

Philippines Law and Legal Issues

Philippine laws are influenced by two different systems of laws – the Anglo-American Common Law and the Roman Civil Law. The Supreme Court of the Philippines is the final arbiter of cases. It also has the power to nullify a law.

496 Questions

Does St Luke's hospital in the Philippines offer AABB DNA testing?

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Yes, St. Luke's Medical Center in the Philippines offers AABB-accredited DNA testing services. These tests can be used for various purposes, such as establishing paternity, confirming relationships, or genetic analysis. It's advisable to directly contact the hospital or visit their official website for specific information on DNA testing services offered.

Civil service sample for test sub professional - Philippines?

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The Civil Service Exam for Sub-professional level in the Philippines covers topics such as vocabulary, grammar and correct usage, paragraph organization, reading comprehension, and numerical reasoning. It also includes questions on clerical operations and rules and regulations related to the civil service. Reviewing past exam questions and studying relevant topics such as Philippine Constitution, general information, and problem-solving skills will help you prepare for the exam. Good luck!

All about Philippine territorial water?

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The Philippines has a territorial sea up to 12 nautical miles from its baselines, according to international law. It also has an exclusive economic zone extending up to 200 nautical miles from its baselines, granting the country sovereign rights for exploration and exploitation of its natural resources. The Philippines asserts its territorial claims in the South China Sea, which overlap with those of other countries in the region.

What are examples of heinous crime in the Philippine's?

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Examples of heinous crimes in the Philippines include murders, kidnappings for ransom, drug trafficking, and acts of terrorism. These crimes have had serious consequences on the safety and security of the Filipino people and have sparked widespread public concern.

What is Article 2 section 22 Philippine constitution?

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Article II, Section 22 of the Philippine Constitution states that the State recognizes and promotes the autonomy of local governments. It empowers local government units to have more control over their affairs and resources in order to better serve their constituents.

What year was Article 370 of the Union Constitution adopted?

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Article 370 of the Union Constitution was adopted in the year 1954.

What is the contents of republic act 3573?

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Asked by Jessicajimenez



Section 1. There shall be established, under the supervision of the Director of Medical Services, an emergency hospital in the Municipality of Ballesteros, Province of Cagayan, to be known as the Ballesteros Emergency Hospital.

Sec. 2. The sum of fifty thousand pesos is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any funds in the National Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the establishment, operation and maintenance of said hospital during the fiscal year nineteen hundred sixty-four. Therefore, such sum as may be needed for its operation and maintenance shall be included in the annual General Appropriation Acts.

Sec. 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Is Roman Catholic Church registered in Security and Exchange Commissions in the Philippines?

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The Roman Catholic Church is considered a not for profit entity in most legal jurisdictions. Not for Profit entities do not issues shares and therefore are not subject to securities and exchange oversight.

Bottom line, its a religion not a share issuing com

really? so how come they put money with out profits? awkward isnt it, and how they can put money to buy shares of stock with out company? you think they can do that with out ITR or TIN?

What are disadvantages of K plus 12 in the Philippines?

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for my own opinion, one of disadvantages ng pagkakaroon ng K12 is dagdag problem 'to hindi lang para sa government, sa mga school staffs and personels especially teachers kundi pati na rin s mga magulang at lalong-lalo na sa mga mag-aaral. As we see, sa hirap ng buhay ngayon, hirap na hirap talagang magpaaral ang mga magulang sa mga anak nila sa sobrang hirap ng buhay ngyayon. Kaya nga maraming out-of-school youth dahil sa kakapusan sa financial, paano pa pag mas humaba yung taon ng pag-aaral.

Isa pa, kung ngayon nga na hindi pa napapatupad yung k 12 system ehh malaki na ang problema pagdating sa mga kagamitan, paaralan at budget para sa educaation, paano pa pag nadagdagan pa ng taon. Lalo pa't kung maraming humihinto sa pag-aaral kada taon, marami ding mga bata ang nag-eenrol every school year. Kung ngayon pa lang kapos na at hindi na kayang mgatugunan ng husto ang mga pangangailangan ng mga mag-aaral at ng mga guro paano pa pag may k12 system na.

