

Discharge During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant your body goes through a lot of changes. One change you will notice is vaginal discharge, although there are several different kinds and several different meanings and reasons for this discharge. Ask questions here to find out what to expect with discharge during your pregnancy, if what you are experiencing is normal or abnormal, etc.

500 Questions

Can you still get pregnant if you have brown discharge?

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Asked by Wiki User

can i be preganant with a tubel and brown discharge ?

Is brown discharge and light pink discharge a sign of pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes this a sign of pregmancy... these discharge are called implatation bleeding and it last for one to two days--you can take a hpt to find out if you are pregnant or not..... best wishes

Not necessarily.. it can eually be a symptom of blood in the vagina.. brown for old, pink for fresh, but very small amounts... but the cause of the bleed is what you would need investigating... even if you are pregnant, no-one bleeds 'healthily' outside their cycle.

Brown discharge is known as "old blood" and this is basically left over blood from your last period being released. Brown discharge/blood can be a indication of a Urinary Tract Infection, Yeast infection and yes, pregnancy.

Brown and pink discharge does sound similar to implantation bleeding. If this is the case, you can see your doctor for a blood test now or wait 2 weeks and do a pregnancy test. Testing now with a HPT will be highl inaccurate.

Is pink discharge a sign of pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

As the baby grows during your pregnancy, the uterus is receiving a lot of blood flow in order to deliver all the necesary nutrients & oxygen your baby needs to grow. Often your cervix (which is the entrance to the uterus) is slightly swollen due to the increased blood flow. The blood vessels in the cervix are also somewhat bigger. Pink discharge after intercourse that appears as spotting can be a normal sign. The "trauma" of the penis contacting the cervix during intercourse can cause these blood vessels to rupture and a small amount of bleeding to occur. This is normal. However, pink discharge may be a sign of something more serious. Pink or red discharge is always fresh bleeding. Brown discharge is almost always "old" bleeding. It is always best to check with your healthcare provider in order to know for sure whether pink discharge during pregnancy is normal for you.


I got pink blood in my discharge can that happen in early pregnancy but the thing is I got my period 2 weeks later

Is brown discharge normal at 6 months pregnant?

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it is probably nothing to worry about some women do spot while pregnant, as long as it doesnt start to become heavy or start to show clots, or start to resemble a period then you are fine if youstar to show this type of bleeding speak to a doctor

Brown discharge and light spotting?

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Asked by Wiki User

well i am a surgeon and was a doctor for twenty seven years. From my studies it maybe be that the vagina hasen't been cleaned as often as need be,if the discharge is thick then you may have a bad yeast infection.

White discharge a sign of pregnancy?

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All women release white discharge, depending upon where they are in their cycle. As a symptom on its own, this doesn't indicate pregnancy. However, during pregnancy there will be an increase in vaginal discharge.

Can you have brown discharge in early pregnancy?

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Yes, Brown discharge can occur in early pregnancy. It can either be from sexual intercourse or the baby implanting. If you have severe cramps and heavy bleeding, then you should definetly call you doctor. It also won't hurt if you mention the discharge to your doctor! : )

What does it mean if you are having pink or red vaginal discharge?

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Asked by Wiki User

if you havent started your periods this is what it could be. If you have started your periods and this is occurring before or after you period is about to start it could b spotting if its possible it isn't spotting i would go seek a doctors opinion


ovulation bleeding or implantation bleeding

Is it normal to experience clear odorless discharge when youre 4 months pregnant?

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Asked by TrishaR

Yes its sort of like a vaginal sweat. Most typically normal unless there's a rather large liberation you should see a doctor. This also happens in large amounts when your sexually aroused or during sex. Then it would be normal for large amounts to be released.

Can you still be pregnant if there is white discharge?

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no the reason is the release of the cervial mucous plug. If your discharge is yellow, dark gray, green or anything beside white or off-white, you may have an infection, especially if it has an odor like fish or is itchy.

How can you tell what is normal discharge when pregnant?

