


Farm Crops

Wheat, rye, alfalfa, soybeans, other grains and corn are well-known farm crops, but farmers might also grow fruits, nuts, vegetables, tobacco, food or bedding for animals, cotton, flowers, and other crops, too. Whether grown for commercial or subsistence reasons, questions about the crops and those who grow them on all sizes of farms in all countries and regions of the world are welcome here. Come on in to this category to learn more and share your knowledge about Farm Crops and those who grow them.

5,849 Questions

What is the difference between wool and silk?

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Wool is fabric that is made from sheep wool. Its spun and turned into fabric. Silk is made from the cocoons of silk worms. Wool is typically thicker, and silk has more flow.

What is crop removal?

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Crop nutrient removal is defined as the total amount of plant nutrients removed from the field in the harvested portion of the crop.

Why maize plant is described as monoecious?

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The maize plant is described as monoecious because it has separate male and female flowers on the same plant. The male flowers are found in the tassel at the top of the plant, while the female flowers are found in the ear or corn at lower nodes. This characteristic allows maize plants to self-pollinate and produce seeds.

Why does producing biodiesel from crops cause ethical concerns and.. Why does producing biodiesel from crops cause economic concerns?

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Producing biodiesel from crops raises ethical concerns because it can lead to food insecurity by diverting crops from food production to fuel production. It can also contribute to deforestation and displacement of local communities. Economically, using crops for biodiesel can drive up food prices, impacting low-income populations the most. Additionally, it can create market distortions, as government subsidies and mandates influence production decisions.

What does the Fourth Report of the IPCC recommend for Agriculture?

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The Fourth Report of the IPCC recommends implementing sustainable agricultural practices, improving soil management, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, promoting agroforestry, and enhancing biodiversity conservation in agriculture to mitigate climate change impacts. It also highlights the importance of adapting agriculture to changing climate conditions and enhancing farmers’ resilience to climate-related risks.

What climate do olives need to grow?

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Olives thrive in a Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters. They need plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil to grow successfully. Frost can harm olive trees, so they are best suited to temperate climates.

What is the largest fabless chip supplier in the world?

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Qualcomm is considered the largest fabless chip supplier in the world. They are known for their processors and modem technology used in mobile devices.

What year did farmers start using chemicals to farm?

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The use of chemicals in farming became more prevalent in the mid-20th century, particularly in the 1940s and 1950s with the introduction of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. This period marked the beginning of the Green Revolution, which saw a significant increase in agricultural productivity through the adoption of chemical inputs.

When do crop circles occur?

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Crop circles are typically reported during the summer months, between May and September. They are often discovered in fields of wheat, barley, or corn, and their formation is still a subject of debate, with some attributing them to natural phenomena, while others believe they are man-made creations.

Who discovered natural fiber?

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It is difficult to pinpoint an exact person who discovered natural fibers, as they have been used by humans for thousands of years. Different cultures around the world have a history of using fibers from plants, animals, and minerals for various purposes such as clothing, shelter, and tools. Throughout history, humans have discovered and utilized natural fibers through trial and error, observation, and experimentation.

What are the effects of Cadmium on agricultural crops?

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Cadmium can accumulate in the soil and be taken up by crops, leading to reduced growth and yield. It can also contaminate the food chain, posing health risks to humans and animals who consume contaminated crops. Long-term exposure to cadmium in agricultural settings can have chronic toxic effects on both plants and organisms.

Where is sisal grown in Kenya?

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Sisal is grown in various regions of Kenya, including the coastal areas such as Taita Taveta, Kwale, and Kilifi. However, the majority of sisal plantations are concentrated in the Taita Taveta County.

What does a spelled plant look like?

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A spelled plant is a plant that has been affected by a spell or magic. Depending on the spell that was cast, the plant may have physical changes such as altered colors, shapes, or growth patterns. In folklore and mythology, spelled plants are often described as having mystical or supernatural qualities.

Why have crop yields increased in the past 50 years?

