

Philippines Health

Philippines Health highly depends if a person could afford it or requires public assistance. To most of the poor, non-life-threatening symptoms go undiagnosed. Public insurance is avail is available though medical coverage is very limited.

563 Questions

What is the cause of primary hyperparathyroidism?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

Primary hyperparathyroidism is usually caused by a benign tumor on one of the parathyroid glands, leading to an overproduction of parathyroid hormone (PTH). This results in increased levels of calcium in the blood, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, bone pain, kidney stones, and weakened bones.

Does St Luke's hospital in the Philippines offer AABB DNA testing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, St. Luke's Medical Center in the Philippines offers AABB-accredited DNA testing services. These tests can be used for various purposes, such as establishing paternity, confirming relationships, or genetic analysis. It's advisable to directly contact the hospital or visit their official website for specific information on DNA testing services offered.

What hospitals in the Philippines are doing DNA testing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some hospitals in the Philippines that offer DNA testing services include St. Luke's Medical Center, The Medical City, and Philippine General Hospital. It's recommended to directly contact these hospitals for more information on the specific DNA testing services they offer.

How much is DNA test here in the Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cost of a DNA test in the Philippines can vary depending on the type of test and the provider. On average, a basic paternity test can range from around PHP 10,000 to PHP 20,000. More complex tests or tests for ancestry or health can cost more. It is advisable to contact different service providers for specific pricing information.

50 different government agencies of the Philippines and their department heads?

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Asked by Wiki User

Here are a few examples of government agencies in the Philippines and their department heads:

  1. Department of Education - Secretary Leonor Briones
  2. Department of Health - Secretary Francisco Duque III
  3. Department of Transportation - Secretary Arthur Tugade
  4. Department of Foreign Affairs - Secretary Teodoro Locsin Jr. Please note that there are more than 50 government agencies in the Philippines, and the information provided is based on the latest available data.

What are the different landfills inthe Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are several landfills in the Philippines, including the Payatas landfill in Quezon City, the Smokey Mountain landfill in Manila, and the Navotas landfill in Navotas City. These landfills are major waste disposal sites that face issues related to waste management and environmental impact. efforts are being made to improve waste management practices in the country, such as recycling and composting programs.

How many malnourished children are there in the Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to UNICEF, as of 2021, there are about 3.6 million malnourished children in the Philippines under the age of five. This high number highlights the ongoing challenge of addressing malnutrition in the country, which requires comprehensive and sustained efforts from various sectors to improve the situation.

What are the common diseases in the Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

The ten leading causes of morbidity in the Philippines are:

* acute respiratory tract infection and pneumonia * diarrhea * bronchitis/bronciolitis * hypertension * influenza * TB respiratory * diseases of the heart * acute febrile illness * malaria * dengue fever

What are the risks and benefits of GM plants?

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Asked by Wiki User

Benefits of GM plants include increased crop yield, enhanced nutritional content, and improved resistance to pests and diseases. Risks include potential environmental impacts such as unintended gene transfer, development of resistant pests, and concerns about food safety and allergenicity. Research and regulation are necessary to ensure that the benefits outweigh the risks.

What Philippine plant contains taxol?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Philippine yew tree (Taxus sumatrana) contains taxol, a compound used in cancer treatment. This plant is native to the Philippines and is an important source of taxol production.

What are the leading causes of illnesses and death assoicated wiht nutrition?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leading causes of illnesses and death associated with nutrition include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Poor nutrition, such as diets high in processed food, sugar, and unhealthy fats, can contribute to these conditions. It is important to prioritize a balanced and nutrient-dense diet to reduce the risk of developing these health issues.

What is the recent statistical finding on UTI in the Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of 2021, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common health issue in the Philippines, particularly among women. The Department of Health reported that UTI was among the top ten reasons for outpatient consultations in the country. Proper hygiene practices, increased awareness, and prompt medical treatment are essential in addressing this concern.

What is the history of family planning in the Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

Family planning in the Philippines has a complex history due to cultural and religious factors. In the 1960s, the government promoted population control through a policy of forced sterilization and mass distribution of contraceptives. However, due to opposition from the Catholic Church and other groups, the government shifted towards promoting natural family planning methods. Today, access to family planning services remains a challenge due to the influence of conservative beliefs and limited resources.