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If it smells acidic or like ammonia it's normal. Even though it can be a freaky color and the smell is gross to your hyper sensitive nose, it's still normal. Especially at the first and last it can be freaky--at first you are building your plug and at the last you are losing it. If you smell anything super putrid or feel anything itchy, get checked. You could have bacterial vaginosis, a yeast infection, or any other number of things.

Are you pregnant if you have cramps and egg white discharge?

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(original answer) The egg white discharge has nothing to do with ovulation it is just a normal discharge. You can be pregnant if you had sex 1-9 days after your period ended that was unprotected

With respect to the previous person who answered this, what they said is simply not true. Your CM plays a big part in your ovulation and knowing when you are and are not ovulating and even if you could be pregnant. 30 seconds of research on "cervical mucus during menstrual cycle" will show that.

What does it mean if you have discharge with a strong odor while pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

It can be when i was having a miscarriage i was spotting a lot for at least a month but then again it be normal that's what my doctor told me if it starts getting lighter i recommend you go see ur doctor asap.

These are typically signs of infection. I recommend seeing the doctor to be sure.

Can one have periods and at the same time be pregnant?

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No, a period means you are not pregnant. If you think you have missed your period, talk to you local doctor.

Is liquid white discharge while 16 wks pregnant normal?

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during 16 weeks, the uterus is stretching and growing for the baby! So a cramp-like feeling is pretty normal and dont worry to much. Also during pregnancy increased discharge is normal as well (as long as its white, not yellow or smells funny its okay) If the cramps start to become intense, and you see blood/spotting, then you need to call. Never be afraid to call and ask your MW or DR about what your feeling.

If you have white creamy discharge could you be pregnant?

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No, it means you are getting ready to ovulate. If you have sex during the time this type of discharge is present, you can become pregnant.

Actually, the thick, sticky vaginal discharge you are talking about actually is an indicator that you are a few days from having your period, it is the discharge that usually takes place after ovulation. you can not get pregnant during this time with a normal cycle, you could, however possibly be in the early stages of pregnancy, for this discharge is very common into early pregnancy, and throughout most of it.

How should your cervix feel at 36 weeks pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

Response 1: You should not be attempting to feel your cervix at any time during pregnancy. Please leave this to your physician to do--if you were to use too much pressure or attempt to insert anything into your vagina, you might end up doing damage to your unborn baby. Until the very end stages of pregnancy, the cervix is thick and closed, and about all you can feel or see is the very outside of the opening (called the os) where the baby will eventually come out of. There is no reason the cervix should be felt, unless there are complications, after your initial OB visit, until you are close to your due date (usually about a month from it is when most physicians will start checking to see if you have dilated).

Response 2: I think the reality is, never insert anything dirty or sharp into the vagina. Common sense everyone. Unless you already know that you have some sort of problem that would prohibit self examination or sex during pregnancy, please go somewhere else for the proper research and answer to this question, which was valid, important, and completely natural for a woman who wanted to know. There are many amazing websites out there that show pictures of the cervix and provide accurate and interesting information. You can feel your cervix.

Is having a discharge a sign of pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, an increase in vaginal discharge in early pregnancy it attributed to the formation of the mucus plug.

Increased vaginal discharge could also mean a yeast infection too - don't be alarmed, just visit your doctor. I'm 18 and recently have had excessive discharge, but it was only a bacterial infection!

Do you get discharge when you are pregnant?

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It looks like clear gel sometimes or it can appear white/creamy. Pantyliners really help.

Is Brown discharge during 6th week of pregnancy normal?

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If you know for sure that you are pregnant, it is probably not going to be your period, although some women have experienced a "first" period then learns a couple of weeks later that they really are pregnant. It is possible that it could be implantation bleeding caused by the fertilized egg to attach itself to the uterine wall. Or it could be a cervical change that can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Another cause for bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage although the first two reasons for bleeding are more common, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor.

Is it a sign of pregnancy if you have white discharge with a bad odor after sex and you've missed 2 periods?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you missed your period for 2 months and it is not normal for you than yes you are probably pregnant and if you have a white smelly discharge you may have a yeast infection if you are pregnant and you do have an infection it can cause a miscarriage, you should see your doctor.