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Crop yields have increased over the past 50 years due to advancements in agricultural technology such as improved seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. Additionally, better farming practices, irrigation systems, and machinery have contributed to higher productivity. Lastly, research and development in agriculture has led to the development of more resilient and high-yielding crop varieties.

Does the amount of sunlight a tomato plant receives affect the size of the tomatoes?

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Yes, the amount of sunlight a tomato plant receives can affect the size of the tomatoes. Tomato plants require at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day to thrive and produce larger fruit. Insufficient sunlight can lead to smaller tomatoes with less flavor and nutritional value.

Which constellation did the farmers use in olden days for planting and harvesting crops?

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Farmers used the constellation Orion to track the changing seasons for planting and harvesting crops. They would observe its position in the sky to determine the optimal times for agricultural activities.

How much sun does an apple tree need?

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Apple trees typically need full sun, which means at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day, to thrive and produce fruit. Adequate sunlight is crucial for photosynthesis, which is essential for the tree's growth and fruit development. Insufficient sunlight can result in poor fruit production and overall tree health.

What causes crop circles?

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Crop circles are typically created by humans using tools such as ropes and planks. Although some believe that supernatural or extraterrestrial forces are responsible for crop circle formations, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

What is veld?

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A veld is a type of open grassland ecosystem typically found in southern Africa. Velds can be characterized by their wide expanses of grasses, shrubs, and scattered trees, and they support a variety of wildlife species. The term "veld" is derived from the Afrikaans word for "field" or "pasture."

Who invented the Rotating field system?

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Asked by Jazz1124

The rotating field system was invented by Serbian-American engineer Nikola Tesla in the late 19th century. This system is a key element in the design of modern AC electrical systems.

Does corn grow at night?

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No, corn plants do not grow at night. Growth occurs during the day when they photosynthesize and convert sunlight into energy through the process of photosynthesis. At night, corn plants mostly focus on maintaining and repairing themselves.

What is climate in veld?

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The climate of the veld is highly variable, but its general pattern is mild winters from May to September and hot or very hot summers from November to March, with moderate or considerable variations in daily temperatures and abundant sunshine. Precipitation mostly occurs in the summer months in the form of high-energy thunderstorms.

Over most of the South African Highveld, the average annual rainfall is between 15 and 30 inches (380 and 760 mm), decreasing to about 10 inches (250 mm) near the western border and increasing to nearly 40 inches (1,000 mm) in some parts of the Lesotho Highlands; the South African Lowveld generally receives more precipitation than the Highveld. Temperature is closely related to elevation. In general, the mean July (winter) temperatures range between 45 °F (7 °C) in the Lesotho Highlands and 60 °F (16 °C) in the Lowveld. January (summer) temperatures range between 65 °F (18 °C) and 80 °F (27 °C).

In Zimbabwe the precipitation averages around 30 to 35 inches (760 to 900 mm) on the Highveld, dropping to less than 15 inches in the lowest areas of the Lowveld. Temperatures are slightly higher than in South Africa.

Over the entire veld, seasonal and annual average rainfall variations of up to 40 percent are common. Damaging drought afflicts at least half the area about once every three or four years. Everywhere the average number of hours of annual sunshine varies from 60 to 80 percent of the total amount possible.

What does planting the same crop on the soil for many years cause?

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draining nutrients from the soil

It can also cause a catastrophic rise in soil-borne insect and disease problems.

Which soil would be best for growing farm crops explain why?

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Loamy soil would be best for growing farm crops because it has a good balance of sand, silt, and clay which provides proper drainage, retains moisture, and allows for good root penetration. This type of soil also has sufficient nutrients for plant growth and is easy to work with during cultivation.

How does summer fallow damage the soil?

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Summer fallow can damage the soil by exposing it to erosion, compaction, and nutrient leaching. It can also lead to a decrease in soil organic matter and microbial activity, reducing the soil's ability to hold water and nutrients. Overall, extended periods of summer fallow can degrade soil health and fertility over time.