What are the 10 leading causes of maternal and infant mortality in the Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

The 10 leading causes of maternal mortality in the Philippines are hemorrhage, hypertensive disorders, sepsis, complications of abortion, and obstructed labor. For infants, the leading causes of mortality are neonatal conditions, congenital anomalies, pneumonia, diarrhea, and sepsis. These causes are often attributed to factors such as limited access to healthcare services, inadequate nutrition, and poor sanitation conditions.

10 leading cause of morbidity in davao city?

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Asked by Wiki User

The 10 leading causes of morbidity in Davao City are likely similar to trends seen across the Philippines, which include illnesses like pneumonia, cardiovascular diseases, dengue fever, diarrhea diseases, and hypertension. These conditions often top morbidity rates due to factors like lifestyle, environment, and access to healthcare services. Regular monitoring and public health interventions are important to address these health issues in Davao City.

What is the percentage of suicide in the Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

The suicide rate in the Philippines is approximately 3.2 per 100,000 people, making up 2.8% of total deaths in the country. It is considered relatively low compared to other countries globally. However, it is important to note that suicide remains a significant public health concern in the Philippines.

Formula of maternal mortality rate?

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Asked by Wiki User

The formula for calculating maternal mortality rate is: (Number of maternal deaths in a given period / Number of live births in the same period) x 100,000. This rate is used to measure the risk of death due to complications from pregnancy or childbirth.

Leading cause of neonatal morbidity?

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Asked by Wiki User

The leading cause of neonatal morbidity is preterm birth, which is defined as birth before 37 weeks of gestation. Preterm birth can be associated with various complications such as respiratory distress syndrome, infections, and neurological issues, leading to increased morbidity and mortality in newborns. It is important to identify and manage risk factors for preterm birth to improve neonatal outcomes.

Leading causes in morbidity after surgery?

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Asked by Wiki User

Common leading causes of morbidity after surgery include infection, bleeding, organ dysfunction, and blood clots. Careful monitoring and management of these issues are critical in reducing complications and improving patient outcomes.

Morbidity in japan?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Japan, common causes of morbidity include cardiovascular diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases, and mental health disorders. Improved healthcare access and lifestyle changes have contributed to a longer life expectancy but have also led to an aging population facing chronic health conditions. Efforts to address these health challenges involve preventative measures, early detection, and comprehensive healthcare services.

10 Leading causes of Morbidity in india?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Ischemic heart disease
  2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  3. Stroke
  4. Lower respiratory infections
  5. Tuberculosis
  6. Diabetes
  7. Diarrheal diseases
  8. Preterm birth complications
  9. Neonatal sepsis and other neonatal disorders
  10. Road injuries

What are the leading morbidity in the phil?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the Philippines, the leading morbidities include cardiovascular diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases, and communicable diseases such as tuberculosis and dengue fever. These conditions contribute significantly to the disease burden in the country and are a focus of public health efforts.

Morbidity of pneumonia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pneumonia can vary in severity, leading to a range of possible morbidities, including respiratory failure, sepsis, pleural effusion, and lung abscess. Morbidity can also be influenced by underlying health conditions, age, and access to timely medical care. Recovery from pneumonia can sometimes be prolonged and result in long-term respiratory complications.

Leading causes of morbidity in france?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some of the leading causes of morbidity in France include cardiovascular diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases, and mental health disorders. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, poor diet, physical inactivity, and alcohol consumption contribute to the prevalence of these conditions among the population. Access to healthcare and advancements in medical technology also play a role in identifying and treating these health issues.

What is the latest mortality and morbidity rate in the Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of latest data, the mortality rate in the Philippines is around 6 deaths per 1,000 people, while the morbidity rate varies depending on the specific disease or condition being considered (e.g., for COVID-19, it may be calculated as the number of cases per 100,000 population). It's important to note that these rates are subject to change based on various factors such as healthcare access, disease outbreaks, and public health interventions.