it with your doctor. Be sure to note any strange odors, colors, thickness, heaviness, and any other concurrent symptoms you may be experiencing.
You also have a mucous plug. The mucous plug is the "cork" of mucus that seals the opening of the uterus and can become dislodged, though generally it dislodges near the end of the pregnancy up to two weeks before actual delivery. The mucous plug is a gelatinous chuck of mucus that is passed through the vagina. You will also want to inform your doctor if and when you have passed your mucous plug.
Generally, yes. I am on my third pregnancy, and was always told by my doctor that this was fine. However, if for some reason you belive this to be your "plug" then you should call your doctor. Better safe than sorry, I always say, so I would give him a call. I'm sure chances are, you're fine, especially if you're not bleeding, or cramping. Good luck! I have some too (ew isn't it yucky?) and I read online that it is normal, it is actually the formation of the plug that is causing this!
Is discharge normal during pregnancy?
YES You have lots of new hormones surging round your body and they increase the blood flow to the uterus and vagina which increases the discharge from the vagina. This increased discharge should be clear and not itchy or smelly. If it is you may have an infection so should see your doctor. It is quite common.
Does a light pinkish discharge right after sex mean you're pregnant?
Hi i was in the same position, n had a pink discharge though it turned out to be the start of a period so wait and see if theres any change
It could signal pregnancy, if the period didn't start full force in a couple of days a home pregnancy test could be done. ~pawsalmighty
it could be Implantation bleeding take a test and find out if your pregnant
Why do women have heavy discharge?
Women dischard thick blood through their menstrual flow because the eggs that they have in their bodies for reproduction are being constantly sent out of the ovaries. If there is not sperm to enter these eggs, together with some of the lining of the uterus they leave the body showing up as thick blood. Other bodily fluids are present, this causes a thick like blood.
Can you have watery discharge when pregnant?
Watery discharge is your body cleaning itself out of any vaginal germs that may be present. Its also consistent symptom of ovulation. You may be pregnant yes or could be left over ovulation discharge.
If you are pregnant will you have discharge?
yes you will i am going on three months pregnant now an i havethick white dischargeand cervical discharge,,,, many women get that during pregnancy.
Is a thick red discharge sign of pregnancy?
Hello - Thick cervical mucus discharge (vaginal discharge) is often a sign of Ovulation, approaching period or pregnancy related.
Is it normal to have a heavy discharge when your pregnant?
Some women notice the discharge is heavier, some have it lighter and for others it stays the same.
Is a clear or white discharge a few days after your period should have come a sign of pregnancy?
Not really. But having a late period is a sign. If you are late, you should take a home test or go see a doctor to find out for sure.
Yes!!!!! Discharge is a sign of pregnancy - leukorrhea - this could also be a symptom of Yeast Infection or other infection. A whitish discharge, usually odorless or very faint smell comes along with pregnancy.
If it's fairly light, then yes, it's normal. If it starts to get heavier and/or brighter and is painful, go to hospital straight away to get seen by your doctor/midwife/obstetrician. Most women experience some kind of brown-ish discharge during pregnancy.
Does white vaginal discharge mean pregnancy?
No. It can be a symptom experienced in pregnancy, but it does not indicate pregnancy. If you are having excessive discharge, call or see a doctor, it could be harmless, or it could be something a bit more serious that can only be taken care of medically.
What are the unit of discharge?
It could me any measure of volume per time. In the USA it is commonly measured as Cubic-Feet per Second.
Should you be concerned about brown discharge while pregnant?
If it is in the very beginning of your pregnancy it is just 'old' blood that your body expels and is normal. Although if it is oddly thick or has a strong odor I would see your doctor. I would also see your doctor if it is not at the beginning of your pregnancy.
Is brown slimy discharge a sign of pregnancy?
Brown discharge is usually a indication of blood in the discharge. If you had sex around 8-14 days ago then this could be implantation bleeding. If your due a period in the next few days it could be pre-period discharge. If your itching and the discharge smell it is a yeast infection which you need some fungal cream for.
Do you still produce discharge when you are pregnant?
Yes, discharge during pregnancy can be completely normal. The vagina is a self cleaning organ, and routinely sheds small amounts of fluid out of the vagina whether pregnant or not. However, if the discharge has changed color, consistency or smell from your normal pattern, please see your doctor. It can be an indicator of an infection or other problem and may need treatment.
The best thing to do to know for sure if to take a pregnancy test, it's the only way you'll know. Nausea could be morning sickness and yes your breasts do go tender when pregnant and you may get headaches, although this could just be an illness that's going around. My advice to you is get the pregnancy test, find out, and if your not pregnant maybe go get checked out by the doctor just to make sure everything is ok
Can you still get pregnant if you have brown discharge?
can i be preganant with a tubel and brown discharge ?