

Checkups and Tests During Pregnancy

During your pregnancy you will have many checkups and tests with your doctor. Learn more about these routine visits here.

135 Questions

How can amniocentesis detect a disorder like Down syndrome?

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Asked by Wiki User

Amniocentesis involves testing a sample of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus to examine the fetal cells for genetic abnormalities. In the case of Down syndrome, amniocentesis can identify the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21 in the fetal cells, which is characteristic of the disorder. This test can provide information about the genetic makeup of the fetus and help diagnose Down syndrome.

Can down's syndrome be detected through a pregnant mothers chromosomes via karyotyping rather than amniocentesis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Down syndrome can be detected through a pregnant mother's chromosomes via karyotyping. Karyotyping involves examining the number and structure of chromosomes in a cell sample, which can reveal genetic abnormalities like an extra copy of chromosome 21, indicating Down syndrome. Amniocentesis is another prenatal test that involves sampling amniotic fluid to analyze fetal chromosomes for genetic disorders like Down syndrome.

What is the process for test tube baby?

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Asked by Wiki User

The process for a test tube baby, also known as in vitro fertilization (IVF), involves retrieving eggs from a woman's ovaries, fertilizing them with sperm in a laboratory dish, and transferring the resulting embryo back into the woman's uterus. This process allows couples with fertility issues to conceive a child.

When can Down Syndrome be detected?

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Asked by Wiki User

A new test has been developed, called FASTER (First and Second Trimester Evaluation Risk), with which Down syndrome will be able to be detected during the first trimester of the pregnancy - about 11 weeks after conception - with 87% accuracy.

Can old blood period?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is one pool of blood, so that any sample will have both young and old red blood cells.

Can a DNA test be done before the child is born?

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Asked by Wiki User

A zygote is way too early to test but you can test a fetus but it is too risky so they don't do a amniocentesis just for that. You have to wait until after birth.

How much does a paternity test cost in court?

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Asked by Wiki User

Paternity testing can be done online. Your home DNA test kit would be sent to you. The alleged father and child can send the samples to a lab and have results in five to seven days. A standard test will cost less than $200 dollars while a legally binding test will cost less than $400 dollars.

How do you get a DNA test before the baby born?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes you can have a DNA test done while pregnant, but there are risks that you should read upon before choosing this option. The doctor will insert a needle into your stomach to the womb of the baby and take some of the fluid. But, I've heard doctor offices don't do these anymore because it has major risks to the baby.

Could you be pregnant if you have not had a normal period in 2 months but you have had occasional spotting and now you have some clear or slightly yellow discharge?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hi, The yellow discharge is not pregnancy related hun. This is caused by a yeast infection. You will need to go to your pharmacist for some cream or a pessary for yeast. This will clear it up. You cannot have unprotected sex while you have yeast or you may pass it to your partner and he in turn, can pass it back onto you again. Men do not show symptoms of yeast infections.

What does it mean if you begin to bleed but stop bleeding later?

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Asked by Wiki User

If it occurs once, it's a normal variance. If it occurs four month in a row, see a doctor.

How is Chorionic villus sampling shortened?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

CVS involves removing a tiny piece of the placenta and examining the cells.

When do you go to first doctor visit when pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

You should schedule an appointment as soon as you find out. Sometimes it takes a while to get in to a doctor. Start shopping around with doctors. Make sure you feel 100% comfortable with your doctor and you are going to be comfortable and trust them when you are delivering. They will do the first prenatal checkup routine, take blood, ask you a bunch of questions and possibly, but not likely, have an ultrasound.

Amniocentesis -can it be done in dr office?

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Asked by Wiki User

Amniocentesis is a procedure performed on pregnant women to determine possible risk factors with their developing fetus. A long needle is inserted through the abdomen into the uterus, being guided by an ultrasound, that extracts amniotic fluid. This amniotic fluid is then further tested to determine certain risks such as Down syndrome. Although amniocentesis does have it benefits of obtaining this kind of knowledge, it also poses threats to the fetus such as a .8% chance of miscarriage, clubfeet, trauma to the mother, preterm labor and an infection of the uterus. According to an article published in a Canadian journal, a study in Canada showed that amniocentesis performed between weeks 11 and 13, resulted in 29 out of 4,374 women gave birth to children with clubfeet. Because of this risk, doctors generally try to avoid performing amniocentesis before week 15 of pregnancy.

Could it be twins with hcg of 2573 at 4 weeks?

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Asked by Heathermomofcinco

I suppose it could be however twins usually are indicated by a high hcg level and 720 is not high. Your pregnancy cant even be seen on ultrasound with levels less than 1000 and in most offices they like to do the ultrasounds after the level's above 2000

How can you tell whether your girlfriend is pregnant if she won't tell you anything?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no way to tell unless she takes a test in front of you or shows you a test taken at the doctor. If her stomach starts to get big and round, then she is probably pregnant. Most women start to show at about 4 or 5 months. If you think she is pregnant, you need to ask her. You are as involved with this baby as she is.

When should doctor visits start for pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

A doctor may be able to detect pregnancy at around five weeks, though a heart beat will not be detected yet. Just an embryo and the thickening of the uterine wall.

Usually they set up an appointment at around 8 weeks.

In the UK you may never see a doctor unless you have a problem. You will see a midwife from about 8 weeks as well.

Can you do a paternity test on a fetus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. There are several methods including a procedure called amniocentesis in which a needle is inserted into the uterus and a small amount of the amniotic fluid is collected for testing. Recently scientists have discovered a trace presence of the baby's DNA in the mother's own blood stream which can be isolated and tested.

How long is a delayed menstruation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your period can be overdue by anything from a few days to 4-5 weeks. If you are worried about your period being very late, ask your doctor why this is happening and what you can do about it. Make sure you couldn't possibly be pregnant as that would be a reason for an overdue period.

Is it illegal to refuse prenatal care?

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Asked by BritneyHedrick

It is illegal (under federal EMTALA rules) for hospitals to refuse emergency care. However, they can refuse non-emergent care, especially in their various clinics and outpatient departments.

If you're 36 weeks pregnant and you took castor oil and now your contractions are 5 minutes apart when should you go to the doctor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Call the hospital now! If they are constantly 5 minutes apart you need to get there ASAP! Even if it's false labor it's still hard false labor--and they will either want to go ahead and let you have the baby or they will try stopping your contrations. It's not a good idea to drink castor oil at 36 weeks because your due date could have been slightly off by a week or two, as not all babies develop the same in the womb. But since the deed is done, call now! Don't even read this! Get off of the computer and call! :) Now!!