Dagdag kaalaman nga ito para sa atin, pero sana isipin din muna yung pwedeng magng bad effect nito sa atin at sa ating kabuhayan .. :)

Current trends and issues in education?

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The Use of the Internet and Social Media as a Teaching Tool All students these days know how to use a computer and the internet, and most of them are using social media networks to share their thoughts and to support each other. Educators these days know how to harness the power of the internet and social media to get in touch with their students, and hear their thoughts. How the Condition of Educational Facilities Affect PerformanceBasically the better the building's condition, the better the students and their teachers perform. There was a survey done with different schools in the US as subjects, they sought to find out just how much of an impact a school building's condition and facilities affect the students and teachers. Some results point out that better facilities led to less truancy, smoking, and substance abuse in the students. It was also determined that with better school buildings test scores rose up significantly. And even the behavior of the teachers and how well they instruct their students seem to increase along with improvements in the school. Students Teaching Teachers Students perform better when they have the opportunity to tell their teachers what things in the classroom needs improvement. Contrary to the old belief that students are too young to know what they need, K-12 education systems now give the students the opportunity to give pointers to their teachers on how they can better deliver their lessons so that the students can understand. It was also found that giving the students the chance in contributing and even revising the classroom rules actually make the students abide to them; it gives them the feeling that they actually have a say on what goes in the classroom. Students tend to follow the class rules now since they had a role in making the rules and regulations. Paying Close Attention to Each Students' Needs Educators are not looking at their class as a collective; they see them as different individuals with different needs, which is why some students lag behind the others when it comes to the lectures. Educators can help these students keep up by giving them personalized attention. These are just some of the recent trends in the K-12 education system. These are promising signs that show the educational system in the country is improving and no longer stagnant.

What are the common problems of cooperatives in the Philippines?

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At the turn of the century, Filipinos in increasing numbers travelled and studied abroad and brought home with them new ideas. It was this group of Filipinos who were in close in contact with the new economic movement in Europe.

Two names worthy of note were Dr. Jose P. Rizal and Teodoro Sandiko.

Rizal, after his side trip to Sandakan, Borneo in 1892, requested Governor Despudol that he and some relatives and friends be permitted to move to that place and found a colony under the cooperative plan of Robert Owen. Instead, he was arrested for treason and banished to Dapitan, Zamboanga del Norte.

In Dapitan, Rizal had his ideas in cooperation partially fulfilled. He put up a school for the poor community on a purely cooperative basis. He also established a cooperative store with the help of his pupils. One noteworthy group organized by Rizal was the Society of Abaca Producers. This functioned for only one year. Rizal returned the members' share capital without any loss.

Teodoro Sandiko, in his travels in Europe, must have had a close contact with the cooperative movement in Germany where he came across with the Raiffeisen movement. He was very much impressed by this type of cooperative and he looked forward for an opportunity to have it introduced to the Philippines. As destiny might have its choice, Sandiko had his chance when he was appointed one of the early governors when Civil Government, under the Americans, was established.

Is the Philippines Supreme Court independent?

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i must say that we are not that totally free and independent for several essential reasons.......

for instance,like any other nations in the world, we definitely need the help of the first world countries(especially USA) being the most progressive and influential among all other countries....

the American government, may have direct or indirect contact with the it in trade and industry, commerce and tourism, employment ..... or even in some necessary affiliations in the government...........

Sources of government funds in the Philippines?

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The majority of government funding in the Philippines comes from taxes. These taxes are national and local and include income, percentage, inheritance, value added, miscellaneous, and more. The government is also trying to borrow money from other places to develop the country further.

What are the Causes of theft in the Philippines?

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One can likely list a hundred causes of theft or say reasons why theft is rampant in most places on Earth. For the sake of the one who posted the question, i will not question why Philippines was singled out and mentioned specifically. I dont like to revise the question only because I am from the Philippines. I wont retort on that. Only, i would like to answer in a general perspective as per my opinion.

Since time immemorial, theft has been existent. In my own words, theft is dishonestly taking ones belonging whether it be large scale or just small scale. I have the thought that what drives a man to thieve is his discontentment. Greed makes man steal. He can not find contentment that he will do every means to satisfy his craving to the extent of denying others the right to own.

And for the purpose of answering the question, here is my list.

1. POVERTY. I believe that poverty may cause all evil in the world. A man who has nothing to eat can think of all the modi operandi to feed his growling stomach. Without mentioning any particular study, it is known that crime rate is higher in depressed areas. Some would consider snatching, robbery, theft as their way to earn a living i.e there occupation

2. LACK OF EDUCATION. Lack of Education plays a vital role in theft. Without proper education, man will likely develop the habit of stealing. It is thru education that we establish the difference between right and wrong.

3. WEAK MORAL FIBER. Thieves have weak moral fiber. They are not afraid to do wicked things because they do not fear the Lord.

4. INEFFECTIVE LAWS. The laws enforced may be too lax that thieves are not afraid to be imprisoned thinking that they can bail out and be free again and do the stealing more frequently than ever. Law enforcers are outnumbered by lawless elements and are sometimes the reasons of theft and protectors as well

5. SICKNESS. As a contradiction to poverty leading the way to theft, even rich people steal. Wealthy people more likely has the nerve to steal lump sums and has the capacity to steal in a larger scale. Why do Hollywood stars shoplift?

Thank you though for letting me answer the question.. HEHEHE

What are the goals of the Constitution as stated in the Preamble?

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The 6 goals listed in the Preamble are :

1. to form a more perfect union

2. establish justice

3. insure domestic tranquility

4. provide for the common defense

5. promote general welfare

6. secure the blessing of liberty

The Preamble

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

What happened in the Philippines?

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The american give the businesses of Philippines. In the meantime, Americanbusnesses took advantage of Filipino workers.

What is the importance of rubber and corn in the Philippines?

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The importance of rubber is; we use it to make condoms. LOL

Explain the article 2 section 13 of Philippine constitution?

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Article VI has to do with the legislative department.

Section 14 is "No Senator or Member of the House of Representatives may personally appear as counsel before any court of justice or before the Electoral Tribunals, or quasi-judicial and other administrative bodies. Neither shall he, directly or indirectly, be interested financially in any contract with, or in any franchise or special privilege granted by the Government, or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, including any government-owned or controlled corporation, or its subsidiary, during his term of office. He shall not intervene in any matter before any office of the Government for his pecuniary benefit or where he may be called upon to act on account of his office."

Article 2 section 5 explanation Philippine constitution?

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This is brought about for POLITICAL STABILITY & ECONOMIC PROSPERITY to the country, to really enjoy the blessings of the Independence we aimed for & the Democratic Government we have .

What is article 2 section 18 of the Philippine constitution?

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LABOR.. 1. right to self organization 2. right to collective bargaining 3. right to collective negotiation. 4. right to peaceful and concerted activities including the right to strike. 5. right to security of tenure. 6. right to just and human condition of work 7. right to a living wage. 8. right to participate in policy and decision- making processes.

What is the Republic act 8792 about?

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From the website: 'This Law recognizes use of electronic commercial and non-commercial transactions and electronic signature; prescribes penalties for piracy of protected materials through the use of telecommunication networks and for hacking of computer programs; and prescribes grounds for liability of service providers'.

What is the legal basis for teaching health education in the Philippines?

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Education in the Philippines changed radically, and was before patterned from both of educational systems of Spain and the United States. However, after the liberation of the Philippines in 1946, Filipinos then had moved in various directions of its own.

Elementary and high school education is compulsory, and is administered nationally by the Department of Education, along with the assurance of funding for school services and equipments, recruitment of teachers for all public schools, and the supervising and organization of the education curricula.

Based on the current education system of the Philippines, students should enter elementary schools at the age of 6 or 7, and for a duration of 6 years. Then, at the age of 12 or 13, students then enter high schools for a duration 4 years, with a total of 10 years of compulsory education.

However, recently, the Department of Education proposed the K-12[3] education system, along with the new curriculum for all students (see its section below).

All public and private elementary schools, high schools and colleges and universities in the Philippines start classes from early-June to mid-June and end from mid-March to early-April.